T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 205

It took the fall of an influential man to allow me the chance to spot a blink-and-miss joke I'd never seen before.
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
Ah, the dictators we've seen toppled and slain...and the less obvious ones that have risen, seemingly having learned from the excesses and errors of the prior batch.
Such refinment rarely lasts- in due time we may again see the colorful uniforms and preening before military parades.
Sadly, only Chavez still keeps the old traditions alive, setting an example for posterity.
Putin was born a generation or three too late for true greatness...
Member # 205
If by true greatness you mean ending one's career hanging upside-down from a lamp post, getting burned to cinders in a ditch or being suspended in the air with a stick up your ass, then no, Putin won't be getting any greatness, he's in another league. His pension plan is quite taken care of, don't you worry. Play poker with him and the second you blink your tonsils would be in his breast pocket. Chavez will die from eating fat food.
By the way, the image is from "The Naked Gun", after Drebin judo-throws Gadaffi over the shoulder. He has a badge on his jacket saying "I lost 23 lbs, ask me how", which is a joke on 80's weight-loss projects.
Member # 205
By the same token, it seems Esteemed Leader Silvio Berlusconi is escaping his opportunity for receiving some "true greatness" himself, like a rat fleeing the ship with whatever he can take for himself (being the richest political leader in the western world), Berlusconi is choosing to step down soon, and let someone else take the blame for being unable to fix the economy. The mafia will be sad to see him go.
Since he's vain enough to get hair transplants and obviously hasn't gotten obese from italian cuisine, the bioscholars think he will either be found after a night of autoerotic asphyxiation, or with a stiletto heel in his chest, after one too many mistress-slappings.
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
Silvio is out- and too slick for prison...assuming the next administration is as corrupt as his was (likely).