Only time I ever came across racism was in outback Australia...we stopped off in a town to get some KFC and some hoons drove past screaming insults at some of my Chinese & Thai classmates.
*enters the thread finally* I have never cared about that stuff. These people, to me, were people I grew up with ... and the only difference I could see was that their tans never went away during the winter. *LOL* ..
but it all depends on where and how and when we were raised, doesnt it? ... If I had been raised to think that Negro's were "N-rs" ... I may still call them that today. Especially if I got away with it when I did.
As Baloo has said. .. it's a problem we have to deal with every day....
and The first problem lies in recognizing that it still exists.
It has, perhaps, just gotten a little less blatant.
Well... it exists in other forms, too. For instance, I am openly bi-sexual at my college, and am still called a "dyke" or a "queer" ... or a "Lesbo" .... People think it's okay. I correct them. But that's the way they were raised ... and like I said... the first thing you have to do is realize it still exists and take every measure to stop it. Because if it's tolerated .. tolerance="It's okay to do that". And that's not the message we want to get accross, is it?
------------------ If Galileo had lied to save his life, would America, or the West, or Space have been discovered? And if Columbus had never set sail, would the Earth still be flat?
Jeff & others: the term "nigger" is a corruption of the word "niggard," not "negro". I think First has the correct meaning of it.
I'm not really surprised that there are people like that in a big, diverse city, Ryan. I once saw a map of supremacist and hate group locations, and large cities and states with diverse populations have the largest numbers of them. Why? Well, one can't really start a hate group against certain people if one lives in a mostly homogenous state like North Dakota or someplace.
------------------ "I have come to the conclusion that one man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three on the law become a congress! And by God I have had this Congress!" --John Adams, "1776"
The First One
A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed
Member # 35
Political Correctionists say that if the word 'nigger' was removed of its connotations somehow, that it would lose its power to cause division - ie, just a word, not a rallying cry. But I don't think so. It's an ugly word, and one that deserves to fade out of use along with the hatred it represents.
Registered: Mar 1999
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Okay, so.. why is it racist when we (white folks, I mean) use it, but not when they (black folks, I mean) use it? I hear black folks (guys, mostly) calling each other that word all the time, but nobody gets into fistfights about it..
That bit always confused me.
I know a lesbian woman who calls herself a "dyke" but would (and could) kick the a$$ of any man who said it to her face. I know two gay guys who call each other "fag" all the time. I even know a bunch of Italian guys who call themselves "the Wop party."
What gives? Is it only "correct" and innofensive to use a racial, ethnic, or religious slur if you happen to BELONG to that race, ethnicity, or religion?
If so.. I need some new jokes. Is there a derogatory word for a Scotsman besides "a scotsman?"
I call myself a dyke in public (even though I'm BI), and probably would kill the man who said it to my face let me see if I can explain it.
If I adopt a name for myself that has a past shadowed in shame and disrepute, like "Dyke" .. and am openly accepting that I am one... I am showing the world that A: The horrible word they've come up with to call me isn't going to work because I'm calling MYSELF that. B: I'm openly accepting my "Dyke-ness" whole-heartedly ... therefore any slights anyone speaks are going to be ignored. C: It's a way to help me accept MYSELF.
Now, the reason I would punch the person who said that to my face (except perhaps another lesbian/bi /gay person who was saying it as a joke), is because we're trying to gain acceptance and tolerance and this won't happen if we keep LETTING them use that word in a derogatory way. But it depends on the context, too. It depends on if they're using the word as a slur, or just joking around. And believe me, you CAN tell. Anyways, the point is... by punching the guy who calls me that and is using it to slight me, I am clearly making the point that such behavior will NOT be tolerated.
Hope that was useful
------------------ If Galileo had lied to save his life, would America, or the West, or Space have been discovered? And if Columbus had never set sail, would the Earth still be flat?
[This message was edited by Jubilee McGann on April 07, 1999.]
Ironically, I use the word "nigga" all the time with my black friends. They call me their "white nigga" and I call them "my niggaz" right back at them... but that's becasue we're friends, and that's just how we're accustomed to talking to one another. if I went up to a random black guy on the street and said "what's up my nigga" I would probably be killed shortly thereafter... =)
You should know how often I've been called redhead names. People say they don't mean it, but I think it's as bad as calling a black person a nigger. It's scary that bullying redheads is as commonplace now as bullying jews was before the war. Will there be redhead concentration camps?
Registered: Mar 1999
| IP: Logged
I must admit that racism is my least favourite thing in the world.
My philosophy on life is to treat people as a bag of blood. Okay - maybe it is a rather sick vision - but that is what we are - and down in a basic way we are all the same.
My wife is half Indian and is one of the nicest people I know. Just because she has a tan all year round and it gets way darker after 20 minutes in the sun (no exageration - something which p*sses me off to this day me being a white lard ass LOL!) does not make her any different. She is human - end of story. Anyone who is a racist on the other hand is not human - they are bags of Sh*t - not blood.
Last person that said something untowards about my wife learnt very quickly never to say something like that again. Anyone who has met me knows I have a vicious streak in me verbally, and I am not that small either. (5' 10" - 14 Stone - 44" chest - 13" Biceps - the name fatmess is a parady)
about seven pounds, here or thereabouts.. I think....
------------------ If Galileo had lied to save his life, would America, or the West, or Space have been discovered? And if Columbus had never set sail, would the Earth still be flat?
The First One
A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed
Member # 35
14 pounds actually. Odd, Chris, you and I are of roughly similar build, I'm an inch and a half taller though. . . do you have much problem finding suits that fit with a chest that size? I do - if you don't have a six-inch differenetial between your waist and chest measurements, you're condemned to too-tight jackets or too-loose trousers. I have an eight-inch difference, and (ahem) it should be ten. . . *goes on diet*
------------------ "I am greater than the stars for I know that they are up there and they do not know that I am down here." - William Temple