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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Guardian 2000: [QB] I don't want the rule of law abrogated. However, I also think that flagrant abuses of the law (e.g. Enron) are a symptom of the problem, and not the problem itself. The more squeeze you put on businesses large and small, the more desperate their ploys to make money. Hence the gambling game that was a contributing factor to the financial crisis, and hence business-owners who have no ethics whatsoever. Imagine an America with a more proper tax system, where a small business owner doesn't feel the need to be a quick-buck sleaze-bucket to make enough to pay for all the taxes and regulation-required costs of doing business. Oh, and regarding the oil rig, were you not aware of the federal regulators (your guys, ostensibly) who weren't doing their jobs? And what of that boom system that the government claimed to have ready from the 90s on but failed to deploy? I think BP got more screwed on that deal than most care to admit. And I live here. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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