Grown Cujo.. grown.... We've known Breen ships to be Biologically-based since Scorpion I. My guess it that she's run into some trouble in the past and the ship is busily regenerating itself on the ends of the nacelles and tail of the main hull.
And it doesn't look like an Onion. Suck it, Vorlon .
BTW, I guess we can assume Boussch's ship looked like this
------------------ "......" -The Breen at Internment Camp 371
THAT ship does not look bio-organic at ALL... It's far too bulky to be organic, and I think I se hull plates, etc, not skin on the hull. I'd gladly take a Vorlon GARLIC ship over that any day. (Suck it, Tom). =P
------------------ Lyta Vorlon: "Our great mistake. Our failing. And now your failing. The error is compounded." Delenn: "What mistake?" Lyta Vorlon: "The first one, the one from which all mistakes proceed: The error of Pride..."
'nother thought - are these breen ships going to suffer the same murky appearance as other CGI based ships? i.e. those ships that have never originated from a physical model - those look the most fake - case point Annorax's time ship...
where as CGI ships that have already been physical models, look fabulous in CGI case point - the Nebula class Honshu
Andrew: I haven't found that to be a problem. The Akira is certainly beautiful (though that may be because of its Motion Picture birth).
Actually, it is quite likely that the ship was not designed to look organic, as the Encyclopedia is generally the only reference TPTB use when designing ships. Thanks to its publication date, it has nothing about Breen bioships. However, in Scorpion, everyone did seem pretty impressed with the 8472 bioship, so while Tuvok pointed out that the Breen had something similar, the biological intricacy of Breen ships is probably quite basic in comparison.
------------------ "......" -The Breen at Internment Camp 371
Well, while Tom and Adam are sucking each other... *ducks to avoid being smitten on two fronts*
Anyway, my guess is that the ships are either biological w/ a regularly-built "exoskeleton", if you will, or maybe they have a biological computer system, but everything else is artificial (like a highly advanced form of Voyager's neuro-gel packs).
BTW, what do you suppose those things are w/ the big rectangular holes in the front? Shuttlebays, maybe? Some sort of really huge torp launchers? (*doubts it, though*)
------------------ "About as useful as a narcoleptic rickshaw driver." -James Lileks