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[QUOTE]Originally posted by SCSImperium: [QB] [QUOTE]Intelligence, Integrity, Responsibility. Vote Bush/Cheney 2000[/QUOTE] Ay *ahem* I second that. LOL what about the one with the chicken or the hog in the middle of the road. Oh, now I remember ... it goes something like this: Bill Clinton and his driver were driving down a country road in Arkansas one night when the car accidently hit a pig. Feeling it was his responsibility, the driver got out of the car and decided to tell the farmer accross the road. When the farmer answered the door, the driver said: "I'm Bill Clinton's driver and the pig is dead." Well, at hearing this the farmer went into a fit of ectasy. The farmer went back into his house exclaiming "the pig is dead!" Before the driver knew what was happening, he shoved gifts into his hands. Offered his daughter in marriage ... [/QB][/QUOTE]
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