I went to see a car yesterday near the Hague (I'm living in Leiden, Holland, at the moment). It's a modest car, a 1989 Peugeot 205. 3000 guilders, about 1300 dollars maybe, I could probably have gotten a '90 or '91 for the same money, but it was in good condition, I get alloy wheels plus the original wheels, and well, I liked the car. I'm taking a half day off work to pick it up. Now I just have to find my driving license so I can change the ownership etc
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Yes, because a car without two sets of wheels is a complete waste of money and time.
Shut up, Daryus.
Oh, and hey, congrats
[ December 10, 2001: Message edited by: Malnurtured Snay ]
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
Hey I've been through Leiden on my way to Worden from Schipol airport. I have spent a lot of time in Eindhoven on training courses. I work for Philips Medical Systems. Good luck with the first car. Paul
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Excellent! I used to have a '89 205, lovely little car. It had a pull-out choke which was needed to start the engine, which was a little odd, but it soon became habit.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Congrats on the car! Sounds like she'll be a fine friend, indeed.
My first car was a '90 Cavalier sedan. Every two years I was guaranteed to have to drop around $1500 to fix a serious condition on her. If I hadn't have been so attached to her, I probably would have offed her a long time ago instead of wasting so much money.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
My first car was a helluva deal and served me well. I wish you best of luck with it
quote:CaptainMike's First Car
Name: Captain's Yacht Class: 1989 Buick Skyhawk Registry: (NCC) XA-271 Maximum Speed: warp factor 10.5 Initial Cost: 700 credits Cost of repairs per year: 200 credits Time in Federation service: 3 years (1997-2000) Disposition: Broken up to be sold as scrap, Qualor II Texaco station
Primary Mission Profile: Transportation to school & work Secondary Mission Profile: Alcohol storage and transportation unit, Taxi service (300% markup on gas & alcohol prices) Tertiary Mission Profile: Sleeping unit
quote: CaptainMike's Second Car
Name: Mystery Ship (i.e. Ride, Captain, Ride) Class: 1994 Ford Probe Registry: (NCC) XA-271 (-A) Maximum Speed: warp factor 12.0 Initial Cost: 2500 credits Cost of repairs per year: 100 credits Time in Federation service: 2 years (2000-01)
Primary Mission Profile: Transportation to school & work Secondary Mission Profile: Alcohol & Marijuana storage and transportation unit, Taxi service (500% markup on gas & intoxicant prices) Tertiary Mission Profile: Sleeping unit
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
When a 'body starts describing various aspects of his/her car in Trek terminology, I get worried.
[ December 10, 2001: Message edited by: Cartman ]
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
I wonder if Peugeot is still planning a comeback in America. Wouldn't mind seeing a 206 CC around here...
Posted by MIB: NEW AND IMPROVED (Member # 426) on :
Captian Mike? You're scaring me at this point. ME!!! It's supposed to be the other way around, dammit!!!
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Well since everyone else is . . .
AKB1979's first car
Name: Shuttle 2-B (Temp) Class 1993 Rover Metro (K-reg) Registry: K*** *** (3 numbers followed by 3 letters - no one in my house remembers what they were! Think the first number was a '3'). So: NCC-3****! Maximum Speed: warp factor 7.5 with short duration at warp 8.0 (7.5=75 MPH). But down hill and with a wind behind it it did reach warp 9.5! YAY! Initial Cost: 1900 credits Cost of repairs per year: at least 100 credits, possibly more Time in Federation service: 1 year (1998-1999) Disposition: Sold to another Metro lover after it was no longer needed due to change in education location/circumstances and lack of funds to continue running it. Nice to know it went to a good home. Miss Shawn and Gromit though (my nodding dogs). Got 1800 credits back for it too!
Primary Mission Profile: Transportation to school & work Secondary Mission Profile: Place to eat my lunch and pick sister up from school Tertiary Mission Profile: Distraction from studies and chance to get out of the house
[ December 10, 2001: Message edited by: akb1979 ]
Posted by TheRealCaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
you didnt name it? for shame...
