T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 138
How the hell do you do it? Any tips. My mom and I were trying, but the damn thing keeps tilting. We can't seem to get it centered and stable.
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
Lean it against a wall, I'd say. Or, better yet, buy one of those stands with screws that tighten into the base to hold it. Or, get one that isn't heavy on any one side.
Member # 29
What kind of tree are you setting up? Is it a real one or an artificial one?
I've grown up with artificial Christmas trees, and all of the ones I've seen or had have come with a metal base with adjusting screws to center the tree. Have someone hold up the tree at a level or close enough level position so that you can tighten the screws in the base. If the tree leans, use thick pieces of paper as shims and stick them under the stand legs to balance the tree out. In this situation, I rug that sits over the stand is a particularly good idea.
My cousins have always had real trees, and I've helped them set them up as well. Real Christmas trees are by far the hardest to set up. They had to buy the stand seperate, but it was similar to artificial tree stand I mentioned above (adjusting screws, etc.). A good idea is to scrape the bark off of the bottom three or four inchs of the trunk so that the screws get a proper grip. Other than that, it's the same procedure to set up as with the artificial trees. Have someone hold it while you screw it into place. Shim it into level.
If you have any sort of Christmas tree stand other than a four-legged metal stand with adjusting screws, go out and buy one. I've never had a problem with one of those stands. I'd bet K-Mart and Walmart and Target have lots of designs and price ranges for them. I say check it out.
Member # 709
Try to find a low gravity environment.. say, Luna or one of the bigger asteroids.. just hang the tree from the ceiling with fishing line so it doesnt float away.
If that doesnt work, i hear that the Judaism is nice this time of year.
Member # 138
Yes it's a real tree, and yes it's a stand with four screws.
Member # 37
My guess would to be, you should have checked to see if the actual center of the tree is straight or not. Or the bottom for that matter. If it's slightly curved at the bottom, try and cut it off. The tree doesn't have to actually be flat on the pan, you just need it straight up for when you attach the screws. What's touching the pan doesn't matter really, it's the screws that are the important part.
Member # 343
quote: Originally posted by The359: What's touching the pan doesn't matter really, it's the screws that are the important part.
Words to live by at ANY time of year.
Member # 144
A 3-step process to set up a Christmas tree by Michael_T:
Step 1: Get tree into the location desired. If a door or hallway is in the way, use a large window unless the residence is an apartment.
Step 2: Place tree in the tree stand. If tree does not stay due to gravity, consider using a nailgun.
Step 3: Call any bored individuals who would be desperate enough to decorate a tree and make an apple martini and relax as you watch your tree decorated.
Member # 722
The most important thing in setting up a tree is to make the cut on the bottom as level as possible. If it is not level it will fall over. The second most important thing is to swear a lot when you are putting it up. I don't know why this helps but I have never been able to put one up without swearing. Sorta a Christmas tradition.