This is topic Ze thread about me legal and girl problems, among others in forum Officers' Lounge at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Hey everyone. According to AutoComplete, this is the first thread I've ever started that began with the letter 'Z'

Life is complicated.

I had to call the public defender's office today and find out that I don't qualify to have a lawyer appointed for me, and have to pay for one to defend myself against my charges on my upcoming court date for when I got arrested. Nobody I've talked to seems to think there's any possibility of me going to jail for possession of what I had, but I still would like to have it dealt with in a manner that is the least damaging to my life, like a conditional dismissal, probation and if that stuff isnt enough, some combination of fines, counseling, comm. service or a suspended sentence. I'm hoping this doesnt wreck me financially, or cost me my job, because I wouldnt know how to continue, unless i put my stuff in storage and took a long break at the local funny farm. Which sounds really tempting right now.

Anyone know any good cheap lawyers in RI?

Other than that, things are going well... Michelle and I have been going out for two weeks today, but she is suddenly going on a trip to New Hampshire and not coming back until Sunday.. since this is the first really involved relationship I've had since I was 17, and the closest I've probably ever been to a girl, things feel alright right now, since she is really supportive. I'm going to miss having her around for the next 5 days or so, but she wants me to call her cellphone to keep in touch and try the long distance thing for a little while.

Asia has been MIA for the better part of a week, which sucks since the more time we spend apart, the harder it is going to be to clarify exactly what is going on between us.. ive only talked to her once since we got arrested, when she got discharged from the ward and placed back in the home she was staying at. so basically, I have to explain to her that I started seeing someone else while she was away, but im kind of waiting because she is probably fragile with everything in her life and I dont want to turn her world upside down if she was counting on us being together. When I saw her, things were wierd. Orion slave girl routine again.

I was really unsure until recently if I was actually gonig to commit myself to something with either of them, but looking at my actions this week its kind of clear the Michelle and I are staying together, since I have turned down dates with a few other girls. Subconciously I think, because I feel attached to Michelle. And they are all coming out of the woodwork! Nikki, Jenn, Jen and Kate have all called me up recently with the 'hey its been forever since we went out' thing, which is wierd because things ended badly with all of them before they even started. Nikki is a friend of a girl I used to like two years ago but I never noticed, because I was trying for her friend. Jenn is the girl from when I was in HS who is back from college and the one I had to say no to because I wasnt sure I wanted to go as far as she wanted to. Jen is the girl who I hung out with at school last year, and basically was my clsest friend for months of causing trouble around town when I was recovering from my drug problem, and ended up fighting with because she didnt like me like I liked her, but now she wants to visit with me and stuff bacause she is probably lonely because of the way she treats people (like shit, specifically). it would be exciting to hook up with her because of all she meant to me, but I think I won't because of Michelle. Kate is a girl I met at a concert and had a long online relationship with due to matters of the inconvenience of us actually getting to see each other. She disappeared for a few months and then popped back online and wants to pick up where we left off.

So confusing.. I find taking naps really helps.

Now, its time to make fun of me until the thread gets closed! Or you could try to discuss this with me and be supportive. Oh well, it could happen...

[ July 03, 2002, 09:01: Message edited by: CaptainMike ]
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Yes, I'm sure everyone here will have loads of advice to give, based on their own experiences of having too many girls wanting to go out with them and being able to choose. . .

Which reminds me, I never got round to listing all the unusual places I've had sex before that other thread got closed. . . (in order of coolness)

5. In a tent.
4. On a beach.
3. In a hotel swimming pool.
2. At a party at my brother's house, in his bed (he walked in halfway through).
1. On the premises of a company I worked at, in the computer training room. 8)
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Thank you for flaunting your sexual prowless to those of us who can't have that, Vogon [Wink]
Posted by Thoughtchopper (Member # 480) on :
Can't have sexual prowless?

Good luck with everything, C. Mike. Many a friend of mine has been arrested over the years, and none of them have had to go to prison. And I live in Texas. I think you'll be fine.

At the most you'll just have to work two jobs for a while to pay for the lawyer, and you'll possibly get probation. Probation isn't that bad, and a good lawyer can get you out of it.

As for the women...well...good luck, I guess. Wear a rubber, and all of that.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Depending on what you had on you at the time, you'll probably get probation. I was arrested once, with less than 14 grams of pot, and got probation. If you have more tan 14 grams, it becomes "Intent to deliver". I had a somewhat expensive lawyer. He only charged me $2000, since it was a misdemeaner. That was 1990.

