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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cpt. Kyle Amasov: [QB] I hate teasing-headlines, but since you came in, you can also read on. :p The topic is the starship Yeager. I mean the kitbash. With the registry of NCC-65674 it's far below those of the Intrepid-registries (even USS Elkins has an Itrepid-like registry), so how do we explain it? (We can be sure that - during 2372, the events of the battle of sector 001 - Starfleet has already gone beyond the 65xxx-field, possibly something around 75xxx. In other words: both ships must have been active during the same time, either before, during or after the events of FC. And don't tell me to check the Encyclopedia for the letter 'M' like 'Melbourne'. :) ) [/QB][/QUOTE]
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