Rats! They must've moved it soon after I posted it. I'm searching their archive now.While you're waiting, amuse yourself with these gems: How to tell if your dog worships Satan! BIGFOOT: GENTLE WOODLAND CREATURE OR SATAN'S SLAVE? First marriage between human & space alien still going strong! [How sweet!]
[Several minutes later...] Drat! I can't seem to find it now. It was about how sometimes when your computer acted strangely, it was really because it's all part of Satan's plan to take over the world. Don't panic, though. If it happens to your computer you can easily get it exorcised, or if it's under warranty, the manufacturer will change out the hard drive, which removed the demonic influence permanently. PS: I thought Bill Gates was supposed to already have that contract. ------------------ "Sometimes "dark" is just a way of saying you�ve nothing to add, only a new way to subtract." --James Lileks
[This message has been edited by Baloo (edited March 14, 2000).]