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Why, Ed, you rebel, you. 8)
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
Am I the only one here who isn't crooked? [Roll Eyes]
Posted by The Real Folk Blues (Member # 510) on :
Am I the only one here who isn't crooked?
i was going to say "you're the most crooked of us all", but only because i didn't have my glasses on and i thought you were BWC [Big Grin] .
Posted by Raw Cadet (Member # 725) on :
Originally posted by Dat:
Am I the only one here who isn't crooked? [Roll Eyes]

That depends on your definition of crooked.

If you define crooked as being in possession of drugs then no, you are not the only one here who is not crooked.

If you define crooked as being arrested for possession of drugs then no, you are not the only one here who is not crooked.

If you define crooked as pursuing an "involved" relationship with one woman, leading on another woman, all while keeping yet more women on the side as options then no, you are not the only one here who is not crooked.

If you define crooked as embodying the worst male stereotypes then no, you are not the only one here who is not crooked.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
hm. well im looking at a problem because i dont think ill have the money to pay a somewhat expensive lawyer.. and what i had on me was a felony.. and i dont even have as much as you did in 1990 saved up available to spend... maybe if i cash in my vacation time at work... shit

yeah the girls thing is wierd.. i must point out that, in many ways im not the girl mad gigolo i seem to have started to become.. i am still puzzled by the interest in me, since six months ago i was apparently more untouchable than a plague victim to all but one or two, of the female sex, whom i declined to be involved with.. my status line name should read "(bold)Project V(/bold): Virginity".... (which i have decided to maintain from completion, because of all the frightening factors involved)

BTW RawCadet, is that some sort of crack on me or are you just generalizing? hmm...
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
Originally posted by The Real Folk Blues:
Am I the only one here who isn't crooked?
i was going to say "you're the most crooked of us all", but only because i didn't have my glasses on and i thought you were BWC [Big Grin] .
[Eek!] I will never stoop so low as to be Boring Wussy Cunt or like him. [Big Grin]

Oh, yeah. It's nice to know there are other people here who are not crooked (and i'm talking about all the definitions of "crooked" as given by Raw Cadet.

[ July 04, 2002, 00:09: Message edited by: Dat ]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Hey, fun, flaming people out of the blue! Only, like, it isn't and stuff.

Dat, there are plenty of other forums available for your perusal. Some of them about Star Wars and stuff! I suggest you visit them. I refrain from closing this thread only out of respect to our wild and woolly Cap'n Mike, and Thomas Paine.
Posted by Raw Cadet (Member # 725) on :
Originally posted by CaptainMike:
BTW RawCadet, is that some sort of crack on me or are you just generalizing? hmm...

Is that a pun?

To answer your question, yes and no. Dat was vague to begin with, so I cannot even be sure his post is meant to be taken seriously. However, I responded based on the assumption his post is, indeed, meant to be taken seriously, and in order to answer the question his post posed I had to interpret what he meant by "crooked." Therefore, I summarised the behaviors in your original post that could be considered "crooked" in the four pithy paragraphs above. Speaking for myself, I answered the questions posed by my paragraphs and thus responded to Dat's inquiry. If, indeed, he believes the situations you describe in your original post to be "crooked," and was implying in his original post that he was not crooked (and had not been caught in any similar situations), then I have answered his question by stating I have also not been involved in any situations similar to yours.

Mind you, my first two (multi-lined) paragraphs are not neccessarily "cracks," as I find many things much more "crooked" than (occasional, recreational) drug use (although I, personally, just say no; but as CaptainMike said himself in another thread, to each his own). (Of course, since said drug use is illegal, I am not going to cry a river for anyone arrested for it; "don't do the crime . . . . ") If any crack is to be found in my post it would be in the last two paragraphs. I must admit that frankly, I have been finding your constant reminders that supposedly half the female population desires to be conquered by you little more than a lame attempt to let us know how big your dick is (thank you Dr. Freud). However, upon further examination, I can see how your "girl problems" could be a real conundrum. And, since you say you are not sleeping around on all of them with the rest of them, I suppose you are not doing anything terribly "crooked" (by my standards, anyway). In fact, I think "playing the field" (not physically, of course) is perfectly acceptable, until one finds a person they want to be serious about. If you are serious about Michelle, though, I think it would be best to lose the other girls (hey, you asked for my/our opinion, I think).

Tired yet?