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 426) on :
That is a shame. Tsk Tsk.
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Yes, forgot about that - edited post. My family now call the smallest car (my Mum's Peugeot 106) "Shuttle" - I think this is No. 3, with my Dad's Citrogen Synergy being called the "Cruiser".
Oh deary me!
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
My first car was an F-Reg (1988/89) Ford Granada, gold. My dad gave it to me when he was posted abroad; I drove it for 6 months before trading it in for the 205. Unofficial name: Galaxy-class space whale (it was a real boat).
Second car was the 205, likewise F-Reg. Blue. Official name (as it was called by previous owners, friends of the family): Puddle-Jumper aka Puddley. I kid you not.
Current car: R-Reg (1998) Peugeot 306. Red. No name. Nifty little beast, nimble (power steering, can't do without it) in the city yet fast on the open road (110 mph, no problem).
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
I suppose that Cartman would be a bit perturbed by the dedication plaques for my cars
complete with quotes Captain's Yacht
quote:It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. Invictus, William Ernest Henley.
Mystery Ship:
quote:Ride, Captain, ride/Upon your mystery ship/Be amazed at the friends/You have here on your trip/Ride, Captain, ride/Upon your mystery ship/On your way to a world/That others might have missed.--Blues Image.
[ December 10, 2001: Message edited by: CaptainMike ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
You people are very, very cool.
If anyone else gives there car a name (or any sort of Trek terminology), I shall set the Italians on them.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
My first, and only car, is of course my 2001 Oldsmobile Alero GX Coupe.
It's nickname: Alero Alpha
Named After:
1997 Oldsmobile Alero Alpha Concept
Posted by Jernau Morat Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
Maybe I should change my status line to "It's a Peugeot thing" a la Jeff. Anyway, I went to pick up the car, but when we got to the Post Office to change the ownership the woman behind the counter said I needed a document from the town hall proving where I was living. I didn't have the form with me yesterday, so I had to arrange to pick it up today. Which means taking another half-day out of my holidays But soon, SOON, it will be MINE!!!!!
Ouch. But then again, you can always expect something to come up when you get a car. For example, there's the wonderful scenario that I and my parents went through to get my current car, a Saturn SL2, this past summer.
My mother and I go to a car lot about an hour away on the other side of town that is having a discounted down-payment and monthly loan repayment special. My car, the Cavalier, has a coolant leak somewhere, a near-death water pump, a busted radio, and a frozen compressor (which means no air conditioning, heating, venting, or defrosting). In short, I'd need about another $2000 to fix up an already 11 year-old car. My mother wasn't going to let me waste my money like that.
We go there, and I finally settle on the Saturn. We had to go through the loan process twice that evening. First, we tried to get the loan and title of the car under my name. That was a no-go. The loan company refused to accept me because as the principal signer because I was not employed at the time and because the job I was going to have in a couple months only paid $450 a month. Of course, the car payments are only $254 a month. So, we refill-out the loan paperwork with my mother as the principal signer. By this time, it was near 10 p.m.
Next day, the sales representative calls my house and says that the loan company can't accept the loan request yet. They don't want me on the loan application period. Plus, the financial information filled out included my mother's income plus my father's income. That means that my mother and father would have to go back to the dealership and fill out the information again without me on the application. But this set up another major problem.
Without going into a long story, there is a wide age gap between my father and mother. It was a May-December romance, and right now my dad is old to not be trusted behind the wheel of the car. He stopped driving at around the time I started driving; I inherited the Cavalier from him. He got into a few too-many minor accidents, and we decided to not allow him to drive anymore. Anyway, for the loan application, he needed to provide proof of identity. They wanted his birth certificate or Social Security card and drivers license/state ID.
