T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 621
I tried it on my desktop, it said that I need to free up 1.3GB of space on my hardrive to install it, which is ludicrous.
I tried it ony my laptop, which has a switchable A:/D: drives. For some reason, it won't recognize the fact that the D: drive is in there now and still says A: drive.
Member # 256
1). What's the problem regarding your desktop, exactly? 2). Dive into the BIOS of your laptop and 'flip the switch'. [ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: Cartman ]
Member # 621
Problem solved for the most part. Even though I shouldn't have had to, I deleted some shit on my harddrive and got it working.
As for my laptop, I'm a little hesitant about tinkering with the BIOS of my laptop which has been bugging up lately as is.
Member # 138
1.3GB damn that's big. What happened to games just being a couple hundred megabytes.
Then again, I have a 40GB harddrive so 1.3 is nothing.
Member # 31
What happened to games' being a couple hundred kilobytes?
Member # 557
1.3 GB!!!!!!
Damn that's HUGE!!! Guess that took up more than 1 CD then huh? Oh yeah, and guess that if I want Armada II, then I'll have to go for that upgrade soon after my degree studies are done.
1.3 GB - God damn that's a biggen!!!!
Member # 256
1.3 gigs? That's the equivalent of 'small change' to me.
Armada's size may seem huge, but it isn't that unusual anymore. The game, BTW, also utilizes some hefty compression techniques - it fits (and ships) on a single CD.
Member # 621
Yes, one disc.
I got it working, guess I freed up enough space, but it runs very jumpy.
Member # 73
Specification requirenments for games go up all the time. This is not new or shocking.
What's the spec on your PC OnToMars? Armada II is a new game, so if your computer is a couple of years old, it's not surprising it's struggling. I've only got a 6 gig hard drive in my computer, and once I've worked over Christmas, I'm going to stick in a bigger one. 40 gigs are only about �60 nowadays.
Member # 557
I thought CD-Roms are only 750 - 800 mbs - how can 1.3 GB fit on one of those disks . . . oh! was it zipped?
Member # 256
Member # 557
Ah! Zipped/Compressed - same thing!
Say Charles Capps, what's all this about a hacker??
I didn't notice anything, what's going on? Is Flare being attacked?!? Batten down the hatches! Secure those weapons! DON'T PANIC!!!!!!
Member # 31
"Zipped" and "compressed" are not the same thing.
And I would refer you to the Contests Forum for the thing about the "hacker".
Member # 557
"Zipped" and "Compressed" are close enough in essense to be cousins so to me they are the same!!!
Say, which part of the contest section should I look in?
Member # 256
All cows are Animals. Not all Animals are Cows.
Cow == WinZIP Animal == Compression.
And, erh, there's only one competition forum... in case you hadn't noticed yet
Member # 31
Cartman: Erm... zipping would be the cow. WinZip would be more like, uh... well, let's try this a different way. Use dogs instead of cows. Compression == animals. Zip == dogs. WinZip == dalmatians.
AKB: Try the thread that's locked.
Member # 256
Fine, if you want to fuck an ant
Member # 557
quote: Originally posted by Cartman: Fine, if you want to fuck an ant
Now that I HAVE to see! Fuck an ant huh? What drug is this guy on?
Thank you TSN, you are far more helpful than Cartman. Oh yes Cartman, I do know that there is only 1 competition forum, I meant which thread! Duh!
Member # 557
Ah ha! I see now. Someone was messing with PsyLiam's stuff and putting posts up when he wasn't looking. Naughty.
But what I don't get is, why would someone do that? Are they a totally bored and deprived person? I mean, what can they get out of it apart from causing people (like Charles Capps - hi Boss! ) extra work and stress????
I just don't get the reasoning behind such activities, I really don't.
Member # 31
Because it's there?
Member # 343
Also an explanation for overusage of smilies.
Member # 557
quote: Originally posted by Shik: Also an explanation for overusage of smilies.
I think I'm gonna cry . . . Anyway, I have to keep with my status line - don't I?
But enough of that, I have some technical questions (seeing as I'm not well versed in this area). The Situation I am a member of BT Internet and I have not received any emails for 3 days. They have not come into my Inbox through Outlook Express. Now I have been able to access these emails via the website link. My family is also having this trouble (same server) and we are wondering what is causing this problem. Both my Dad and I are extremely pissed off as we were both expecting an important email (two seperate issues) and were unable to view them until today when the deadline was yesterday!!!!
The Questions Well that was the sitution, my questions are: "Why is this happening?" and "Is there anything that we can do from our computers to correct the problem?"
We'd appreciate any info on this as it appears to be happening quite a bit.
What's wrong with smilies? I think that they're a kewl way to express yourself!
Update OK, now this bugs me. Everything appears to be working OK now - 37 emails in one go - needed three of them on Wednesday!!!! GRRRRRRRR! But if anyone can shed some light on this, I'd appreciate it! [ December 21, 2001: Message edited by: akb1979 ]