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Author Topic: PIC 2x07 "Monsters" ($$$)
Unholy Triangle Fella
Member # 22

 - posted April 15, 2022 02:38 PM      Profile for Krenim     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
*Sigh* (I seem to be doing that a lot lately...)

The bulk of the episode is taken up by the whole Yvette Picard subplot. So... I will be the first person to say that bringing attention to untreated mental illness is very important. However, why here? Don't we have enough subplots already? Did we really need this?

Also, Robert continues to be conspicuously absent from any flashbacks. Yvette tries to run off with Jean-Luc... and leaves Robert behind?

Also, James Callis as a younger Maurice Picard? I'm down with that.

Seven finally becomes remotely important to the plot as she and Raffi track down Jurati/Borg Queen.

Rios continues to do his Kirk impression. "I'm from Chile; I only work in outer space." And then beams Teresa and Ricardo onto La Sirena. I guess we've just thrown the Temporal Prime Directive out the window.

No Elnor. *Crickets*

No Adam Soong. *Crickets*

No Kore Soong. *Crickets*

Tallinn is actually Romulan. (No, really?)

Picard finally decides to take the initiative and try to find out what's going on with Q. We get a little more on the relationship between Guinan and Q, or more specifically between the El-Aurians and the Q Continuum. Seems there was some kind of conflict between the two in the past. On the surface, the Q vs. anybody seems like it would be a curbstomp, but given Q's reactions to Guinan over the years, I'm not so sure. Anyway, Guinan tries to summon a Q, but fails. We also get the return of the hand gestures Guinan made so long ago when confronting Q.

Instead of Q, who shows up but Ducane himself! And before anybody says to me "That's not Ducane, it's just Jay Karnes in a different role.", I'm not so convinced. I've seen the preview for the next episode. Agent Wells? Sure, Ducane, sure. [Wink]

"Kirito? I killed a thing and now it says I have XPs! Is that bad? Am I dying?"

-Asuna, Episode 2, Sword Art Online Abridged

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Starship database: completed; History of Starfleet: done; website: probably never
Member # 343

 - posted April 15, 2022 04:19 PM      Profile for Shik     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I spent a lot of time checking how long until it was done. Someone on a FB film group made a good point: 70% of the way through & NOTHING HAPPENED. NOTHING.

The Picard domestic violence/depression thing is like such bullshit. Comes out of nowhere, derails anything even remotely approaching moving the story forward, adds nothing.

That's not Ducane, that's "Dutch" Wagenbach from "The Shield"!

"The French have a saying: 'mise en place'—keep everything in its fucking place!"

Registered: Jun 2000  |  IP: Logged
Hater of Stock Footage
Member # 341

 - posted April 15, 2022 08:01 PM      Profile for Dukhat     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
My $0.02 so far:

DS9’s “Past Tense” and the Bell Riots have absolutely nothing to do with this story. Why they chose that date and showed some sanctuary districts but didn’t actually develop a story around them eludes me. Guess they were just Easter eggs like that guy on the bus.

Seven episodes in and I still have no idea why Adam Soong would be the father of the Confederacy and make future humans want to conquer all other alien races. I also have no idea what the significance is of Renee Picard’s Europa mission, or why Q was trying to dissuade her from going. And I certainly still have no idea what any of Q’s meddling has to do with Picard. Obviously they want to take that character down the road of family abuse and mental illness survivor (which of course we never knew about before), but what Soong, the Confederacy, or Q have to do with any of that is still a mystery that I have a suspicion will not be answered in three more episodes.

At this point I'm kind of done with these characters. The first few episodes had promise, but now my interest is waning. I like Rios, but that's about it. I'm ready to see the TNG cast have their big farewell in season 3, and then have the show end.

Oh well. At least Matalas is spoiling info about new ships for season 3. Hopefully we'll see the Enterprise-F, but I have a very bad suspicion that it's going to be that horrid thing from STO.

"A film made in 2008 isn't going to look like a TV series from 1966 if it wants to make any money. As long as the characters act the same way, and the spirit of the story remains the same then it's "real" Star Trek. Everything else is window dressing." -StCoop

Registered: Jun 2000  |  IP: Logged
Starship database: completed; History of Starfleet: done; website: probably never
Member # 343

 - posted April 15, 2022 09:33 PM      Profile for Shik     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
This whole show has felt like someone filmed their shitty self-insert fanfic.

You know who I feel bad for? Wil Wheaton, having to shill this shit & make it seems exciting.

"The French have a saying: 'mise en place'—keep everything in its fucking place!"

Registered: Jun 2000  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1881

 - posted April 16, 2022 02:57 AM      Profile for Zipacna     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
That's definitely Ducane...and if there aren't three versions of Braxton in the next episode and a guest shot by an evil version of Admiral Janeway, then the series has officially jumped the shark. [Wink]
Registered: Jul 2006  |  IP: Logged
I'm a spy now. Spies are cool.
Member # 393

 - posted April 16, 2022 03:04 AM      Profile for Lee     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Wheaton is probably thinking “It could be worse, I could be IN this.”

Yeah, “Agent Wells.” The FBI turning up to investigate a weird thing seen in a video… that could be mocked up by someone on a 2022 smartphone never mind a 2024 one. Sure…

It’s got to be a fake-out. We’ve already done the “member of the team falls afoul of contemporary law enforcement” storyline.

