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Yet Again: The Political Compass
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by MinutiaeMan: [QB] Economic Left/Right: -7.63 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.28 Fascinating. I got the <em>exact</em> same score economically, but swung a fair bit more libertarian socially. Probably a reaction to becoming more conscious of all the shit still wrong in our society over the last year or so. And/or a reaction to our authoritarian jackass of a president over the past four years. You can tell the test questions haven't been changed in 15-20 years... probably a good thing as far as keeping consistency in the results, but the choice of some topics and the omission of others becomes more noticeable as time goes on. Though it's also depressing that we're still dealing with the many of the exact same issues that keeps the test still perfectly relevant as is. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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