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Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
I'd like to know everything there is to know about Kendra, who appeared in the episode 'What's my line?' in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'.

"Those that can, do. Those that can't, laugh at those who can do."

- Xander from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'

[This message was edited by Altair on March 29, 1999.]

Posted by deadcujo (Member # 13) on :
spoiler space - dont wanna piss anyone off
When Buffy was temporarily killed by the Master dude in "Prophecy Girl", the new slayer was called in. In "What's my line" part 1 & 2, she tries to kill Angel, but she eventually helps Buffy save Angel from being sacrificed by Drusilla and Spike. After she helped Buffy, she went back to her own Watcher to continue to train.

In "Becoming", she went back to Sunnydale to help Buffy again. She was kicking Vampire butt, but in the end, she was hypnotized by Drusilla and killed (she slit her throat with her finger).

She was played by Bianca Dawson.

The Unknown Vulcan

[This message was edited by DeadCujo on March 29, 1999.]

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
*never did understand how they based a drama show on a comedy movie*

"I fart in your general direction!"
-John Cleese, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
DeadCujo: Thanks!!

TSN: It's a politically correct vampire slaying serie. I think that's the comedy in the *corrects spelling* serieS!

"Those that can, do. Those that can't, laugh at those who can do."

- Xander from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'

[This message was edited by Altair on April 01, 1999.]

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Erm... The singular of "series" is "series"... *L*

"I'll bite your legs off!"
-John Cleese, Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
Not in The Netherlands

"Those that can, do. Those that can't, laugh at those who can do."

- Xander from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'


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