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Posted by The Red Admiral (Member # 602) on :
$$Poss spoilers$$

Went to see it last night at an advanced screening. Forget TPM, AoTC rocks!! Fortunately I had avoided much of the hype and build up so went in knowing little of what to expect. The first hour is a little slow, we get to see a lot of the ins and outs of the Rebublic's political situation, but then it really takes off. This is the best stuff since RoTJ, and in places it surpasses any cinematic experience I've ever had. Anakin's slow demise towards dark side involves some truly moving and shocking moments.

Some of this film is literally stunning, and Yoda really is the star of the show, and i walked out of there really wanting to marry Natalie Portman.
Posted by UM . (Member # 239) on :
At last? Two, three years? Whoo.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Haven't seen it yet, but at least one reviewboy isn't particularly enthousiastic. On the other hand, which movie *doesn't* receive tons of negative criticism these days?

Anyway, I'll draw my own conclusions.

[ May 16, 2002, 10:56: Message edited by: Cartman ]
Posted by Tora Ziyal (Member # 53) on :
Saw it this morning at 12:01 a.m.

No, I'm not a fan, just went with a group of friends for the fun of it.

Overall, I thought it was okay. The action was the most well-done part of the movie. There's plenty of suspense, although I still don't understand why they were trying to assassinate Amidala. Special effects were cool, as expected, and Yoda's face was so fluid it was scary. He was definitely the man of the show towards the end. The R2-D2/C-3PO comic relief was interspersed throughout a big battle near the end and was too forced. Anakin had the worst lines in the movie second time in a row, plus he couldn't act. His "romantic" scenes with Padme were total flops. The lines were so cheesy people in the theater (myself included) were outright laughing. Try "You look just the way I remembered my dreams" or "I hate sand; it's rough...and gets everywhere. But everything here is you" (not an exact quote, but close). I mean, that just gives me the creeps, and it grosses me out when when I think of him as the little kid in Episode One. My friend (who IS a huge fan) said she felt like she was watching some kind of soap opera. I just thought Padme's an idiot if she fell for those lines.
Posted by Spekkio (Member # 729) on :
I saw the movie and loved it. All I have to say is that Mace is one bad MoFo. He had no trouble taking out Janga.
Posted by The Red Admiral (Member # 602) on :
UM: in my opinion this is the first Star Wars for 19 years. TMP just didn't cut it enough to count.

Indeed, the romance scenes were pretty dire, but the rest of the movie made up for it. And it was great to see 3PO and R2 back to their comic duo selves again.

But I thought the kid playing Anakin did a decent job considering the weight of the role he was stepping into.
although, what the heck was 3PO doing working 'where he was' on Tattooine? I can only guess his memory is completely wiped some time between Episodes II and IV, as he displays no recognition when purchased by Owen in A New Hope.
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
I saw it last night (or, really, this morning). I thought it was amazing! Better than Phantom Menace. It's a sci-fi date movie, no doubt, but it really is action packed!

Heh heh- Jar Jar starts the Clone Wars! He is the real villain for all eternity! Bwa ha ha! Anyway, Jango Fett was no doubt the coolest character in the movie, although it's unfortunate he met a rather unusual fate for a Star Wras movie...he lost his head...
The Yoda fight was no doubt the BEST SEQUENCE IN THE HISTORY OF CINEMA!!! I was laughing so hard when that little guy came out and started whipping Count Dooku's butt! And who could forget Mace Windu's line, "This party's over!"
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Jar-Jar is evil. EVIL I tell you.

Maybe we get to see him executed in Episode III: Downfall of the Republic. Or Collapse of the Republic. Or Wrath of Palpatine. Whatever, whichever.

I kept expecting Mace Windu to yell "There Can Be Only ONE!" when he decapitated Jango. Loved the shots of Slave-1 ... we saw a lot more of the interior (in a sense) then in ESB.