[ July 04, 2002, 00:44: Message edited by: Raw Cadet ]
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
hey, whatever, man. if you dont like it, dont post in my thread. i dont like your attitude towards my problem. im not trying to brag to you guys, im trying to make sense of what i should do about these new and unfamiliar situations. emphasis on 'new and unfamiliar'.. if you have some mad-on towards members of the board who get more woman-love than you do, direct it towards those who have actually gotten some, or more appropriately, those that publish lists of places and people theyve fornicated with. i have only become physically involved with two of these girls, and those two in passing only, for, as i noted, while i am fully functional, i have yet to be prgrammed in a variety of techniques. or even one. so stow your presupposed attitude that im some kind of double dealing don juan. im a geek who suddenly has a lot more options and things to be concerned about than he did a month ago.

go design a starship or something, kid. ya bother me.
Posted by Raw Cadet (Member # 725) on :
Is your post from 12:44 a.m. (PSD) directed at me? It certainly seems to be, at least to me, but I ask because I do not see how any of my words would engender such an angry response. If you are, indeed, posting to me, I may respond eventually (though you would probably prefer I do not). However, it is late where I am, and I have to work tomorrow. Today. Un-American, is it not? So, I will not be able to defend myself from the inevitable onslaught of "regulars" who will see fit to flame me until tomorrow night. Or tonight, I guess.

[ July 04, 2002, 01:03: Message edited by: Raw Cadet ]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
No one will be flamed.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
im not trying to brag to you guys, im trying to make sense of what i should do about these new and unfamiliar situations.
Certainly doesn't come across that way, mate.

so stow your presupposed attitude that im some kind of double dealing don juan. im a geek who suddenly has a lot more options and things to be concerned about than he did a month ago.
I'll take your word for it.

go design a starship or something, kid. ya bother me.
It sure is hot in here. Time to find a refreshing cold shower.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Raw Cadet: "If any crack is to be found in my post it would be in the last two paragraphs."

And you're against drugs? ;-)
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
lame attempt to let us know how big your dick is
my post was in response to this sentence mostly. actually, for simplicity sake i have boiled it down to two words.

oh, hi sol system. what up. thnks for intervening

[ July 04, 2002, 07:20: Message edited by: CaptainMike ]
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Mike: Explore your options with care, enjoy the attention while it lasts, keep your dick under control, and try 69...

Mike and Raw: This seems to be leading to an interesting little conversation, I like this format better than the flame board stuff...
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Hey, gang, let me tell you all about this game. It's called "Playing Nice." It's this really cool game that I learned way back in elementary school. You know, I think it was probably at the same point my catechism teacher was teaching us about "do unto others as you would have done unto you."

Anyway, you see, the deal with "Playing Nice" is that, get this, you deal with other people with respect and decency! I know, it's, like, totally out there and stuff, but you go to trust me: it's cool!

How it all works is that you don't make unfair and uncalled for attacks on anybody and everybody around you! You don't make baseless accusations against others, and, when the point must be made, you don't result to petty stuff like assaulting writing skills and personal hobbies. It's totally whacked, I know, but you have got to trust me that this is a really cool and great thing!

By all means, give it a try!


[ July 04, 2002, 09:13: Message edited by: Snay ]
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
Since Simon believes I am flaming, I will stop. [Roll Eyes] But until I see any real improvement, BWC will always be you know what to me.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Dat, for the last time, start your own thread about BWC. im not having it here, since thats how the last thread about me got closed down. by you i believe. nobody is forcing anyone to post in this thread. if you cant stay on topic or, in some peoples cases, treat me with a little respect, here's a link to a place where bullshit like that is allowed TrekBBS

Back on topic, pending another unexpected flame, or even worse, a UM sodomy reference, things are calming down a little. Michelle is away until Sunday, and her absence is making my heart grow a little fonder. I'm realizing perhaps that she is becoming the most important to me, and the others are kind of just distractions. this leaves me in a better place to deal with distractions, since im a little more sure of where i stand. so i guess im not going to be perpetuating some sort of disapproved-of-by-losers male sterotype thing going on here, and im getting into a relationship i want to stay in.. basically, the onslaught of these girls is easier to deal with now that im thiking less with my dick and more with my brain.

