This is topic Mars is so cool! in forum Officers' Lounge at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by Elna (Member # 837) on :
Hallo! I'm kinda new round here, but plz dont hate me! [Frown]
Jus wanna say, i recently read the Red mars,green mars, blue mars trilogy and HOW COOL???!!! Wow, i'va wanted 2 go in2 astronomy as a career 4 about 3 years now but the whole men on mars thing makes it even more interesting! I really was thinking i mite wanna try and get there some time in the distant future coz itd be so amazing an experience!
[Big Grin] BTW whoever made this site it is very cool! [Smile]
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Why would we hate you?

Honestly, we only hate people who go around asking that they please not be hated.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Hi!! Another refugee from the wastelands of Lincolnshire... [Big Grin] . I've already told you most of the stuff u need to know to survive here [Big Grin] . Just remember to give me my books back!!! [Razz]

He's telling the truth^

[ June 12, 2002, 11:36: Message edited by: Wraith ]
Posted by Magna Ultrus (Member # 239) on :
If you keep using things like "plz" and substituting "2" for to or too, I'm sure we'll hate you very quickly. Oh, "coz" as well.
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
And don't forget spelling, grammer and punctuation - they're important too. We expect you to dot your "i"'s and "t"'s and to type proper, like we does!


Welcome to Flare, Elna!

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by David Templar (Member # 580) on :
*burns a l33t dictionary and a short-hand thesaurous*
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Somebody issue this guy a survival guide.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
This isn't the post you're looking for. Move along.

[ June 12, 2002, 13:16: Message edited by: Cartman ]
Posted by Magna Ultrus (Member # 239) on :
So is this about Mars, or about Robinson's books? Or an introduction? One of those seems to belong in the General Sci-Fi machine. Although it is pointless enough to stay here. So.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Finally, I get to use this. It's about damn time, too. [Big Grin]

Elna, don't listen to Magna Ultrus. He's just upset that he doesn't get the respect he deserves. It would be best to just ignore Magna Ultrus. It would also be best if you just ignore Omega because he's a left-wing radical hippie.

While you're at it, it'd be best to also ignore PsyLiam because he's a sarcastic old fogey but apparently gets lots of woman love. Beware of Sol System for he has mad mod skillz. And, you better ignore Siegfried because he'll steal your grandfather and make sweet love to him.

There are many more people to be weary of as well. Ritten has connections to the military and can probably make a tip arrive for the FBI about the kilo of weapons-grade plutonium that mysteriously appeared under your bed. Mighty Monkey of Mim obsesses over The Animated Series while you can count on cool stuff in the Design, Artwork, and Creativity forum thanks to The Red Admiral. And, since Flare is something of a clique, undoubtedly Kosh will be pissed that I did not include them. Ryan McReynolds deserves special mention since I owe him my first-born son and haven't delivered yet.

If you want to fill a token character or personality here, you're out of luck because "master of sex" is taken by Shik while "castrates all men" is taken by LOA. Did we already mention that Michael_T is a McDonald's freak? Well, it's true!

Anyway, welcome to the Land that God forgot. Don't feed the Curry Gods. And, for god's sake, don't bring up the touchy subject of MIB-FlowerMan.

And may Charles Capps have mercy on your soul.
Posted by The BWC (Member # 818) on :
Welcome. Siegfried is right, but with a couple add ons.

1)Avoid Snay if you want to avoid the MIB thing.
2)Don't listen to anything Snay says about me. I am NOT MIB, despite what he says.
3)Matrix and Koy'Pled Oy'tio are good
4)Don't make a idiot of yourself. Don't use plz or 2 instead of please or too. If you are from the Trek BBS, get out of the habit, and if your aren't, don't get into it.
Posted by Magna Ultrus (Member # 239) on :
"Matrix and Koy'Pled Oy'tio are good" - The BWC.

+10,000 Points.

Sigs: Ignore me? SHOVE IT UP YOU A-R-S-E!
Posted by The BWC (Member # 818) on :
Listen to UM (that's what we call Magna Ultrus) except when he bashes you or we talk about the Cheyenne Class.

EDIT: Wrote something about the wrong topic... [Embarrassed]

[ June 12, 2002, 18:08: Message edited by: The BWC ]
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Why, anything for you, sugah! ::bats eyelashes::
Posted by Magna Ultrus (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
OOooooooh! A simulpost! [Big Grin]
Posted by DeadCujo (Member # 13) on :
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
*newbie initiation!!!!!*

everyone, grab your implements.. around the newbie, a perimeter create. Snay I'll need a lot more of your wit around this section here. UM, i want a 30% increase in inane comments... the rest of you, just try to keep the thread off topic... remember, if we dont give the proper test, the initiation will fail and we could be left with a substandard board member..

i need bloody smilies, now! allright good, now Shik, move in with some sexual innuendoes and/or obscure information about iceland... newbie will be reeling for days!

Posted by Magna Ultrus (Member # 239) on :
Main Entry: inane
Pronunciation: i-'nAn
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): inan�er; -est
Etymology: Latin inanis
Date: 1662
2 : lacking significance, meaning, or point : SILLY


I like to shave children's genitals with my hockeysticks! Also, birds have been known to fly near my house.