And Anakin slaughtering the Tusken Raiders ... wow!
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
I just saw it, loved that Yoda fight, looked like Kermit on crack, with a lightsabre. Liked the asteroid chase.
I thought it was an interesting concept to be controlling the armies on both sides of a war. Interesting that the Jedi's hand this clone army over to the Emperor.
Posted by Jernau Morat Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
I must say those Seismic Charges that Jango uses in the asteroid field might just be the coolest weapon in all of the films.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Those charges were awesome! The total silence when they activated, then the sonic boom. Sweetness.

This movie was pretty sweet. I saw it last night and I'm going again on Sunday. [Big Grin]
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Anything was better than TPM. The kid's acting was poor, though there was there was high points. What made the movie so successful was that it had about 15 years of waiting behind it. Yes, AotC had their hardcore fans but not to the extent of the previous movie.

I might see it either tomorrow with my DEP meeting partners or on Sunday. I read both the book and comic before the movie so I knew about Yoda saving the day. It's funny when I told one of my friends:

Me: "He beat the bad guy"
Kenny: "He beat the black guy? It's always the black guy. "
Me: "No the bad guy, b-a-d, bad guy. The black guy kicked white people ass."
Kenny: "Oh that's cool. Yoda is still a punk."
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Saw it yesterday.

Yoda = total badass. You can see why in the first films, he's referred to as a "great warrior." And not just for the lightsabre scene, although "Crouching Yoda, Hidden Jedi" was spectacular.

"Around the survivors, a perimeter create!" -- Yoda

New sig line?
Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
I just got back from AotC, and I must say it blows TPM away. Really.

I have got to say that Palpatine/Sidious is one master planner. By having Dooku tell Obi-Wan the truth about what's going on, everyone suspects that it's a lie. Add on top of that creating two armies to pit against each other and manipulating Jar Jar into giving him supreme power (okay, maybe it didn't take too many smarts to manipulate Jar Jar...), and Palpatine is poised to become Emperor.

Yeah, the Yoda/Dooku fight was spectacular. Yoda was bouncing off the walls, reflecting lightning blasts, and swinging a lightsaber faster than any character yet seen.

Jar Jar - A lot less annoying this time, but he winds up being the one that ruins the galaxy anyway...

Dooku - If all of what Dooku said was truth, do we take it that after Trade Federation guy (don't remember his name) spilled about Sidious to Dooku, that Dooku somehow found Sidious and became his apprentice?

Some interesting info... Dooku was Yoda's padawan, Qui-Gon was Dooku's padawan, Obi-Wan was Qui-Gon's padawan, and Anakin is Obi-Wan's padawan.

And we get a little more insight into the "balancing the Force" thing from TPM. Apparantly, the Jedi are having trouble using the Force lately. I don't know if the Sith are having the same problem or not, though.

And it was kind of creepy seeing Yoda commanding guys who look just like stormtroopers.
Posted by Vice-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
I was more creeped out when Anni was hitting on Padme than Yoda commanding the Clone army. I've seen better pickup lines being used on Dawson's Creek... Anyway, the movie wasn't as dark as I thought and the action scenes with Yoda opening a can of whoopass was worth seeing Portman and Christensen force out a romance onscreen.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
i went to premiere night too (and saw it on DLP w00t!) and AoTC ruled. notice that "Around the survivors, a perimeter create!" isn't really yoda speak? in my theater everybody was like "wtf?!?" when he said that line. oh well, it didn't spoil the yoda wig out session [Big Grin] .

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
If it wasn't Yoda speak, it'd've been "create a perimeter around the survivors!"
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
it's not yoda speak because it does not follow yoda speak pattern. never before has yoda inverted sentence fragments in such a way. always before he has inverted one word suject/predicate relationships. yoda talks normal for most complex sentences. "around the survivors, a perimeter create" sounds contrived and forced. they made it yoda speak for the sake of yoda speak, not because it fits into yoda speak. there is a thread at forum if you are interested in seeing why it isn't yodaese. just do a search to find the thread over there.

Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
[Roll Eyes]
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I figure that if it followed Yoda's usual pattern, it would've been: "A perimeter around the survivors create!"
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
[Roll Eyes]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
What I found interesting is that, when I read the book, I got the impression that Anakin actually had feelings for Amidala. However, watching the movie, it looked more like he was just trying to get in her pants. I'm still debating whether this was a result of bad acting, or good acting...
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
I don't get some people. Why would you read a book before you see the movie? I actually LIKE being surprised by a movie, so that's why I don't read all of the spoliers for things.
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
Don't question Tim. He knows things.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Veers: I didn't want to go to the movie and see all the spoilers for the book before reading it.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I was equally appalled by how un-subtle Anakin was with Padme. I mean...usually, when guys talk to girls like that, it scares the heck out of them. "I've thought of you every day for 10 years" to someone you're just seeing again is stalker material.

Now...I suppose it's fairly realistic. The guy probably hasn't had much experience with the ladies. But still.... that's coming on a bit strong. It's a good thing he's good looking, because between his hitting on her and his tantrum...there are parts of the romance I just didn't see working.

But, then...I'm bitter when it comes to relationships.
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
I was wondering during the movie if he was going to rape her and that is what turned him to the Darkside.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Well, the boy's gone through the best years of his life in complete abstention. Gotta give him some credit for not immediately jumping on top of Padme 'n rippin' her clothes off.

[ May 20, 2002, 13:03: Message edited by: Cartman ]
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
Leave that to the creature in the Arena. Like that wasn't a flimsy excuse to get her clothes lessened.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Anyone else expecting Episode III to have Amidala in a Princess-Leia-as-Jabba's-slave-style outfit?
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
The way I see it, at the end of Episode III she'll have either been pregnant the whole movie and give birth to the twins or find out that she's pregnant after Anakin slips her the brick earlier in the movie. It'd probably be the latter so that Lucas can do a steamy sex scene. [Smile]
Posted by Vice-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
I hope that it doesn't turn out like when Anni has a dream about his mother. The entire theatre was snickering because it looked like he was having an orgasm. Not that I minded...
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Finally got to see it tonight. I really liked it, and so did Kate - her opinion of Yoda is "I want one!"

For some reason that whole "Jedi don't have nightmares" "I heard you" exchange had people rolling in the aisles. Maybe there's a joke I missed, unless it was just Hayden's acting. . .

And, personally, the R2D2 - C3PO exchanges seemed perfect to me. OK, "What a drag" was maybe a bit too much, but "I'm beside myself" - instant classic!
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Yeah I want one too. I want a old jumping green midget too.

I think Lucas should have let someone else write the love scenes who actually knew what they were doing in my opinion.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
One thing that concerns me: Christensen is going to have to improve his acting a hell of a lot in about a year in order to carry off the scenes we expect of Anakin Skywalker turning to the Dark Side. And I don't think he can do it.

In an ideal world the next film would be set five to ten years later, and a different actor would be playing AS. Can anyone think of a tall late-twenties-early thirties actor who could carry it off? Sod's law we'd get Tom Cruise! Is it absolutely certain H ayden C. is going to be in the next film? Probably about as 'certain' as Stuart Townsend playing Aragorn I know, but has he at least been signed?
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Yes, Hayden will be in Episode III.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Actually, I'm not bothered by that. Yeah, some of the love stuff seemed a bit forced, but his "I slaughtered them. And not just the men, but the women, and children" bit gave me the chills.

Although that was possibly because they were blasting out the Emperor's Theme and Imperial March at full power at that point.

And the 3P0/R2 stuff was brilliant. Easily the funniest Threepio's ever been. Yeah, the "what a drag" was the worst joke ever, but when you combine it with the second worst joke ever, it was the funniest thing I'd ever heard.

I didn't think the comic relief was forced either. Certainly not as bad as that near the end of Empire ("Turn around Chewbacca". Way to ruin the tension there Threepio. Although you recovered magnificantly with "Of course I've looked better!"). And they got rid of it before the important Annakin/Obi-Wan/Dooku/Yoda fight, which was abso-fucking amazing. It was the perfect combination of the graceful Episode 1 "dancing", and the Empire/Jedi emotion-filled attacks.
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
As evidence that I am a big fat idiot man, I enjoyed Mr. Christensen's performance. The dialogue was a bit forced, due to it being silly and all, but he was convincing.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Actually I was disappointed with the Jedi sabre sequences...

