Charles Capps
We appreciate your concern. It is noted and stupid.
Member # 9
OK, now that I got THAT out of my system.
As some of you may know, I have been pursuing a job up in Seattle. It was all but locked up. They sent me their final proposal letter last week.
The salary was decent. I could live on it, but I would not be comfortable by any means. There would be no room for budgetary mistakes, emergencies, and the like.
So my parents pushed me into asking for more.
And the offer was pulled.
And now, here I am, having planned out the next year of my life, needing that money quite badly. Without a job.
And I am very, very pissed off at being essentially bullied into asking for more money, which caused the whole thing to fall apart.
The next time I get a job offer, I'm leaving my parents out of it. Enough of their fucking advice.
Oh, by the way, Flare2 will need to have banner ads. You can blame my parents.
------------------ "BAD KIKI! No karaoke in the house!"
[This message has been edited by Charles Capps (edited June 17, 2000).]
Starship database: completed; History of Starfleet: done; website: probably never
Member # 343
OH, how I feel for you, CC!!
My story has already been written out, but there's an addendum. Because of the circumstances mentioned, I've been running my ass off looking for a job. On Sunday, I found 2 data entry jobs in the paper. I called both ALL WEEK; the people were always either "off-site" or "out to lunch" (Lunch at 10:30 AM?!?). I was always told "leave a message & they'll call you back." FINE.
So finally on Thursday, I get to speak to one of them:
"You're looking for which job, again?" "The data entry/research assistant one." "Oh, we already filled that with summer help. I need a full-time recruiter, though..."
Uhhh.....if I can't convince an ultra-hard-up woman to have sex with me, I DON'T really think I'm gonna make a great recruiter. Call me crazy...And what's this "summer help" shit? That really means that her kid came home from college freshman year & she told his ass t'get a job. The second place now denies they ever put an AD out. EEERRRRRRRRRGHHHH!!
This is a common theme in my life...feel free t'click the link in the profile; the idiocies can be found in the "Kvetch A Falling Star" section.
------------------ "Do you know how much YOU'RE worth??.....2.5 million Woolongs. THAT'S your bounty. I SAID you were small fry..." --Spike Spiegel
Whelp, bugger me. Parents do mean well, but sometimes they just don't have the full picture. Perhaps you should try re-opening negotiations with Ted? (If at all possible).
------------------ "Remeber, if there is a nuclear explosion, be sure to close your windows as the massive heat could cause objects within your home to catch fire".
Chinese Canadian, or 75% Commie Bastard.
Member # 33
I just secured a job which pays about $25K/year Canadian, after taxes (so when I file my taxes for the year, I get a little "bonus").
I never told my parents about this job or the rate of pay, for two reasons.
1) My dad makes about $100K/year. Because my salary is considered "pithy and puny", I have no right to say that I am satisfied with my job. In essense, I would be expected to get a $40K/year job within the next month or so. Then a $50K/year job. Then........ well, you get the picture 2) Horrible conditions would be placed on me in order to suck every Canadian penny from me. I would not mind paying rent. It's the constant Harrassment from my parents that I cannot take.
Fine, I don't plan to tell them. And yes, I plan to move out pretty soon. And yes, like you, I cannot make any budgetary mistakes or exemptions. But that is the way it is. You will have to run into these kinds of problems, there is no way you can avoid this. Unfortunately, your parents got in the way.
All I have to say is this: Your parents are not your managers, nor are they your agents. Your job is your business and should not be influenced by someone who believes he/she is a "higher power" and that he/she "knows better and is smarter" than you are.
With your vast experience and expertise, I don't think you'll have much trouble trying to find another one. You're a decent person, Charles, don't let this get you down.
------------------ "My Name is Elmer Fudd, Millionaire. I own a Mansion and a Yacht." Psychiatrist: "Again."
Harumph. I've been working food service for the past 3 years at a local theme park, with a minor computer lab job in between. This summer, I am working at Kodak through a Temp Service program, and it pays much more, but no where near what you guys talk about. Starting fall, I will have another computer lab job. I will probably only make 7-8 thousand this year. I won't make any good money until I start teaching, and even then it won't be too much.
So Charles, if all else fails, you can apply at your local McDonald's/Burger King.
------------------ "The lies I told are not falsehoods according to my definition of truth." Bill Clinton
I make $8 a week in allowance, and my job is sleeping on the couche eating nachos. Really.
Anyway Charles, I think if you were considered for that job, you'd easily be considered for another. It seems you've got good skills, and probably companies will see that.
------------------ "Ultra Magnus is Undeniably Fun!" David Stevens, New York Magazine. "Total Complete excitement from start to finish!" -WPIX-TV, New York "This isn't a thrill ride, it's a rocket..." -Richard Caves, Time Magazine.
Saiyanman Benjita 2012. This time, why not the worst?
Member # 122
Don't feel bad. I can't even make 20 K /year (And that's American-before taxes) Another one will roll along.
------------------ Look at the past few years: Jimmy Carter: Who we kidding, Valium Posterchild. We go to: Ronald Reagan, Howdy Doody Sr. If it keeps getting benign, we might end up with: Mr. Rogers, "Can you say Armageddon? Oops, too late." Or we can get macho and have: Jack Nicholson vs. Clint Eastwood, Shortest debate in history, all Jack will have to say is "How can you debate me, you haven't opened your goddammed eyes in twenty years."
Saiyanman Benjita 2012. This time, why not the worst?
Member # 122
18 K is what I'm currently making (that's assuming I show up every day for eight hours. At the rate I'm going this year, I'd be lucky to hit 15/16K) I'm just saying I'm having trouble hitting that 20 K mark. That makes my parents disappointed, because they wanted me to make money before I got married. I'm getting married on Saturday, oops looks like that's not gonna happen.
------------------ Look at the past few years: Jimmy Carter: Who we kidding, Valium Posterchild. We go to: Ronald Reagan, Howdy Doody Sr. If it keeps getting benign, we might end up with: Mr. Rogers, "Can you say Armageddon? Oops, too late." Or we can get macho and have: Jack Nicholson vs. Clint Eastwood, Shortest debate in history, all Jack will have to say is "How can you debate me, you haven't opened your goddammed eyes in twenty years."
------------------ "You say don't fear your dreams, it's easier than it seems. You say you'd never let me fall, from hopes so high. But never is a promise, and you can't afford to lie." - Fiona Apple
She's either earning less that that a year, or Charles has called off the wedding.
Place your bets people.
------------------ "A fully functioning, cybernetic, technologically advanced team of superheroes... and NOBODY'S got a flashlight?" - Polly Ester; Samurai Pizza Cats
It's a lesson I should have learned years ago...
Never, never, NEVER take career advice from your parents! NEVER listen to what they tell you to ask or say at a job interview!
Not heeding this advice is probably what cost me my chances for a job at a Penn State sattelite campus, which would have meant easier work, better benefits, and at least $4500 a year more than I make now.
But my dad said "tell them you're interested in advancement." There's almost NO advancement at a sattelite campus, said the committee, most of whom had been there for going on two decades. Which wouldn't have bothered me, but I believe their thinking I might leave after only a few years cost me the job.
Never again.
------------------ "Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi