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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lee: [QB] Ah, love. I'd never been in love before I met Kate. I probably thought I had, even though most of the time it was just obsession, infatuation or just lust. I don't think I can really describe how I feel about her. I can however describe how it affects you. When we were first going out, it was within a few weeks that we both decided that something really amazing was happening. One night I told her I thought I was falling in love with her; she said the feeling was mutual. Even then it was another week before I got up the nerve to say those three special little words. . . and promptly got her name wrong because I was so nervous. I can safely say that after that, asking her father for permission to marry his daughter was a doddle. How you experience being in love changes. Way back then, I could compartmentalise it. I'd go about my job, doing this, going there, seeing him, talking to her, meeting with them, getting that. . . and then I'd suddenly think of Kate. It all just takes your breath away, and still does. But now she's always there in my thoughts, sort of background radiation. Being in love is as now as much part of my life as breathing. She's my lobster. Everyone has one out there somewhere. So, er, that's it. Love, Lee-style. After a fashion - I'd been thinking about contributing to this thread for a week and still didn't get it right. Probably never will. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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