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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jason Abbadon: [QB] I think BP got screwed more than their two accomplices, but only time will tell if they got screwed enough- there's a lot of oil still down there and no one has a clue what the environmental damage reallly is. The government regulators had been in bed 9sometimes literally) with oil lobbiests for years- it was a failure all around, in every way....but consider the 700 plus safety violations BP had that year alone and comapre that record with Exxon's ONE violation. Hopefully, BP will clean up it's safety standards like Exxon did. As to Enron and ethics, do you agree with the Supreme Court's striking down the Honest Servies law? That move is going to get a lot of Enron's executives (and shady politicians) out of jail (or at least a new trial). [/QB][/QUOTE]
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