There was almost a tantalising glimpse of what Q might be up to here. Or maybe it’s just that they’re 70% through and now they’re finally having the “What exactly is Q up to here anyway? This isn’t like him” conversation.

Young JLP obviously tried to “rescue” his mother and thus enabled her to top herself. Pretty obvious there’s more to that story which he is actively avoiding confronting in favour of going after Q… by *checks notes* trying to conjure a genie from a bottle.

I mean, that was so patently absurd. I can almost hear Q - any Q - saying “You’re so limited. That’s such four dimensional thinking. ‘Summon the nearest Q?’ What does ‘near’ even mean, to beings like us?” Though I would like to know more about what the El-Aurians are, to the Q or in general. “Don’t provoke the Borg!” Q told his son. Maybe the E-As did - a literal FA&FO - and became a cautionary tale. Though I’d sure like to know what the Borg OR the E-As could do to challenge the Q. Unless they’re nowhere near to being as godlike as they make out.

There’s a lot going on, and three eps left. There’s the timeline divergence and/or Soong’s part in it and/or his (latest) daughter’s; Jurati and the Borg Queen and whatever the heck was going on back on the Stargazer; Rios and his temporally-inconvenient love affair (what do we reckon? Will he stay, or will she and her son go?); Q’s loss of powers; Guinan rediscovering her faith in humanity; and now Picard and Ducane (yes Picard and Ducane, one once got fired… etc.). Have I missed anything?

Never mind the Phlox - Here's the Phase Pistols

Registered: Jul 2000  |  IP: Logged
Pathetic Vampire
Member # 322

 - posted April 17, 2022 05:58 AM      Profile for Spike     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
So, Tallinn is Romulan. Makes sense since she used Romulan swear words last episode and was familiar with the Vulcan mind meld.

However, it's just yet another big coincidence that one of her descendants would be looking over another Picard almost 400 years later. Or is Laris also a watcher and her blood line is tasked to watch over the Picard blood line?

I couldn't really concentrate on the scenes with Callis. I kept thinking the whole time "What the frack is he wearing?". Did they run out of budget to make a proper FC uniform and had to buy one at a cheap Chinese cosplay shop?

The backdoor pilot scenes with Young Picard (coming 2024 on your TV screens) were tedious and Guinan trying to summon Q as if he were a Djin was ridiculous.

Meanwhile, lovesick Rios tries to impress his girlfriend and her son (who will turn out to be his great...great grand son).

I was relieved when it was finally over.

“Don’t provoke the Borg!”
Perhaps the Borg obtained a fraction of the El-Aurians Anti-Q powers when they assimilated them? Maybe the Borg Queen's temporal sixth sense is also connected to the El-Aurians?

"Never give up. And never, under any circumstances, no matter what - never face the facts." - Ruth Gordon

Registered: Mar 2000  |  IP: Logged
I'm a spy now. Spies are cool.
Member # 393

 - posted April 17, 2022 06:27 AM      Profile for Lee     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Callis’s uniform was presumably meant to be confusing - like the set itsel I guess, it didn’t look like anywhere we’d seen before. Grey (?) shoulders, but unquilted; dark blue undershirt, like the colour of the FC uniform Sci/Med one (only darker? So a bit like the very dark undershirts in the 2390s/2400s uniform) but no zip I don’t think (so, more like the DS9/ VOY undershirt but definitely too dark); post-TNG commbadge. Basically dream logic, things that aren’t right but feel normal in the dream. Like Picard being in his tux.

Never mind the Phlox - Here's the Phase Pistols

Registered: Jul 2000  |  IP: Logged
 Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat 
Member # 138

 - posted April 17, 2022 02:26 PM      Profile for Hobbes     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
I'm not going to lie, for a few seconds I was like, "Is that Dr Bashir?" It took a minute to realize it was Baltar from BSG.

In the YouTube TrekCulture recap it pointed that her earpiece in the 'mindmeld' was shaped like a Vulcan/Romulan ear before the reveal... given the longer lifespan of Romulans, is she the mom or grandmother of Picard's Laris?

Still not getting this new assimulation process for Jurati. ST:FC, Borg nanoprobes assimulate in seconds. Maybe in making a queen it's a different process. Still not liking it.

At this point either Rios is staying in 2024 with the cute doctor or she's coming to the 25th century.

The weird flash back scenes felt like a major pump on the brakes near the end of the story. I know they did that with Picard making pizza with Riker and Troi... but that episode had Riker and Troi so you can't down it.

I'm slightly annoyed at Hobbes' rather rude decision to be much more attractive than me though. That's just rude. - PsyLiam, Oct 27, 2005.

Registered: May 1999  |  IP: Logged
Member # 1881

 - posted April 18, 2022 02:47 AM      Profile for Zipacna     Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote 
Originally posted by Hobbes:
In the YouTube TrekCulture recap it pointed that her earpiece in the 'mindmeld' was shaped like a Vulcan/Romulan ear before the reveal... given the longer lifespan of Romulans, is she the mom or grandmother of Picard's Laris?

Given that the Aegis (assuming that's what the people behind Gary Seven are even called in canon) operatives were "genetically-perfect", I'm half expecting them to fudge it so that Laris and Tallin are actually the same person due to advanced genetic engineering and/or convoluted plot devices.
Registered: Jul 2006  |  IP: Logged

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