T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Jeff Raven
Member # 20
www.engrish.com ------------------ "President Bush. It's fun saying that. Go ahead, you try." - M. Lucinsky, Spectrum Editor
Member # 417
This get funnier as I read more....------------------ "One's ethics are determined by what we do when no one is looking" Nugget Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant Star Trek: Legacy Read them, rate them, got money, film them "...and I remain on the far side of crazy, I remain the mortal enemy of man, no hundred dollar cure will save me..." WoV
[This message has been edited by Ritten (edited February 07, 2001).]
Member # 73
You know, I've been into Japanese stores in London in my hunt for, er, anime (wow, I'm cool), and even there they have appalling spelling mistakes. Although they don't bother with this "Engrish" malarky. No, they hav edeceided that since THEY don't have an "l", we aren't getting one either. So I could purchase some quality "Engish" dubs. Which doesn't fill me with confidence.OTOH, I've never understood this. "BM" stands for "Bowel movement"? To whom? Mad old grannies? ------------------ "And Mojo was hurt and I would have kissed his little boo boo but then I realized he was a BAD monkey so I KICKED HIM IN HIS FACE!" -Bubbles
Member # 31
Apparently, there's some video game that was made in Japan, and, when you win, it splashes across the screen the word "Victoly!"...------------------ My new year's resolution is the same as last year's: 1024x768.
The Talented Mr. Gurgeh
Member # 318
All your base are belong to us------------------ *Kenshiro gets off bed made from solid stone* *Bed made from solid stone explodes* Fist of the North Star
Member # 205
"Frawress victolee"------------------ Here lies a toppled god, His fall was not a small one. We did but build his pedestal, A narrow and a tall one. -Tleilaxu Epigram
Member # 53
My friend Gretchen showed me this a couple of times. Read the one about the fragrant panda poop.------------------ "Censoring the Internet is like putting a toll booth at the bottom of the ocean." --Celia Pearce, The Interactive Book
Saiyanman Benjita
Member # 122
ruvree.------------------ "Oh please. I'm wet, I'm naked. And you think this is some plot to take over the world as a wet monkey in my BIRTHDAY SUIT!" Mojo Jojo, The Powerpuff Girls Saiyanman Benjita's Dragonball Page
Saiyanman Benjita
Member # 122
Love this one. ------------------ "Oh please. I'm wet, I'm naked. And you think this is some plot to take over the world as a wet monkey in my BIRTHDAY SUIT!" Mojo Jojo, The Powerpuff Girls Saiyanman Benjita's Dragonball Page
Member # 484
AHAHAHAHAHAA!The apparel page is great! That chic wearing the tee shirt is feckin' hilarious. I have a shirt with kanji (japanese alphabet for those of you who are uninformed) written on it, and I asked a friend of mine who is very fluent with japanese to translate it all for me, he told me it made about as much sense as any of the pictures on that webiste. It goes to show hw much effort people put into their products