After tearing the house apart, I found his birth certificate. But his old drivers license was gone. It turns out that a couple years earlier, he cut up and threw away his drivers license. At that time, he hadn't been driving for five years, and he never thought that he would need it again. So what happened? I had to take him to the Department of Public Safety (Texas' DMV) to get him a State ID. Two hours in that place to get a state ID! And it was an early Thursday morning! Anyway, we got the temporary license, and promises that the permanent photo ID would be arriving in two weeks. No problems.
The state ID comes, and so my mother and father go to the dealership and fill out the paperwork again. The next day, the sales representative calls back and says that the loan company has rejected the application again. The reason? My father was still listed as an insured driver on our auto insurance policy. Since he doesn't have a drivers license, the loan company doesn't want to see his name on the proof of insurance. So, we all hike over to the insurance office and rework our family policy so that my father's no longer an insured driver (not that he's actually driven a car in seven years). Of course, this raises our insurance rate a bit. My parents then go back to the dealership again and fill out the paperwork yet again. This time, the loan company accepts it and processes it. It's finally approved.
That was a hell of hassle, but the dealership was a good sport about it. They allowed us to go ahead and take the car and use it while the loan situation was straightened out. And it was a pretty good experience -- except for the loan part.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
quote:Originally posted by PsyLiam: If anyone else gives there car a name (or any sort of Trek terminology), I shall set the Italians on them.
Her name's Sheyja. She told me so. Bring it on, sucka.
Posted by OnToMars (Member # 621) on :
I call mine the Delta Flyer.
Posted by OnToMars (Member # 621) on :
No. Not really.
[Edit: I was hoping that the page break would end up between them, oh well.]
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
My first car was a huge boxy 1982 Thunderbird. Named "The Warbird."
My second car was a 1989 Mercury Cougar Blue Max special edition. Called "Maxine."
My newest car is a 1998 Ford Taurus. I have not yet named it.
I am considering "Taurus Bulba."
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I've always referred to my car by the affectionate appellation of "my car". Or sometimes "the Intrepid", if mentioning it relative to the rest of my family's cars.
[ December 11, 2001: Message edited by: TSN ]
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Until this car, I've never actually had a NAME for my car.... not a people name, at least....
My first car was an 86 Chevy Cavalier Coupe called "Little Car go Beep Beep" until it got totalled. Then my temporary replacement, an 82 Chevy Truck was called "Big Truck go Vroom Vroom". My next car, an 85 Ford Tempo never got an official name.... pet names though... "Stupid Mother $%@#&! Piece of Crap" and the likes....
This car though, she'd got a name-- Christine. Just like the car in Stephen King's book. It's a 96 Honda Civic LX that I love more than anything, but the fact is, she's possessed by the devil.... soooooooooo....... yeah. Christine it is.
And as a side note, I'm car shopping right now... I want a 2000 Honda Accord 4 door EX series in silver with a spoiler, tinted windows, and a sunroof. So far, I haven't founbd it, but I've getting closer... *grin* Wish me luck :-)
Posted by Jernau Morat Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
That sounds like a nightmare alright, Siegfried. Anyway, I found the form I needed and went back to get the car yesterday evening. Everything went fine and I took the car home. Now I've just to sort out the insurance. Should be about 70 euros per month, and the tax is only about 20 euros per month (they've already switched to euros for some official stuff here). I've also to get my parking permit from my landlady, but it should all go pretty smoothly, hopefully.
LOA: What do you think of the Saab 900 turbo from the 80's? If I was spending a bit more on a car, that's what I'd get. A black convertible one, with beige leather seats.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
*sets the Italians on Shik*
I meant it. The amount of penis bragging going on in this thread is already disturbing. Freud would have kittens if he knew that they'd all be named after women.
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
My last car was a 1982 Ford Futura, the plate number started with AANL so we called it the "ANAL PROBE"
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Meh. Like I can help attracting women. Though, if it makes you feel any better, Liam, a friend of my roommates named Caleb asked me if he could go down on me last night.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
And your answer was...?
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
No, because he wasn't Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, or Henry Rollins. Or Liam.