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Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
I was going to dress as Cole Blaquesmith from 'Steampunk', but I din't think the right people would get it. So now it's a corporate raider or a Pirate of Silicon Valley.

What are other people dressing up as for Halloween?
Posted by CaptainMike XXIII (Member # 709) on :
I can't believe how geeky this is, but I've been posting for the past few hours wearing my Star Trek uniform.

So much for the myth that Trekkers don't really go on the internet dressed for conventions.

My uniform: circa 2151, Earth Starfleet command division jumpsuit, with Enterprise assignment patch. Rank is captain of course.

The costume was only like half-an-hour's work. Off the rack military flightsuit (so the pockets dont match.. nyah), slight adjustment to the collar, and a length of yellow ribbon sewn to each shoulder. Add an Enterprise patch to the shoulder, and an NX-01 hat. The rank pins are four square studs off my punk belt. I happened to already have a collarless black button down shirt that is properly worn under it. Add army boots, which i constantly wear anyway, and its set.

The most hilarious part is that I'm going to screw continuity and carry a TOS phaser if i cant find a good loking ENT version. no one will really notice. If I want to win the costume contest, I'll also put on Vulcan makeup, which seems unlikely for the Earth Starfleet, but hey, who knows that besides us.

For the party tonight however, I'm gonig in a little more style, Vulcan makeup, DS9 uniform worn with huge rave pants and lotsa skin-glitter and eye makeup. Yes I'm going to fetish night dressed as a gay Vulcan raver.
Posted by Nimpim (Member # 205) on :
I'm wearing my Horta suit now! It ain't no picnic, let me tell you! I have to digest the keyboard in order to use it.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
i'm dressed as the Captain's Log.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I am going as myself.... a bum....

Which is very difficult for me to pull off....
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
That reminds me... have to see if the boss'll let me wear my DS9 uniform tomorrow.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
If I had a costume, I'd be a mountie. But I don't.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
So he'll go as the mounted....
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
I'm dressed as Osama bin Laden. I was going to dress as John Allen Muhammad, but my wife wouldn't let me drill a hole in the boot of the car.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
I'm going to be dressed as the loser answering the front door to hand out candy. Go me...
Posted by Tora Ziyal (Member # 53) on :
Osama Bin Laden! That's a good one. I want to see someone dressed like that here (which would either garner a lot of laughs or a lot of rocks).

I'm going to be a unicorn, dressed in white shirt, white jeans, tan sandals with heels, a paper horn, and my silver cloak.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
For work tomorrow ("Nothing frightening or revealing, please") I'm going to be dressed as a princess. Whoo, hoo. Formal gown from the closet, extra time on my hair and makeup, and a tiera... it'll be a part-ay! [Razz]

On Saturday though, for the party that counts, I'm going to be a goth punk chick.... see, I'm going to this HUGE Halloween bash at a bar over in ID as the date of the lead guitar player in the band (he's my rock star boyfriend!)... anyway, they're all dressing as gothic punk rockers or something, and I get to join in on the fun... my costume, bottom to top: Black patent leather boots that lace up to my knees, black fishnet stockings, green/purple/black plaid catholic school girl pleated shirt (short, with safety pins to hold it in place), skimpy black tank top that laces up the front (My mom hates it- she says I look like a whore), a black sweater if I get cold, and my make-up will be done up in black and purple, with lots of glitter. Add to that the fact that I have my new sassy red hair, and I should be good to go. I'm REALLY looking forward to this costume.... *grin* It's not often that I get in touch with the demon within [Wink]

Crosss your fingers and maybe I'll take pictures. Maybe... [Wink]

Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
Please send picture LOA, it sounds hot. I'm partial to high black boots.

I will be a Wizard.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Liz: You realize, of course, that, if you don't post a picture, the people here will never forgive you. Besides, it can't possibly be as bad as that other Halloween costume picture. The one you sent me a while back, but I'm not allowed to show anyone...
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Again with that photo. Couldn't you at least describe the contents, vaguely?
Posted by CaptainMike XXIII (Member # 709) on :
I am sitting in the school computer lab, wearing an NX-01 hat, 2151-era jumpsuit with captain's pins and pointed ears/vulcan makeup.

(pictures to follow).
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
[Ogre Speak] NERDS! [/Ogre Speak]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I am wearing blue jeans stained with a compound used for treating tree cuts and a shirt with the name of the manufacturer on the front.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Tim: I know not what you're talking about. That picture doesn't exist. Remember? [Roll Eyes]

~LOA [Wink]
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
It should be noted that there is a forum regular who has even more hard-to-get photos than Liz.

And, um, this could be a negotiating postition! Yes!
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Oh, did I mention I've taken some even better ones since then?
Posted by MaGiC (Member # 59) on :
A little late, but I put on a big black formal dress and vamped up. Scared the kids trick or treating. Best bit is the theme for xmas party I just got by email. Its to be an S&M M&S party. Any ideas on how to combine the two welcomed!
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
A red leather & spandex bondage outfit trimmed with white fur.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :


Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Yes, that was a real shame, Mark failing to nail that audition for Underworld's "Born Slippy" video.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
*really beginning to wonder about all this Underworld all of a sudden...*

Did Mark fail on the headbanging sequence?
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
I clearly suck at hinting. Oh well. Another thing to add to the list.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Lee: I think I did vaguely describe it. It's a Halloween picture. The reason I can't show it is because of how she's dressed. Or how she's not dressed, for those who hold to that theory.

