I've just received the latest issue of the Fact Files in Germany (136). File 29 Card 19 shows Voyager's bridge MSD with highlighted turbolift shafts. I don't know whether or not this has been discussed before but in this diagram Voyager appears to have two Warp cores! One to the left of the Engineering section main computer core, the other to the right - right where it would seem to be in the show.
Any thoughts on this subject?
------------------ RIMMER [as Ace]: "Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas."
It's been discussed many times already. Anyway, I'm not sure if the second core is canon or not, but there is a second core ejection port for a second core on the model and the CGI. Though the Voyager MSD on the bridge does not show a second core.
And the aft core (one to the left of the computer core assuming diagram is starboard view) is the main core.
------------------ [Bart's looking for his dog.] Groundskeeper Willy: Yeah, I bought your mutt - and I 'ate 'im! [Bart gasps.] I 'ate 'is little face, I 'ate 'is guts, and I 'ate the way 'e's always barkin'! So I gave 'im to the church. Bart: Ohhh, I see... you HATE him, so you gave him to the church. Groundskeeper Willy: Aye. I also 'ate the mess he left on me rug. [Bart stares.] Ya heard me!
[This message has been edited by PopMaze (edited September 08, 2000).]
Yes, it's canon, at least in the sense that is was indeed designed as a second warp core and that yes it really is on the MSD. Sternbach, who having designed the thing should know, has said that it isn't intended to be an already installed backup, but rather a complete set of parts, so that a new one might be built if the old one is lost.
So why, you might ask, haven't they used it? Well, according to some speculation, (namely from the multitalented Timo, IIRC) they have. Parts from the secondary core may have been used to replace broken ones on the primary, meaning that Voyager no longer has a complete spare core.
NO, in a recent issue of Star Trek The Magazine, Rick Sternbach said that the second warp core was not 'plug-and-play', but was used for spare parts only.
But I do know what you're referring to, AndrewR
Early on, Voyager's core was pinkish, I believe, with purple patches or something. In more recent years, it's blue. I noticed the change around the episode "Resistance." Perhaps this is a suggestion that the core isn't 100% to par anymore?
------------------ "Questions, comments, bring them to me. Problems, take them to Kinis."
I actually thought it looked... unique. I like blue better, but I could have tolerated the pink. I thought it was appropraite given Voyager's then-unique ability to not damage the space-time continuum. Oh well!
------------------ "Questions, comments, bring them to me. Problems, take them to Kinis."
Maybe the standard fuel materials are slightly different (less pure) in the Delta Quadrant. Or they may even use different materials all together.
BTW: I believe there was an episode dealing with very stable dilithium.
------------------ Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. *And*, if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out!
Alpha Centauri
Usually seen somewhere in the Southern skies
Member # 338
That ep was "Threshold". They discovered 'transdilithium', being able to remain stable at higher 'warp frequencies' (talking about techobabble...). This was used in the Shuttle Cochrane's transwarp drive.
The pink/blue question: Another possibility is that the change in color is caused by any modifications to the warp core by Voy's crew. But we'll never know for sure, unless it is explained on-screen or by Sternbach.
------------------ "And as we all know, a mesolytic quantumvector resonator is commonly used to polarize isogravitic plasma-flux manifolds."
Starfleet Academy's Redshirt Guide to the Starfleet, 62nd edition, 2376.