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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dukhat: [QB] Canon and continuity are two different things. Canon is what the people in charge of Star Trek declare to be official, which is only what is shown on screen the last time I checked. Which includes DSC. Continuity is how everything in those canon works are related. And in 50+ years of televised Trek, there are things that are going to be inconsistent. It's not going to match up 100%. That doesn't mean that there are two separate 'continuities' or 'universes.' Like it or not, TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, DSC, PIC, LDS, PRO and SNW all take place in the same universe. The main difference now is that the producers of DSC decided that they were going to reboot the visuals instead of making things look like they did in the '60's. So the Matt Jeffries TOS Enterprise design we've seen for 50+ years has now changed into that thing John Eaves designed, but it's supposed to be the same ship. And to hit us over the head with their decision, they showed that design in PIC to reinforce that this is what things actually look like, and our eyes have been fooling us all this time. Although it seems like successive shows like LDS and PRO are returning to TOS roots by showing the original Enterprise and characters like Spock, Uhura, et. al played by their original actors rather than the new actors in the newer shows. Confusing, yes. Of course, a side-effect of rebooting the visuals is that the older shows that take place a century later (TNG et. al) now look less advanced than what we're seeing in DSC. But I suppose that can't be helped. Everything gets dated over time. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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