T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 91
Any advice? I've gotta have something to tell my YM Monday when we have a meeting about the website I built. What I'm looking at at the moment is this company's "Extreme Hosting" plan, but I don't know whether it provides what I need or not. Basically, I just need sufficient web space, which it seems to have, and a .org domain name, which I'm not sure about. I'm also not up on what kind of quality these things provide. Anyone know anything that can help me out?
Charles Capps
Member # 9
FutureQuest. We use them for Flare.
Member # 444
I suppose it depends on how big your website is going to be, and what kind of stuff it's going to contain. If it's got the potential to grow rather large, the bandwidth could become restrictive on many hosting plans. (My site, for example, has broken 2 GB the past six months in a row.)I would recommend www.burlee.com -- it offers an "unlimited plan" which has no limits on either web space or bandwidth, for around US$13 per month. (There are a few conditions, but none of them are unreasonable for most websites.) My site has been hosted by this company for a year and a half now, and I've never had a problem with their service. Their support desk is very helpful, and they offer a wide range of features including CGI, Perl, Java, SSI, and other useful stuff. http://www.burlee.com/webhosting/index.asp (If you do choose this service, please mention to them that you were referred. I get a discount for referring new customers! )
Charles Capps
Member # 9
"Unlimited" == scam, in general.Burlee isn't a bad host. Just beware many hosts that claim to have "unlimited" anything. [ December 01, 2001: Message edited by: Charles Capps ]
Member # 31
Omega: Regarding the .org domain... Are you looking for something like someoneelsesdomain.org/omegasgroup or something like omegasgroup.org. If it's the former, I'm not sure why you'd need a .org. If it's the latter, then it has nothing to do w/ your host. You buy the domain on your own.
Charles Capps
Member # 9
Yes, NEVER let the host buy the domain for you. You'll often find yourself screwed...
Member # 91
OK, so buy the domain name seperately. Gotcha.
Member # 444
quote: Originally posted by Charles Capps: "Unlimited" == scam, in general.Burlee isn't a bad host. Just beware many hosts that claim to have "unlimited" anything.
Oh, definitely. I checked it out as best I could, and read their terms and conditions all the way through to try to find loopholes. I didn't find anything that seemed like a scam or unreasonable conditions.
Mojo Jojo
Member # 256
You could, of course, always set up your own server
Member # 138
Pleh, I got free hosting. No ads, 70MB, unlimited bandwidth, and free domain name.It's called: Using a friend's server plan. What you do is get a friend with a server and beg him to host your site.
Tahna Los
Member # 33
http://www.iboost.com/build/webhosting/1066.htmI'll only consider Burlee when Canada, USA, and Britain becomes Communist. [ December 03, 2001: Message edited by: Tahna Los ]
Member # 444
Shit. That does not inspire much confidence.Thanks for the link to that article. Though I can't do much about it now (my website is pre-paid through next August), it definitely warrants a check of their Terms of Service.
Member # 29
I'm going to give this a nice bump, since I need to know some things about doing this too. For me, it's moving my personal website off of the AOL servers. I think I might have a webhosting service picked out, but there's a few other things I'd like to know.
First, what would be an ideal amount of bandwidth per month? I've seen packages that offer everything from 2 gb/month to 15 gb/months (ignoring the unlimited traffic offers). What would be about right, and how could I gage what would best serve my needs?
Second, who should I go through in order to reserve a domain name? I know of Network Solutions and Register, but I'm uncertain as to whether I should go with either. Network Solutions is like $70, and I can't find pricing for Register. Are there cheaper domain registration services out there?
Third, once I have a domain name, how do I get it to lead to my website? Is there a control panel or something I can use to specific an IP address or URL?
Fourth, is there anything else I should look for in a webhosting service of domain registration service? Anything you all can advise me that I might overlook?
Member # 709
make sure they let you view your pictures on other sites, not just through an html file. Any free hosting i find (and some of the paid ones) dont let you URL your pics into forums like this one.. aggravatingly enough..
and dont let me tell you about exceeding your daily allocated data transfer....grr..
my friend just got a domain for like 10 or 15 bucks a year, but im not sure what came with it.. its from geocities
Member # 49
For me, webhosting is easy-- date a guy that works at an ISP, stay in decent standings with him after the breakup, and thge benefits will last for years
The last hosting account I put together with him is $125 a year for unlimited e-mail addresses, all of the cgi support and other stuff that I'd EVER need, and 50 MB of webpspace..... pretty good for something that's just going to host a small church site
Member # 343
To say nothing of the secret backdoor link to "Liz's Naughty Nunnery." That's right! These girls worship in ways you've never seen before! Two-somes, threesomes, Masses, nun/nun, nun/priest...nothing's too shocking for these Lord-lovin' ladies! Whether you're partial to Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutheran, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, or Charismatic, we've got what you want! And don't miss out on our fetish areas--more specialization than you can thump a Bible at! Televangelists, faith healers, cultists & more! So visit Liz's Naughty Nunnery without delay--where "Hail Mary" means everything it's MEANT to!!
Member # 621
Or you could do what I do and have a sister and brother-in-law who have their own server and give you free unlimited space. Now, if only I had a website...
Member # 444
I purchased my domain name at www.registryweb.com . They've got pretty cheap domains, the max is US$20. (Though I haven't researched recently, that's the best I found about a year and a half ago.)
As for the amount of bandwidth you need, it's kind of hard to judge. It all depends on how many visitors you get, and just how much material you have to offer. If you have a lot of big images that people will be downloading, then that's going to jack up your bandwidth, even if you don't have a lot of visitors.
For an example, my site gets upwards of 10,000 visitors and 4 GB per month in traffic. But I use quite a lot of images on some pages.
Member # 29
Of course, I'd be nice if I had a friend who owned a server. Unfortunately, I don't. I have an old-ish machine that I could probably turn into a server, but I'd need a method of connecting it to the internet. I can't use my T1 connection in the dorms because it cycles through IP addresses about every day or so. So, it's a webhosting service for me. And, like I said earlier, I've almost got that picked out.