and i approached one of the detectives at work and fessed up as to whats been going on in my life lately. he said that he had known, what with my suddenly being clean shaven for my 'important appointment' on wednesday and my requests about 'my friend' getting arrested. actually he could look up the reports if he wanted to also. he gave me some advice and assured my that with the possibilities of this being my first arrest, dismissal, probation and the possibility of my record being expunged in a year, leaving me not a felon, is something to look forward to. but he did advise me that any lawyer would take me for all im worth.. so im hiding my money for a while to see if i can get a good deal.
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
one of the detectives at work
Where do you work and why are there detectives there?
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
im a cashier at a supermarket, and they hire out Providence detectives to provide security at night.. basically, starting around 5 or 6 every night we have a different detective there catching shoplifters and pushing the carriage when, after the doors are locked, they take the dropsafe contents to the cash-up room. its reassuring to have a guy with a gun there whos on your side when you are shoveling ten or twenty thousand dollars from a safe into a lock bag.

most of them are either homicide or vice squad guys, Joe, the one who im really good friends with, is in investigations.. he does fingerprinting and lab collection work.
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Ahhh... it brings back the memories of trying to date a dozen women at a time... wait... no... no, I didn't.

CaptainMike, if you truly have that many women after you, it's your call on what to do. I mean I cannot tell you to dump Michelle, and take the biggest breasted, the fair tanned, the dumb blonde, girl that you have the best way of getting into your bed.

Can you clear one thing up though, you state that Michelle is the first girl that you ever been that close to before, and it's only two weeks. However the other girls, which you stated to have been close friends right? But some of the other girls, were either hitting on you, or just a friend who wants to be close. Now the big question is: WTF is wrong with you? If what you are saying is true, then why before you dated Michelle never asked any of these girls out. I can undertstand long distance, but the ones who actually live nearby...

But thats just me.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Since Jeff beat me to it, yes, by all means play nice. Offer advice to Mike; offer constructive criticism to Mike. Offer to perform oral gratification for all I care.

However, picking on each is not cool. Picking on people who are not even participating in this thread is very not cool and potentially hazardous to your posting privileges.

If you got a problem with another poster on this board, take it to email, AIM, ICQ, or private messages. If you have a severe enough problem, talk to an administrator or moderator.

Mike: I don't really have much advice to give you since I have never even been close to being in all of the situations you have been faced with recently. Just take care of yourself, okay?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
All I want to do is quote Elvis Costello and They Might Be Giants on the matter of detectives (in one case, attractive detectives!) all day long. But, you know, intellectual property and all that.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Fornicating?! Oooh. Sounds biblical. Should I expect a smiting? If so, I'd better take the laundry in, all that fire and brimstone plays merry heck with my whites.
Posted by The Real Folk Blues (Member # 510) on :
because he's so cute, right? the detective, i mean.
and Dat, i didn't mean that i thought your post was written by BWC because of what you wrote, but because without my glasses, i thought it said "BWC" instead of "Dat".

[ July 04, 2002, 17:39: Message edited by: The Real Folk Blues ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Sol System:
All I want to do is quote Elvis Costello and They Might Be Giants on the matter of detectives (in one case, attractive detectives!) all day long.

Simon in song I have heard of shocker!
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Well, as to why I'm not going out with any of the old situations that are coming towards me, Jenn, from highschool, i said no to about two years ago because im just not sure i feel anything for her anymore. i recognized that stopping her placed me back within the virgin waiting room because i didnt care because i didnt want to be involved with her again. i always miss her, but im just not sure and she moves too fast. ... jen i didnt hang out with tonight because she is scary and vandalizes the cars of people she doesnt like, like TJ... i wicked want to be with her, but im just intimidated by the way she is.. it would be wicked cool to be with her, because the very thought of it still irreparably excites me, but im not sure if i can face the wierdness there. asia is missing in action. michelle is away but i want to be with her.

ok im really drunk and just got out of the pool.. i gotta go to bed. see you g's in the morn dawg

i seriously want my status line changed to that thing i said before

[ July 04, 2002, 20:24: Message edited by: CaptainMike ]
Posted by Raw Cadet (Member # 725) on :
Originally posted by Nim Pim:
Raw Cadet: "If any crack is to be found in my post it would be in the last two paragraphs."

And you're against drugs? ;-)

I am glad at least one person recognizes one of the puns I stashed in my post in order to make it a little bit lighter. Apparently I did not inject enough.
Posted by Raw Cadet (Member # 725) on :
Originally posted by CaptainMike:
lame attempt to let us know how big your dick is
my post was in response to this sentence mostly. . . .
Then I will limit my response to the issue of that sentence, for the most part. (In the interests of peaceful coexistence I will not bother responding to a number of other insults apparently directed at me, save one.) First, I apologize for posting the sentence; it is, essentially, a pot shot, and we should all be above posting one. However, the sentence, in hindsight, seems a lot harsher than I intend it to be. It is not meant as a personal insult, per se, but, rather, as an insult of my interpretation of your behavior. When I believe anyone, friend or "foe," is bragging about something sexual, I think it lame. But, as you claim that was not your intent, I am apparently wrong all around.

