Dose the Romulans use navigational deflector on thier ships? If so when are they use when they are cloaked.
In the Blance of Terror, the enterprise found the Romulan ship when it was exiting the comet tail not when it was entering. Which means the early Romulan bird of pray must no used or had navigational deflector. So does the newer Romulan ships have the deflector and if they do can they use them when they are cloaked?
I think the deflectors are on the front of the "nose" of Warbirds, but Birds-of-Prey probably didn't have one
------------------ "The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey
If a navigational deflector is required for FTL flight, then all ships must have them in some form. Those without a visible deflector might have them hidden in some kind of protective housing, something like the radiolucent nose cones of fighter aircraft.
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