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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Zipacna: [QB] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Guardian 2000: [qb]The problem is that "Prime" is *not* the same thing as the Star Trek Original Universe. The "Prime" canon, per Kurtzman's consistent statements over the years, is that Prime Star Trek includes the continuity of the novels, comics, and so on, *and that set of facts is what they try to adhere to*. The Star Trek Original Universe canon specifically rejected those works as being part of continuity (even with the occasional pilfer that graduated the pilfered info to canon status). Ergo, the new Star Trek brand shows are not and logically cannot be part of the Original Universe. [/qb][/QUOTE]There's one glaringly obvious problem with this statement in that not only are the novels etc inconsistent with what was show on TV in classic Trek, the vast majority are actually directly contradicted by the new Trek...the most glaring problems being things like Data having been resurrected in an android body (specifically B4's body) in the novelverse, but we've been told directly in Picard that this wasn't the case. The portrayal of the mirror universe in Discovery also directly contradicts the novelverse, where the third generation clone of Hoshi Sato is the empress...not Georgiou. I could go on pointing out the incompatabilities, but it's fairly obvious that they're not viewing Prime canon as including anything outside of what was shown on screen. At best you've got a multiverse, where the novelverse is being treated as a seperate timeline in and of itself. I'm not saying new Trek is perfect, because it's not. As others have said, though, new Trek is in the classic timeline whether we like it or not. It's sad that we, as a community, don't do what we used too once upon a time and try to find a way to explain away inconsistencies, rather than completely throw what we don't like away. Besides, technically the prime timeline started deviating back in 1967...'The Squire of Gothos', after all, was set 900 years in our future according to Trelane himself. ;) [/QB][/QUOTE]
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