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Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I like to gloat, occasionally. I still have my Student of the Year plaque hanging on the wall from fifth grade. Not that I think I'm special or anything. I was just the smartest fifth grader in the history of the world.

But I don't want to get carried away. That's never good. I wouldn't, for instance, be interested in starting a whole thread about how 165 years and one day after the Battle of Waterloo a boy who was me happened to be born. I wouldn't want to be pretentious about it.

But, of course, I do, I would, and I would again.

This is getting out of hand already, I think, so here is a brief Q & A session:

Q: What's so different about being 21? It's just an age. Another year scratched off your lifespan. 20 seems like a bigger number, really, as far as changing numbers go. 19 to 20. 20 to 21. It's not as big of a leap, really.

A: Obviously, you've never been me when I've turned 21. No fault of your own, of course. I never have been either. But you see, 21, aside from the social meaning attached, is a date inside the 20 continuum. You see? I'm not just 20 now. I'm in my twenties. That is frightening and painful.

Q: What did you get?

A: I got a shirt and some money from my parents, a card from Slovakia, and a book from Tora Ziyal. Not to mention several birthday greetings from all of you. Thanks. I also got yet another reason for existential angst. Frankly, I'm tired of it already, but that doesn't appear to be a factor that is being taken into consideration.

Q: Are you done yet, moron? Idiot! Loser! Horrible, horrible, horrible person I hate!

A: Yes.

Q: I really love you, of course.

A: I love everything.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Sheesh. What a spaz.

On a more serious note, today is Paula Abdul's birthday. What did you do to celebrate? I commerated it by turning 21, a tradition I began several years ago but which has been rather pointless until today.

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
You are entertaining and scary.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I masturbated violently in the symbolic shrinal gesture of Simon "No Thanks...I'm Already Super-Sized" Sizer. As we all should.

Move pants. For great member.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
My girlfriend got a seat on the Tube and I didn't. "Great," I thought, "I can look down her top in an obvious manner." Then I realised I couldn't because of the cut of the top. While she proceeded to spend the whole journey casting suggestive glances at my groin area. Little minx.

Anyway, I shall be joining the throngs in that square in the Vatican to celebrate Simon's birthday, eagerly awaiting the moment when the man himself joins the Pope on the balcony, thereby blocking out the sun with his enormous appendage. 8)

Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
Oh his ego!

His horrible all consuming ego!!

It must be fed.

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Mind you, a birthday card from the whole of Slovakia? Given how large it'd have to be to fit all their names (and they all have really long ones, with hardly any vowels), I doubt ANYONE will be seeing the sun today. 8)
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I heard they signed the back of a 1:1 scale map for him......

Each decade brings that many more memories is all... and for me, a few less hairs on my noggin....

Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Well congrats, guy.
21, one of the last birthdays where getting older still feels good.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
One of the last?

The last was 19. It's been downhill from there.

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