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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Guardian 2000: [QB] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Dukhat: [qb] Canon and continuity are two different things. Canon is what the people in charge of Star Trek declare to be official, which is only what is shown on screen the last time I checked. Which includes DSC. [/qb] [/QUOTE]That's not what Kurtzman says. There are quotes in the link of the first post. He's quite explicit that the old rule is no more. [QUOTE] [qb] Like it or not, TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, DSC, PIC, LDS, PRO and SNW all take place in the same universe. [/qb] [/QUOTE]They literally can't. I'm not talking about detail differences. I'm talking about basic rules and logic. Yes, CBS/Paramount can *declare* a universe. We could also buy up franchises and declare Stargate and Star Trek are in the same universe. People can argue all day about the continuity headaches of that, but the simple fact is that, *regardless of continuity issues*, a new show set in the Stargate Trek universe simply isn't part of the original Stargate universe *or* the original Trek universe, logically, per the Tuvix argument. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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