T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 138
Just read that season 3 is delayed. All I could find is late 2020. Too bad. I hope this show doesn't turn into waiting a year or possibly more now it made the move from network TV to streaming services.
As long as it doesn't dip like when Sliders moved from Fox to the Sci-Fi Channel.
Member # 444
Member # 138
So according to this website https://thedisinsider.com/2020/08/01/season-3-of-seth-macfarlanes-the-orville-to-be-its-last/
Season 3 will be the last of The Orville which is too bad.
Member # 444
Not a real story according to the producers. No need to panic! https://twitter.com/TomCostantino/status/1289773372205748225
Member # 393
I’ve never watched more than the first episode. I just didn’t see the point in it. A TNG knock-off with toilet humour. I’m sure plenty can pile in and insist there’s more to it than that, but I’ve never felt it was a show made for someone like me. Sure the same can be said by many about DSC & PIC, and probably even more so LDS. Maybe I’m getting old, there’s so much genre stuff now that once I’d have been into but now leaves me cold. And the current furore about the Hugo Awards (where the new guard reacts to the old guards’ gatekeeping... by doing some of their own) merely underlines why (here aside) I’ve never been a big fandom person.
Member # 444
The humor in the premiere episode was pretty broad, but by the end of the first season it really toned down. In the second season it feels more like TNG with the serial numbers filed off and a more casual style of acting, with some tasteful comic elements thrown in. And for what it’s trying to accomplish, I think that’s a good thing. Some of the stories were surprisingly good. Not Earth-shatteringly groundbreaking, but enjoyable and full of positivity. The writers went to some surprising places with Isaac’s character, Bortus and Klyden’s family squabbles are hilariously familiar yet different, and thankfully the Mercer-Grayson relationship is generally explored much more tastefully than I expected after the first episode.
I think it’s worth a second chance, even if only for the more lighthearted (but not irreverent) tone that’s missing from Discovery and Picard. Plus it’s a lot more episodic overall, more like season 5 DS9-style serialization where you don’t need to binge every episode in order to keep up.
If you want to give it another shot, I recommend either season 1’s “Mad Idolatry” or season 2’s “Nothing Left on Earth Excepting Fishes” as good one-offs to sample.
Member # 138
Well the Orville's Facebook page just posted that they've resumed filming on season 3. At least that's something.
Member # 138
As of yesterday they made a Facebook post that they wrapped filming on season 3. Only 11 episodes, I don't know when they will drop on Hulu. Like will they follow the 1 a week model or all at once? I kind of like the 1 a week, it gives me something to look forward to. Otherwise I know I'd binge watch it all in 2 or 3 days.