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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Guardian 2000: [QB] 1. Wealth should not be distributed except by those who create it. If I choose to give a beggar a dollar it is my choice. But to steal my wealth at the point of a gun and give it to the undeserving is a crime. 2. If harm is based on percentage, then why harm the rich more as we do now? The answer, of course, is that they are the minority. There are more moochers than producers, and so individual rights get trampled. "But they still have a good absolute-number-of-dollars", you say. But didn't you just suggest that the absolute value didn't matter? Further, there are issues of context. Stealing a dollar from a homeless guy hurts one. Stealing a dollar from an industrialist hurts many. A wisely invested dollar may double in a short while, and double again soon after, and so on down the line. 3. Jason, the word "holocaust" is not some Republican invention this year only. It was ridiculous for you to even say so. 4A. The 400 wealthiest paid a lot more than 2%. 4B. Corporations would have no reason to be overseas if it weren't for our ridiculously high tax rates and burdensome regulations (a fact so obvious even Obama is paying lip service to it). America will only regain former glory if the slow leftward stumble is finally righted. 5. Liberalism is not defined as being "for social justice or elevating poor people" . . . not that liberals even do such things to begin with. Though I appreciate your desperate attempt to move the goalposts. In any case, liberals and other left-wing types like socialists and communists are indeed pretty staunchly anti-capitalist. It goes with the territory. The fact that you can rail against the rich and rail against corporations and demand excessive taxation of them while claiming not to subscribe to leftist economic theories is truly astounding. I suppose in your warped little noggin, a pot-smoking hippie in a band driving a little foreign car covered with bumper stickers like "Buck Fush" and "Make Love Not War" and so on is a card-carrying conservative Republican. But as we've seen well-established in this thread, you and reality aren't really on speaking terms. 6. By the way, did you hear the news that the Tucson shooter really hated Bush? Seems like that Bush Derangement Syndrome that you liberals suffer from even to this day is really bringing out your violent streaks even more than usual. Maybe if you guys were more civil with your violence-laced vitriol, none of this would have happened. Indeed, the blood of Tucson is on your wretched little hands. Yours, personally, Jason, even though you didn't know the guy and he never heard you speak. ... ... ... Annoying to be falsely accused of inciting violence, idnit? That said, though, leftist violence is on the rise, even as the media ignores it or tries to pretend that it's right-wingers. Borrowing a list from elsewhere: * It was not the fear of conservative violence that caused Ann Coulter's speech to be cancelled this week. * It was a liberal who bit the finger off a man who disagreed with him on healthcare. * It was Obama-loving Amy Bishop who took a gun to work and murdered co-workers. * Joseph Stack flew his plane into the IRS building after writing an anti-conservative manifesto. * It was liberals who destroyed AM radio towers outside of Seattle. * It's liberals who burn down Hummer dealerships. * It was progressive SEIU union thugs who beat a black conservative man who spoke his mind. * It's doubtful that a conservative fired shots into a GOP campaign headquarters. * In fact, Democrats have no monopoly on having their offices vandalized. * Don't forget it was Obama's friend Bill Ayers who used terrorism as a tool for political change. SDS is still radical, with arrests in 2007 and the storming of the CATO Institute in July 2008. * It was a liberal who was sentenced to two years for bringing bombs and riot shields to the Republican National Convention in 2008. * It was a liberal who threatened to kill a government informant who infiltrated her Austin-based group that planned to bomb the RNC. * It was liberals who assaulted police in Berkeley. * It was liberals who intimidated and threw rocks through the windows of researchers. * The two Black Panthers who stood outside polls intimidating people with nightsticks were probably not right-wingers. * Every time the G20 gets together, it's not conservatives who destroy property and cause chaos. Read more: Go spew and spittle your angry leftist fail somewhere else. It is not related to reality, and so I'm not falling for it. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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