Communism: 1 a : a theory advocating elimination of private property b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed 2 capitalized a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R. b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably d : communist systems collectively
Socialism: 1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods 2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state 3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Idealogically? Well, the two really have little in common.
Communism is the system in which there IS no system. It's effectively anarchy, but anarchy in which everyone loves everyone else, so there's no problem. Sounds great, but ain't gonna happen on THIS Earth.
Socialism, at its heart, is the system in which the government tries to enforce equity by controling EVERY-freakin'-THING. How much you get paid for your job, how much food you get per day, everything. Now there are differing brands of socialism (Trotsky, Mao, etc.), but the general idea remains the same.
They both supposedly spring from the philosophy, "From each according to his ability, and to each according to his need." Other than that, there are few similarities. One is no government at all, the other's an all powerful government. It's kinda funny, that Marx thought that one was a stepping-stone to the other, when you'd have to jump across the whole spectrum to get there.
------------------ "You know, you--you let a wolf save your life, they make you pay and pay and pay..." - Fraser, "due South"
Any system that doesn't run a country with largest rich-poor gap in the world.
Any country that doesn't have people getting paid 10,000,000 to put a ball through a hoop, and millions of people lined up in gutters eating maggot infested sandwiches.
Any system that can adequately provide for it's poor.
Any system in which the distribution of private property is equal, so Mr. Gates doesn't get 8 yachts, while Jim Stock, a recently downsized construction worker gets a torn pair of jeans. With shit stains on them, no less.
Any system which doesn't encourage me versus you, and, preferably, me over you.
Unfortunately, due to human nature and greed, communism will never work.
Not due to any inherent flaw in the system, just a flaw in the people.
------------------ Communism. Who wouldn't like their neighbour thrown into a goulag?
I'll take that as an "I can't name a better system, just like I can't accept reality."
There will NEVER be equity. Get used to it. There will always be poor. Get over it.
Again, you're only taking what you're fed, and not studying for yourself. We may have the highest disparity between rich and poor, but who defines rich and poor? Is this the difference between Bill Gates and some monk who's taken a vow of poverty? Define it. Then you have to take into account that we have FEWER poor. You automatically assume that the US is horrible, and that therefore capitalism doesn't work. THINK for yourself. Please.
------------------ "You know, you--you let a wolf save your life, they make you pay and pay and pay..." - Fraser, "due South"
Omega: If there will always be poor people, why don't you go be one of them, and give them the chance not to be?
Actually, it isn't just that communism will never happen. It wouldn't be good if someone tried it. The way people are, if they tried to live in a communist society, the whole thing would collapse. It's just like anarchy. If people could live peacefully together, anarchy would be perfect. But, if you try to implement it when people aren't ready for it, they just end up robbing/maiming/killing/raping each other. Hopefully not all at once. Or in that order...
------------------ "What he did to that walrus gentle-man was inexcusable." -T. Herman Zweibel on "Mr. Woodrow Wood-pecker", The Onion, 7-Nov-2000
quote:Again, you're only taking what you're fed, and not studying for yourself.
Why, of course I am. I'm not agreeing with you, and so I must be a sheep. I have no free will, or independant thought.
Dude, Omega, just because I have a different viewpoint than yours doesn't mean I'm spoon fed, and only regurgitate what I've heard. Trust me. I hate what is told where I am right now.
Also, I think you're the most arrogantly hypocritical person I've ever had the opportunity to meet. It's unfortunate that you've been so jaded so early, that you can't even see what you are yourself. It's quite disgusting, and more involving than it should be, so I'm just not going to pay attention anymore.
quote:You automatically assume that the US is horrible
When did I say this? Why did you ASSUME I was talking about the USA? I could've, for all your high-and-mightiness, been talking about England. I find the USA a very nice neighbour to have to the south.
My dad picks me up nice college team fitted hats when he travels to Wichita, and I like that. For the most part, I don't spend enough time thinking about the US to believe it's horrible. You're just the USA. I've got homework that's more important to me.
quote:THINK for yourself. Please.
Okay, just for you:
Christianity is THE WAY. Liberals are uninformed, stupid, ignorant bastards. Conservatism is the only way to go. Tennessee kicks major ass. I think girls are icky.
There, I think like you. Now, at least, you'll not blame me for not thinking for myself, because what you think is the real way.
------------------ Communism. Who wouldn't like their neighbour thrown into a goulag?
Firemen/Policemen, or women, er... PERSON, so as to be correct get paid peanuts to save and protect lives, while some person gets paid $20,000,000 a year to act/play with a ball/etc.... This doesn't make sense to be, which is why I banned professional sports from my life. Plus, UPN changing Voyagers day really pisses me off. Although they just used to cancel whatever ST ep. they interrupted.
Omega, have you ever heard of the saying, You eventually become what you hate. Your "spoon-fed" statements have you pegged. The good thing is that your non adaptiveess will eventually die out in your family line. By refusing to concede on a single point does not make you right.
Who here remembers, or remembers of hearing of, the days when people did things for the benefit of others? It has been a long while.