Above, I said I want to respond to one insult of yours apparently directed at me, and, perversely, addressing the issue might actually help keep your post on topic (of course, you may change the topic of your post as you see fit, but I have no desire to de-rail it (well, maybe a little desire [Wink] )). Methinks that before anyone can give you any concrete, detailed advice, you need to tell them what you want. I say this because you vehemently deny any Don Jaun-ness on your part, but you later refer to anyone who disapproves of the male stud stereotype as a loser. Well, which is it? Do you want advice on how to lose the other women and pursue a serious, monogomous relationship with Michelle, or do you desire a more studly lifestyle, one disapproved by "losers?" (And, to a certain extent, you have elaborated on what you want, but perhaps you could be more specific.)

Mind you, I am not asking so I may offer better advice, as it would probably be better for me to bow out of this thread, but perhaps anwering such questions will help others advise you.

[ July 05, 2002, 00:44: Message edited by: Raw Cadet ]
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :

Mike has made few bones about telling us what he wants, and those desires aren't particularly unique to him, I might add.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
I didnt call you a loser based on your or my views on anything... don't put words in my mouth by saying that i called you that because i disapprove of your views...

i called you a loser because you were pissing me off, and therefore, are certainly not in the winner's circle of this thread.

leave me alone.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
its just that ive never trusted girls.. and i never will.. i can never forgive them... for the death of my boy.
Posted by Raw Cadet (Member # 725) on :
Originally posted by CaptainMike:
leave me alone.

I probably will when "bothering" you means broaching this issue, since I have tried most everything else. I apologized for the sentence you found most insulting, to no avail. I apologize again. And I apologize for assuming you mean what you write; apparently I was wrong to assume so ("I didnt call you a loser based on your or my views on anything... i called you a loser because you were pissing me off . . . "). I have tried, and am trying, to play, and make, nice. So, fellow Flareites, when you see animosity over this issue spilling into other, unrelated threads, it is not because I brought it there.

[ July 05, 2002, 01:23: Message edited by: Raw Cadet ]
Posted by The Real Folk Blues (Member # 510) on :
i don't like the news anchors on ABC's "World News This Morning"
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Will you two kiss and make up, please?
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
what i meant was take Sig's advice and move to PMs if you want to say anything else to me.

yknow what ticks me off? jumping in the pool with stuff in your pocket that you'd rather not get wet.

i fell asleep last night before i got to finish watching 'The Ark in Space'... I'm glad that my life has better production values than that, because all that styrofoam looks like its chafing the actors.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
t-minus one day and counting until Michelle comes back and i tell her.. well something that, thanks to email, ive alread told her and cant take back.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Oh, don't tease us like that! What is it? Go on tell us, please. [Big Grin] [Wink]
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
meh.. i guess i was feeling a little saucy the other night.. i signed the email 'Ich Liebe Dich' and she sent a mail back like 'what does that mean?' and then went away so when she gets back she will have been wondering all week what it means and then i will tell what it means.. it means.....

oh, i just don't know what i was thinking.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
For anyone who doesn't know, it's German, and the Babelfish translates it perfectly.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I'll assume that it's not "I love dick" as first glance is wont to state.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Actually, it's the three most dangerous words in any language: I love you.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
See Shik, he does care....
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Awww... :::blushes::: I wuvz j00, too, my widdle Sieggypumpkin!!
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
"Widdle" is not the first word that comes to mind when I'm thinking of how to describe Siggy [Big Grin]
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I'm not fat! I'm festively plump!
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Yes, but you're not "widdle", either [Smile]

Well, neither am I. But neither are you.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Originally posted by Siegfried:
I'm not fat! I'm festively plump!

This is a new term on me 'widdle' 'pumpkin....
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Originally posted by Siegfried:
...the three most dangerous words in any language:

Let's stay friends?
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Mac and Fries? Snort some coke? Give me head? Get a life?

This could go on forever. . . 8)
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
"Screw you, Lorena" are probably the three most dangerous words a man can say, right next to "PMS my ass."

In other news, screw you guys. I'm going home.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Michelle got back today. I ran into her on my way home from work when i stopped by T-street to see who was hanging out tonight. She was in a hurry and didnt have time to talk, and didnt seem very interested in talking to me anyway. I dont know if its because theres a lot on her mind (there is) or if its because i screwed up seriously somehow in some way i cant figure now.. im not sure if she got the liebe-mail yet. crud, im pretty pissed at this situation. i just want to know whats in her head because this weeks been stressful for me and it made me realize that i need her a lot, not having her around. having the week make her realize she doesnt need me would be really bad for my mental state right now. i was starting to really really grasp the idea that i wanted to be with her, and her alone. coming to that decision, over all the others, and having it fall through would be the worst crap.

yes, i know this is pathetic.

i didnt get into the summer session class i wanted either, and i have to try and explain that to my grandparents, who expect me to be going to school tomorrow.

Posted by Jernau Morat Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
No matter what happens, going with your gut is the thing to do. If, deep down, you like Michelle then you're better off pursuing her and forgetting about the other girls unless it becomes clear that Michelle isn't interested. The fact that she was a bit cold towards you shouldn't be too serious, you probably just need a bit of exposure to each other to become comfortable in each other's company again, that's normal after being away for awhile.

BTW, anyone know of any ways to suppress nausea when trying to muster the courage to make your feelings known to a girl you like just a little too much? I feel like that guy on South Park [Frown]
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Ugh.. I had to get up for school and got here for 8 today.. I'm still in the process of deciding whther to take the early morning summer class or the late summer class, both of which will interfere with the work schedule I've already made for myself... and both classes are already full, which means i have to bootlick to get into them...

and the fact that i dont get home til 3 in the morning from my night job doesnt make getting up this early feel any better.. and i work again tonight..

Michelle sent me a few IMs while i had a pretty severely depressed away message up, so i think she'll be getting in touch with me and i can gauge how much she seems to care.. im holding off on calling her for a little while till then. I think she was really distracted by a messed up situation last night, but i still feel she treated me wrong when she greeted me, and its a basic problem in the nature of our relationship (and the nature of my life, but i cant really explain that now) that we need to address..

now im going to sit in the computer lab and draw ships until i have to be at work.. i havent been here in months, its wierd to be back.

hay has anyone in the eastern seaboard US area noticed this fucked up atmospheric condition? we have a complete cloud cover from Canadian or something forest fires, so everything is colored bright orange because the sun is blocked by orange smoke.. it looks like a perpetual sunset, or a sepia toned old movie.. pretty kinky but it doesnt quite match my mood.
Posted by The Real Folk Blues (Member # 510) on :
BTW, anyone know of any ways to suppress nausea when trying to muster the courage to make your feelings known to a girl you like just a little too much?
don't try to supress the nausea, learn to work through it. the best way is to just suck it up and talk to her. the nausea should go away quickly if you manage to not make an ass of yourself in the first 10 seconds.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
It'll also disappear if you don't (unless you get punched in the stomach for inadvertently saying the wrong thing at the wrong time).
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :

Why, Ed, you rebel, you. 8)

Without a clue! [Cool]


hm. well im looking at a problem because i dont think ill have the money to pay a somewhat expensive lawyer.. and what i had on me was a felony.. and i dont even have as much as you did in 1990 saved up available to spend... maybe if i cash in my vacation time at work... shit

I got a loan, against some money I had saved. Credit Unions are so cool, as you can borrow against saved money without telling them why.
Posted by Jernau Morat Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
Wrecks & Cartman: Thanks guys, I hope you're right. I threw up my breakfast this morning, but wrote the girl an email saying I wanted to talk to her alone. So I'm waiting for a response, and shitting bricks in the meantime.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
i think i've wrecked this one.. michelle is bizarrely avoiding me.

well, we'll always have 'attack of the clones'
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Or she is trying to process the new information that you have supplied her... might be a bit surprised... Keep you spirits up...
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
holy crap.. well michelle's out of town again and now i have a new story too wierd to tell. everythings upside down again.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Oh joy.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :

holy crap.. well michelle's out of town again and now i have a new story too wierd to tell. everythings upside down again.

To wierd to tell???

Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Shirley not.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Indeed! And don't call me "surely".
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
everythings upside down again.
That tends to happen a lot on a trapeze.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Please stop now.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
You don't say....
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
C'est what?
Posted by Professor Chaos (Member # 621) on :
Haha! Clever wordplay from a man who speaks neither English nor French!
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Shows how much you know. :-)

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