1. Annakin and Obi-Wan - made to look woefully inept.
2. Yoda - hello!?! He looked like frelling Sonic The Hegehog... it's like they deliberately made Yoda move so fast, so you couldn't tell that he was a CGI creation.

Disappointing - nothing majestic like the end battle (Q-G, O-W, DM) at the end of ep. 1. That final Obi-Wan/Maul confrontation - where they go full pelt - there is that bit where they sorta stop - and their sabres are sorta held out there - you know the bit - I was watching it again before ATOC on a large screen with 5.1 THX sound (it was like a mini-theatre) at a Music Store - and they turned the sound way up, and I asked to jump forward to the light-sabre battle... It was WAY better than Ep. 2.

Oh and FOR ONCE they acknowledge that those bloody light-sabres give off light of their own.

Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
1. Annakin and Obi-Wan - made to look woefully inept.
Well, gee, look who they were fighting -- a very powerful former Jedi Knight. This isn't Darth Maul, who seemed to have had Jedi training for about the same length of time as Obi-Wan ... this was a Knight who had been an accomplished Master before Obi-Wan was even born (no doubt)! We saw that he was better tuned to the Force then either of them, on par with Yoda.

I don't think they were made to look inept. I don't know why you do. I think they were made to look not strong enough to defeat a Master Jedi with that level of skill.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
There were parts of the final lightsaber duel in Ep 2 that I really dug, like Anakin's attack with two sabers and the grace with which Dooku disarmed him (figuratively and literally). But I just don't think anything will compare to the Darth Maul sequence in Ep 1. I watched it again the other day and it's just awesome.
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
I agree, the lightsabre battle made Obi-wan and Anakin look terrible. I know the book said something about Anakin was actually weakening Dooku. Obi-wan did little after well placed hits on him. Yoda actually tired Dooku.

So the bug question who will kill Dooku in the next movie? Yoda or Anakin? Since only these two has the power to defeat Dooku.

And if Anakin is that powerful that he can wear down Dooku who could easily dispose of Obi-wan, then how can Obi-wan defeat or disable Anakin which has been hinted by a few people.
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Well I've just got back from watching AoTC and I have to say that it was crap!

The acting was crap, the dialog was crap. The Yoda fight was funny and the special effects were cool. I wanted to walk out after 45 minutes (my how time flies when you're bored s***less!), but only stayed to watch the Jedi fighting scenes - which were most definately not as good as I had been led to believe. The acting in the Anakin and Amidala scenes were complete crap, not to mention so forced. Ewan McGregor was a prat and so unconvincing as a Jedi or even as a credible actor. I personally think George Lucas should not have bothered with the prequals - thank God he ain't doing any sequels!!!

Out of about 200 seats in the theatre, 40 seats were taken - that's 20%!!! After a few weeks any other film, like a Star Trek film, would still have 50%+ seats taken. This is a bad sign - if it didn't have "Star Wars", "Jedi" and "George Lucas" attached to it, then this film would be a total flop.

"Around the survivors, a perimeter create!" isn't really Yoda speak? You'll have to do a hell of a lot of work to convince me of that! [Razz]

All-in-all: I WANT A REFUND!
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Wow. You can do simple math. You must be a genius.

On a Monday morning half the seats would be taken for a Trek film? Sure they would. What crack are YOU smoking?

You're entitled to your opinion. But a lot of what you said above is just stupid (namely, the bit about how many more seats would be taken by another film). It's a MONDAY morning. People are at work, or school, or they've already seen it fifty times.
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :

Stupid? It was Monday AFTERNOON! DUH! Who can't tell the time?

It was even a bank holiday! So I guess that with everyone off work and school the numbers should have been more. My figures were also based on any day of the week. It could have been a Saturday viewing two weeks after release and there would still be at least 50% of the seats filled for any film, not just a Star Trek one. Just goes to show how "good" the film is. So -

[Razz] [Mad] [Razz] [Mad] [Razz] [Mad] [Razz] [Mad]

I'm now gonna relax and go and watch my Sev Trek video - now that is worth the money that I paid, not to mention the CD is kewl and the t-shirt ain't half bad either.