MaGiC: I take it that "M&S" is something other than the converse of "S&M"? I'd look it up, but the Internet has a way of turning up scariness when searching for things like that.

Tom: I didn't even know that pictures of you existed. Or do they?
Posted by Solommagnus de Pym (Member # 239) on :
Oh! I want more pictures of male twentysomething nerdish types with glasses (probably)!

I could look at my own pictures.

Except I am not twentysomething.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Man that would be a bad magazine.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
"M&S" stands for Marks & Spencer, a popular clothing retailer in the UK. I imagine (although I could be completely wrong about this, Transatlantic analogy seems to fail me these days) they're vaguely analogous to J C Penney, perhaps. They're regarded as being more up-market than other stores like British Home Stores (BHS) or C&A (now defunct in this country). They're not cool. Even though they've been trying to be, and alienating all the Grannies who shop there in the process. I'd never dream of buying anything more than underwear, socks and occasionally T-shirts there. They do have a food section which is good for well-made ready-meals.

Hence the expression "it's more M&S, than S&M."
Posted by MaGiC (Member # 59) on :
Lee, even after losing 3 stone I don't think I can get away with RED spandex... Black pvc trousers and a twinset? I really don't know. Have a studded dog collar I used to wear in the 80's that might prove to be of some use....
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
Originally posted by Solommagnus de Pym:
Oh! I want more pictures of male twentysomething nerdish types with glasses (probably)!


there you go.
Posted by Solommagnus de Pym (Member # 239) on :
Is that a beard? Wash your face.

Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
nice emoticon.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Good God, finally, something that offends me here....
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
what, the emoticon?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Aww, is the lickle boy too afwaid to use the big nasty razor?
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Posted by Vice-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
Well, it's a few days late but I dressed up at my evening shift in American Eagle Outfitters as a female employee. I was going to dress up like my manager but she made me leave the blonde wig in the locker.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"...I dressed up ... as a female..."

I thought that was how you usually dressed?
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I went dressed as the creepy single college guy that's taking apart an old computer for the simple reason of seeing if he can put it back together again.

My cat, on the other hand, dressed up as Osama bin Kitty. It was pain in the ass trying to glue that beard to her face.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
giving new meaning to me-oooooowwww as it was taken off....

I failed miserably at being myself... Just couldn't get it together...
Posted by Vice-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
No TSN... I usually dress up as a gay GAP employee.
Posted by Solommagnus de Pym (Member # 239) on :
It seems like they all do.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I noticed that the tools stores in Horizon Outlets Malls, on the east side of MI, have a lot of gay employees.... Nothing wrong with that in itself, but try looking for work in one....

I now know what the flip side is to being a minority...
Posted by Tora Ziyal (Member # 53) on :
Uh, from a single experience? I doubt that.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
mmmm, a single experience at multiple locations....

I had a roommate that had the same interests as me, she was interesting, to say the least....
Posted by Herr Kapitan Mike (Member # 709) on :
films developed.. weak of heart, run

My ENT uniform
My Vulcan makeup
My drunken-night fruity Vulcan makeup
More drunken-night fruity Vulcan makeup
BONUS PICS (since i was scanning anyway) hese have nothing to do with halloween but were in the same cam...
A different drunken-night at Spike's (Spike's my night job, not Spike the friendly foreign webmaster)..
A different even drunker night
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
My god. It's full of Mike.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
You know, I spent the ENTIRE weekend after Halloween out of town cillin' at a bar (except for the times where I drove the 1.5 hours BACK to town just to work. Pleh!) and I didn't do ONE bit of drinking - it IS possible to have fun while sober, you know.... [Razz]

And yet I still got stopped by the local police ot make sure I wasn't drunk... lamers... [Roll Eyes]

Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I haven't drank in over 3 years....

My two left feet don't allow me to dance....

I am boring, yes!

So I work, 60+ hours a week...
Posted by Herr Kapitan Mike (Member # 709) on :
who said it wasnt possible to have fun while sober? i'm just saying i got drunk.
Posted by Free ThoughtCrime America (Member # 480) on :
Posted by Herr Kapitan Mike (Member # 709) on :
yer damn skippy it is...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I didn't notice that there's a cute girl in one of those pictures licking your breast through your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle t-shirt.
Posted by Herr Kapitan Mike (Member # 709) on :
or trying to anyway. that was one of laurens friends, i have no idea who it is, but she wanted to be in the picture with us and blocked the shot. we had to retake it.

i thought for sure the TMNT shirt would ward off girls.. as would the pointed ears. the old 'i'm a geek, dont interact with me' warning signs seem to be meaningless in modern society.
Posted by Solommagnus de Pym (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
No, UM, you're really NOT.
Posted by Solommagnus de Pym (Member # 239) on :
Well, certainly nowhere near as absolutely captivating and astoundingly fascinating and enjoyable as you are, sir.
Posted by MaGiC (Member # 59) on :
I swear you two are like an old married couple...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I hope it's a childless marriage. I'm not sure I want a bunch of Jeep-loving deer-killers running around with Magnus's wit.

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