T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Orion Syndicate
OK everyone, it's the spring break, I'm out of here. I'm going home, but don't have internet access at my parents place, so won't be able to post until I get back in three weeks time (unless I can find a friend or relative with internet access).Don't enjoy yourselves too much, I will be coming back. Look after the forums and I hope there's no crisis while I'm gone. See ya. ------------------ WARNING! This heamerroid cream should NOT be taken orally. [This message was edited by Orion Syndicate on March 26, 1999.]
I too am shortly to depart for a wee break. On sunday I head South to spread my presence over the unsuspecting Lake District. And then onwards towards the lights of the South.Unnervingly, over the holidays I hear rumors that the Uni shuts off internet access (EEEEEK!), although after much effort I have successfully arrived here today. Now I want a solemn promise that the forums won't crash, implode, move or turn all garishly red while I am on holiday!  ------------------ "To appear in an Ernie Wise play...is the final accolade" "Look at me and say that" "Accolade." "AH-hahaha!"
The Excalibur
Who were thoes masked men??Enjoy this time guys, there is no spring break after uni. ------------------ Dramatis Personae
The Vorlon
Vorlon's Law #1: NEVER tell us not to do anything bad to the forums before leaving for an extended period of time, because we WILL.I would think that since this scenerio has happened so many times before, that ppl would not temp fate with this particular curse/jinx/whatever... =] ------------------ Lyta Vorlon: "Our great mistake. Our failing. And now your failing. The error is compounded." Delenn: "What mistake?" Lyta Vorlon: "The first one, the one from which all mistakes proceed: The error of Pride..." -- Kalesh Naranek, Last of the Vorlon www.orc.ca/~jheinbuc/
Tora Ziyal
You get THREE WEEKS of vacation?? I get one damn week!------------------ "A fellow's invented see-through film He calls it 'cellophane!' Another has built a parachute For jumping out of an airplane! Remarkable things flow endlessly From out the human brain! Indeed And what a remarkable age this is!" --Titanic: the Musical
The Shadow
(I got three weeks also... )------------------ http://frankg.dgne.com/ Vortex: "It just don't pack the punch it used to..." Swindle: "Yeah, because we're out of energy, dummy."