[ June 03, 2002, 11:35: Message edited by: akb1979 ]
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
You only WANT to kiss my ass.

The point is still the same. It's Monday. It's a workday. People have already seen the movie. You're an idiot.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
the deer population must be increasing unchecked with their number one natural predator busy doing nothing but shooting flames here....
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
I'll go run a few down tonight to make up for it.

I just think what's-his-ABC up there is being a bit oversimplistic in that Star Wars: AoTC must suck 'cuz enough people aren't skipping work or class to go see it. And I sure don't think that the seats would be filled if it was a Star Trek film ... not on a Monday. Not after its been out for three weeks.

Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :

Sorry I snapped Snay - just can't be arsed to argue anymore. Like you said - we all have our own opinions.

My point still stands about the number of people and the time lapse - at least where I live - so [Razz] Plus the fact that people around here have done nothing but slag it off - I just saw why for myself . . .


Whatever. Later bubba.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Jeff: Y'know, you're really making yourself look bad here. He already said that it was holiday. How could people skip school and work, if they didn't have school and work that day?

[ June 04, 2002, 13:24: Message edited by: TSN ]
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
But. Four. Weeks. After. Release. Star. Trek. Movie. Half. Capacity. Monday. Morning. Obvious. Point. Jeffery. Although. Reluctant.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
To claw this thing roughly back on topic.

Several of my flatmates have only just gotten into Star Wars this year, so we've watched the films a couple of times. One thing I found interesting was that on first viewing they thought that Jedi was stinking horse shit, but that Episode 1 was really cool. On second viewing, Jedi shot up in their opinions (partly because we were talking through a lot of Jabba's palace), and TPM shot right down.

The problem for me with episode 1 is that is large parts seem gratuatious. The Pod Race scene was really cool the first time. I loved it. On about te 5th viewing though, at home, it gets a bit dull. There's far too much wandering about with no tension, no humour at all, horrible forward referencing "What is it's name?" "R2-D" m'lady" "What's that name again, I forgot?", and it just drags.

The final fight is cool. First time, everyone thought it was the best one. Second time, they preferred Jedi. Why? Because it meant something. The lightsabre fight at the end of TPM was glorified dancing. Ot looked spectacular, but it didn't produce much emotion. Compared to Luke hammering down on Vadar at the end of Jedi, which lacked almost any form of grace, but but had bucketsfull of passion.

For me, the fight at the end of AOTC marred these two aspects together well. We had the anger and emotion of the later fights, but still the skill of Darth Maul. And whereas all the SFX sequences in TPM seem too long (the Planet Core sequence never ends), they are too short in AOTC, which is far better. In TPM, Annakin would have done his two lightsabre bit for about 10 minutes, rather than the brief time he actually did it here.

And sure, the humour was corny, but this is Star Wars. It was funny corny. "I'm beside myself" is Threepio's second best line ever (after "Of course I've looked better).

And Yoda = class. Simple as that.
Posted by thoughtychops (Member # 480) on :
Well, AOTC is now my fave Star Wars movie. Possibly it's because I've only seen it twice and I've seen the others at least twenty times, but I believe it's because of that last lightsabre duel.
(And Windu doing the Highlander on Jango Fett. Surely I wasn't the only one thinking "There can be Only One.")

Did you notice how Yoda even caught the dust from the boulders Dooku threw at him? The trademark of a master: Strength and Control. A small, but appreciated touch.

Is it pretty well established that only the Sith can throw force lightning? And did you note that Dooku's hand was crooked almost exactly the same way the Emperor's was in Jedi?

Another small, but appreciated touch, suggesting Sith training with something so simple as a hand position.
Posted by Eclipse (Member # 472) on :
Originally posted by thoughtychops:
(And Windu doing the Highlander on Jango Fett. Surely I wasn't the only one thinking "There can be Only One.")

