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Oh, the horror . . . !
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by LOA: [QB] Cody: If it helps at ALL, I have a 56K but I only connect at a 26.4... on a GOOD day! Sometimes it's even slower than that! And on the other computer where we have a 36.6 (though it's kinda useless now, seeing how the commports aren't responding) it actually connects at a 31.2.... No fair! :-P Anyway, I'm sorry Cody, and I DO feel your pain... remember how I used to have a 14.4 modem? *L* YOU were actually the one that talked us into upgrading, though we only went to the 36.6... hehehe.... THANKS FOR THAT ADVICE! :-D ~LOA [/QB][/QUOTE]
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