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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Krenim: [QB] We (the fans) do not decide what is canon and what is not. CBS/Paramount/whoever do. They say that 3rd Generation Star Trek (Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy, Strange New Worlds, etc.) exist in the same universe as those shows that came before. Therefore, they do. Are there continuity hiccups? Absolutely. I might even go so far as to say there are plenty. But as Dukhat pointed out, that's to be expected for a franchise that's over 50 years old. Especially so since 3rd Generation is being made overall by different folks. But... this whole argument that this is a different timeline? I just don't get it, especially the way that such arguments are worded. Almost as if its "gotcha" news reporting. "Hey guys! I've figured out that STD isn't Prime! They've been lying to us all along!" Remember the good old days when we blamed continuity snarls on the writers out-of-universe rather than conjuring entirely new universes out of thin air? [/QB][/QUOTE]
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