Well, we've had a couple of decapitations with swords in the movies, haven't we? You know, Gladiator, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Though it would be quite cool to hear Windu yelling "There can be only one!" as he performed lightsabre surgery on Fett's neck. [Smile]
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
As far as force-lightning goes, I thought the specific act didn't matter so much as the intentions behind it.
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
About that decapitation... When Boba picked up his dad's/bro's helmet rightside up, did anybody else hold his breath in anticipation of Jango's head rolling out of the helmet and plopping on the sand? [Smile]

A great movie. Too bad they had to add those 90 minutes of utter crap to the beginning of that great movie. It's obvious now why Anakin has all those cybernetics added when he becomes Vader: it's to make his speech sound more human and to give him a greater emotional range and more facial expressions...

Timo Saloniemi
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Originally posted by Timo:
About that decapitation... When Boba picked up his dad's/bro's helmet rightside up, did anybody else hold his breath in anticipation of Jango's head rolling out of the helmet and plopping on the sand? [Smile]

No, but I did think that a pool of blood and a little dribble from the head would have been nice. [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Supposedly, his head flew out of the helmet as soon as they both separated from his body. I'm not sure, but I think you can even see it in the movie. But the copy I have on my computer is pretty sucky.
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
I can see it on mine. Or maybe it's just pixel chop shit stuff. But something looks all fall outy.
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Back in the day, there was a building called a THEATER where you went and saw movies projected on a MOVIE SCREEN. It didn't cost a lot, either, just maybe $5.50 or so to see a movie.
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
The local theatre charges 9.25. I've gone four times already. So suck it. Suck it long, and suck it hard.

Granted, I only paid thrice, but still.

[ June 05, 2002, 11:13: Message edited by: The Ulcer Mongoose ]
Posted by Vice-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
I don't know, I pay $9.00 the first time I saw the movie, then $3.50 since my sister's friend works in a movie theatre. Try to find a friend who works in one.

Anyway, I forgot that after Episode II that Hayden made a little movie I saw last Fall called Life As A House. I rented the DVD this past weekend and noticed that he acted much better in that film than in Star Wars. Even his romantic scenes with Jena Malone was better compared to the ones he had with Natalie Portman.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I paid $7.50 to see it the day it came out. But I'm certainly not going to pay that more than once.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Nope, me neither. Guess I'm no longer as huge a Star Wars freak as I used to be. I don't know why, but the whole thing doesn't appeal to me that much anymore... perhaps because it's been hyped to death, perhaps because the magic from the original trilogy is gone, perhaps because I have gotten older. Whatever the reason, I seriously hope to never completely lose interest.

AotC was an enjoyable movie, but my expectations were too high to be truly impressed. I'll get the DVD when it hits the shelves... if only for the sake of expanding my collection.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Vice-Admiral Michael T. Colorge:
I pay $9.00 the first time I saw the movie, then $3.50 since my sister's friend works in a movie theatre. Try to find a friend who works in one.

Because it's JUST THAT EASY!
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
I saw Insomnia tonight ... wow! That was really good.

Is it only Alaska that gets that 5 mos each of all daylight, and then all darkness? Or does that happen to all Canada, too? [Big Grin]
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
Daylight? Then again, I haven't been outside in six years.
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
That would explain a lot ...

... except where you were for your self-imposed hiatus from us all.

Also, there are things called "matinees" ... much cheaper then an evening show.
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
Sunday Afternoon junkie myself. Except for AotC. Too many kids. I hate kids. One time there was this kid and...
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
How can you be a Sunday afternoon junkie if you've spent the last six years indoor? [Smile]
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
I-N-D-O-O-R-S. Also, you've spoiled my deception. I HAVE BEEN OUTSIDE RECENTLY! For Pornographic magazines and sprite, but still.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, if he keeps his car in a garage, and the movie theater has a connected parking garage, he could get to the movies w/o going outside...
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
Technicalities. Timmy, you get a raise.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
A financial one, hopefully.

[ June 06, 2002, 09:24: Message edited by: Cartman ]

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