T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 343
Okay, so I'll leave the plot summaries to others, but there was a LOT of ref dropping here, & not so subtly:
• "Yesterday's Enterprise"! • "Through A Mirror, Darkly"! • Dukat! • Martok! • Sisko! • Sarek!
Speaking of the last, the Vulcan ships being blown away by Rios' squad are the same ones used by DiscoSarek in that show's S1 & 2.
The First Contact Borg music cues when Picard & the Queen meet were a nice touch. Repurposing a very identifiable modern Hong Kong as alt-future Okinawa was not.
Elnor is the biggest fucking himbo around.
Where is Soji? Will that have to do with Adam Soong in the past? Interesting casting note: alt-Seven's hubby, the Magistrate of Earth (weird-as title) is played by Jon Jon Briones—the brother of Isa Briones.
Guardian 2000
Member # 743
Soji hooks up with Adam, creating the mother of modern humanity, because all this has happ . . . wait, wrong franchise.
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
quote: the Magistrate of Earth (weird-as title) is played by Jon Jon Briones—the brother of Isa Briones.
Well, that's creepy since he's also her father.
Not that I put much thought into it, but I always figured Ferengi ears were mostly cartilage.
General Ben Sisko? Or General Jake Sisko?
Member # 343
Was it her dad? I thought...never mind.
Geberal Joe Sisko!
Member # 138
For me, I loved the cat voiced by Patton Oswalt. I was like, "Is that fucking Patton Oswalt in Star Trek?!"
Member # 343
{Wayne} Was it realleh? {/Wayne}
Member # 393
I think he’s been in just about everything genre or pop-culturally significant but a Star War at this point. And Doctor Who. He clocks up those, he’s basically eclipsed W. Morgan Shepherd. Probably already has if anyone cares to run the numbers.
Member # 138
Yeah I get it... I just never thought I'd see or hear Oswalt in Trek. Maybe that's just me. Also the fact the hologram animated cat was named Spot - 73 after the E-D's unofficial mascot cat.
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
Even with his holograms, it was weird that Rios didn't have a crew on La Sirena in this episode.
Member # 393
It was weird that an obvious freighter was being used as a fighter, TBH. There are some very odd decisions being made all round, so far; but I’ll reserve judgement (and accounting) until later in the season, in case they turn out to have reasons for being so.
Member # 444
I also loved the shoutouts, both to in-universe characters and even the meta episode titles (cheesy though they were). There were apparently a few other shoutouts in the president’s intelligence briefing according to Twitter:
Field officer for the Andorian rebellion: Lt. Colonel Tasha Yar Field officer for the Dominion Alliance war: General Miles O’Brien Vulcan leader: Fleet Commander Tuvok
I also wondered what the heck a fleet of freighters was doing in a dogfight. I could see the design maybe adapted as troop and equipment transports for orbital assault and landing. But regardless, it made no sense for Rios to be flying the ship alone and empty.
Member # 322
So the Kaplan F17 freighers are patrol frigates in the Confederation timeline:
CSS Cetus NCC-93130 CSS La Sirena NCC-93131 CSS Hydra NCC-93135 CSS Charybis NCC-93137 CSS Makara NCC-93142 CSS Selkie NCC-93147
Member # 322
The scull collection in detail: Gul Dukat (Cardassian) Director Sarek (Vulcan) Grand Nagus Zek (Ferengi) Chieftain M'Talas (Lihn Zhee) General Martok (Klingon) Commodore Y'Shi (Saurian) One of Two (Borg Sentinel)
I like the green tint of the Vulcan scull, but strongly dislike the Disco Klingon for Martok.
Also 4 additional Kaplan frigates:
CSS Cetus NCC-93130 CSS La Sirena NCC-93131 CSS Hydra NCC-93135 CSS Charybis NCC-93137 CSS Makara NCC-93142 CSS Selkie NCC-93147 CSS Kappa NCC-93154 CSS Ahuizotl NCC-93159 CSS Zin Kibaru NCC-93161 CSS Scylla NCC-93165