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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Hobbes: [QB] [QUOTE]Originally posted by WizArtist II: [qb] If they REALLY want it to get picked up by SyFy, they should change the name to "Ghost Battlestar Hunters: Cylon Smackdown". Then they'd put it in several time slots. [/qb][/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Doug Drexler: "I won’t address why things happened as they did with the Network. I’m indebted to them for allowing us to make Blood And Chrome. The bottom line is always money. Ultimately, why spend 2 million on a scripted TV episode, when you can give a couple of yahoos camcorders, have them hunt for ghosts, spend only 500,000, and make more money? Even though geekdom almost unanimously went ape over the trailer, that isn’t enough. You can’t argue the numbers.[/QUOTE] [/QB][/QUOTE]
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