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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Guardian 2000: [QB] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Zipacna: [qb] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Guardian 2000: [qb]The problem is that "Prime" is *not* the same thing as the Star Trek Original Universe. The "Prime" canon, per Kurtzman's consistent statements over the years, is that Prime Star Trek includes the continuity of the novels, comics, and so on, *and that set of facts is what they try to adhere to*. The Star Trek Original Universe canon specifically rejected those works as being part of continuity (even with the occasional pilfer that graduated the pilfered info to canon status). Ergo, the new Star Trek brand shows are not and logically cannot be part of the Original Universe. [/qb][/QUOTE]There's one glaringly obvious problem with this statement in that not only are the novels etc inconsistent with what was show on TV in classic Trek, the vast majority are actually directly contradicted by the new Trek [/qb] [/QUOTE]Kurtzman did say it was impossible to be consistent, though they have pulled details from novels for use in the new material. But, again, this is not a consistency-based argument. Those can be fun, but ultimately futile under the conditions of a "reimagine" also declared to be "Prime". This is strictly a matter of declared policy, which those aforementioned detail-pullings would seem to confirm. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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