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I am Woman. Hear me roar. Like the mighty Walrus. But sexier. And much like Vigd�s Finboggad�ttir, the world's first democraticly-elected female hed of state. In Iceland. Home to the mighty Walrus. Yes.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
It would also be best if you just ignore Omega because he's a left-wing radical hippie.
*Raises eyebrow*
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Elna is MIB!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by The BWC (Member # 818) on :

Long live processed meat by-products!

Now, I tell ya what, Possum is GOOD EATIN! You just have to get around the big honkin layer of fat (tm) and then theres your meat. Now, if you was gonna fry the fat and get the grease out of it, the grease hold the flavor of the possum, and coupled with sausage and bacon grease with a bit of wumpus you have got a potent combination!

[ June 13, 2002, 06:20: Message edited by: The BWC ]
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
All right Elna, that's a week's worth of Flare life condensed into one page.. think you are ready for it?
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Oh, look; a penguin.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :

Hay! Hay! Tell me this! How many lights are here?!
 -  -  -  -

I say three...

[ June 13, 2002, 10:40: Message edited by: CaptainMike ]
Posted by Elna (Member # 837) on :
OK! People here seem as weird as me so i feel right at home! Sorry about the shorthand im used to writing that way on msn! Yes whoever asked it was a general hi, hello and how u doing? I dont think ill avoid anyone for the moment, ill formulate my own views thanks. Oh, and whoever said something about get this guy a whatever, im actually a grl so [Razz] !
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
A girl!? Well reconfigure my array, wonders never cease...

As long as you agree about the five lights up there, should be fine..
Posted by Magna Ultrus (Member # 239) on :
When did we start to accept BWC?
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
actually, this is the first post of his thats been really appropriate and worthwhile.. i think only because we are all being as foolish as he usually is on his own

Five lights.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
A chick. Far out.

Y'know, I'm thinking we need to be far more discriminating about who we choose to induct into the Stonecutters--I mean, Flare. I, for one, am guilty of unleashing the antiantlerChrist vision that is Mr. Snay upon our fair electronic landscape. Since that day, I have hung my head in shame, inhaling the heady scent of albatross, & nary inviting another person.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
A "girl"? It seems like I've heard that term, but I can't quite remember what one is...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I believe a "girl" is that long-forgotten gender that does not participate with us in the Man Train. If memory serves correctly, LOA is a member of this "girl" group as are MaGic and Jubilicious.

Or, that was all a really bizarre dream I had from eating Chinese food before going to bed. It's one of the two.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
The change... it's happening again!




Man, I hate it when he does that.
Posted by The BWC (Member # 818) on :
Originally posted by Magna Ultrus:
When did we start to accept BWC?

Two words: Newbie Elba who started this topic.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Two words?
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :

Shaddap. You're like Dana Carvey's George Bush impersonation's line on Dan Quayle: "still gaining acceptance"... but not accepted.

So, in the words of Deanna Troi...


[ June 13, 2002, 14:33: Message edited by: First of Two ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
"Dana Carvey's George Bush impersonation's line on Dan Quayle"


And can we stop the hilarity please. I need to put on a corset in case my sides split.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Well, then, Elna, I stand corrected....

You can not be MIB.....

Welcome to Flare and please watch your step, First sometimes leaves dropping when he reacts like that...
Posted by Magna Ultrus (Member # 239) on :
Dana Carvey's George Bush impersonation of Dan Quayle's impersonation of an Asspirate.

I don't see the terms of cool there. With the advent of another newbie, you aren't absolved of the whole "waste of carbon" status.

[ June 13, 2002, 19:06: Message edited by: Magna Ultrus ]
Posted by David Templar (Member # 580) on :
Am I the only remotely composed person around here or something?
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I don't think you count as one, Mr. Saint of Rabid Pikachu.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
I'm composed...


oh.. i inhaled matter.

my lungs hurt
Posted by The BWC (Member # 818) on :
Fat bald guy who has grow his hair back (thanks Rogaine!) And I have lost wieght. So I am no longer bald and fat.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Posted by Elna (Member # 837) on :
Oh no wot hav i got into?!?!?! I know its kinda surprising to find a girl but tough shit people, coz here i am and [Razz] 2 u all! Oh, by the way "There are FOUR lights!!" Wow thats such an ace episode of TNG, one of my preferred ones actually, along with the one where Piccard becomes a borg.
Posted by Magna Ultrus (Member # 239) on :
Too bad you're incoherent as fuck and spell like shit.

Yeah, that's it. I'm exhasuted. have fun, all.

[ June 14, 2002, 12:51: Message edited by: Magna Ultrus ]
Posted by The BWC (Member # 818) on :
Agreed, UM.

Wil Wheatons site says somewhere about 'No AOL kiddie speak, such as 2 = to & too, ppl = poeple, ect."
If you want to get any respect here talk like normal people, and if you can't break the habit too quick don't post as much.

[ June 14, 2002, 13:43: Message edited by: The BWC ]
Posted by DeadCujo (Member # 13) on :
Wil Wheaton = U R SUX.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Yeah, this I'm not so much in the mood for. Elna, please continue posting threads about Mars and kittens and what have you. Don't let this bother you.

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