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Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
the Happy this and Merry that threads are out there.. now lets get to the business.

What did you kids rake in fo' Christmas, Hanukkah, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, Festival of the Clones, Stellar Intersection Novae Day

Enough Borders giftcards that i am now a minority stockholder. Candy. a Get Up Kids import EP. a bunch of sparkle nailpolish and body glitter. Argus 2.1 MP digi cam. Epson Stylus C42UX printr. Star Wars Episode I books (from smart sale shoppers!). a Cellphone. Cash money.

and i got things for other people too.. transformers steering wheel covers for rob and kevin (secret santa recipients at my two jobs).. wireless data jack and internet service for my grandfather, and a metal case with shopping certificates inside for my grandmother (she said she didnt want anything, but had asked me to use my discount to buy her the case, so i made it a gift and got her more stuff inside), gift cards for dad, spa soaps for stepmother, and im gonna give my mom and brother a hug if i ever see them again
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
What did you kids rake in fo' Christmas, Hanukkah, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, Festival of the Clones, Stellar Intersection Novae Day
You forgot Gurnenthar's Ascendance. ;-)

Let's see: Olympus digi cam, Star Wars II DVD, Spider-Man DVD, Ice Age DVD, money.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I Fucking snow.

I know that's strange to hear from me. But I'm supposed to be in Connecticut right now. All I wanted was to see my sister & brother-in-law (who sent me an Official New York Yankees Xmas card, by the way) & to give my father a gift of understanding in the form of 3 books...but NO. Instead, we're getting HAMMERED by snow. And no Lindsey to even help me enjoy it.

There's no one in town--State College dies during break--& the few people that stay here are working or off for the day. So it's been an Epsilon Eridani Xmas at Casa Shikenstein--hours upon hours of Babylon 5. Finish out S2 & get well into S3.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
My wife and I have done quite well this year. . . Although of course the best part is it's our first Christmas together. 8)

Highlights include a Canon scanner for me, a stripey Gap sweater for her and, er, some oven trays for the both of us!
Posted by E. Cartman (Member # 256) on :
What did I get? Family warmth, love, renewed friendships, good health... the mushy stuff. [Smile]

No snow. You guys mind handing some of it over?

Meals to die for.

Life is good... as is the set of DVDs Santa slipped down the chimney.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I got a DVD player and some headphones, but I got both of those as "early" Xmas gifts (I got them, my parents paid for them, and I simply get less stuff on Xmas). Actually, I guess I'm not getting any "stuff" other than that. Just cash.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
A joystick, Star Trek Armada 2, two TSO albums, one Savatage album, one Monty Python collection, the latest Mannheim Steamroller album, a 128MB keychain USB drive, some clothes...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I got to see my sister and her boyfriend. I got to spend time with the family, and I got a very nice dinner out of it all. As far as material things go, I got a CD case and a new network card. All in all, is was a pretty good Christmas.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
5GB iPod which is an overglorified paperweight at the moment since it appears I don't have a Firewire port. Hope to fix that tomorrow.
James Bond Special Edition DVD box set
U2's Best of 1990 - 2000
Frank Herbert's Dune
3 Star Trek: Nemesis Special Edition TV Guides (parents must have been strapped for ideas)
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Star Trek 365-day calender
2 sweaters, pait of pants, 3 t-shirts, and a Simpsons t-shirt with almost every character every (sans celebrities) on it
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Hmmmm, lesse:

An assload of chocolate (as defined by the ISO "ass-load" standard. I think my parents want to fatten me up from 135 pounds/6 feet)
A bunch of books, with a noticeable focus on alcoholic drinks
A new watch that syncs itself to some transmission from Bolder, Colorado (which still works in Toronto,
A UPS with a USB port (I must have sounded a bit paranoid about my friends monitor's blowing up....)
An LCD monitor, really snazzy, perfect except for a damn bright blue pixel almost smack dab in the middle of screen. It sits there, mocking me, staring at me. I'll never forgive it, for the death of my boy. (Yeah, its going back....restocking fee or no restocking fee. I paid for part of it anyways. Figures. I worked all term surrounded by literally dozens of perfect LCD monitors, first one I buy *crunch*
Luck != my friend)

Not a bad Christmas in total, although not too lively either. Nice meals, damn cold snow.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"An assload of chocolate (as defined by the ISO 'ass-load' standard."

So, an isoassload?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
A puzzle in the shape of a car.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Oh, and also a Borders gift card.
Posted by Styrofoaman (Member # 706) on :
Lets see.... Being that we just sunk isoassloads* of money into starting up a plastic factory we had a rather small christmas.

She got me a simple DVD player and several DVDs to watch and I got her a 1/2" 3/4HP drill.

Yes, she really wanted the drill! [Big Grin]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
I got a DVD player and some headphones, but I got both of those as "early" Xmas gifts (I got them, my parents paid for them, and I simply get less stuff on Xmas). Actually, I guess I'm not getting any "stuff" other than that. Just cash.

And I'm sure you demanded unused notes, too. You crazy little shit.

I got a DVD player too. A multi-region one, which interests none of you American lot. Except you can't watch Spaced. Which you also don't care about. Even though you should. Ha ha ha!
Posted by Trimm (Member # 865) on :
I got money. A ton of money. A veritable googleplex of money. And no other presents, because my family and I would rather I get what I want, and not have them guess at it. Also got to see all ten nephews and nieces, including my new 5 week old niece Kara. So all in all, a good Christmas this year.
Posted by StarFire (Member # 748) on :
Lets see...I got some good, gift certificates, DVDs, etc. But, I didn't get what I totally wanted with all my heart. *insert 'awwws'* See, I work a lot, I go to school full time. My granparents who kinda basically raised me moved some 150 miles south when I was in high school. Anyway, due to my scedules, I don't see them a lot. In fact, I have worked every singe holiday this year...until Christmas. I was soooo exicted. I haven't seen them since Thanksgiving last year.

Then, the snow hit.

Southeast Missouri was basically inaccessible yesterday. At least the small, windy roads were bad. A few feet of snow on top of an inch of ice isn't good, apparently. So, *sigh* me and my siblings stayed at my dad's where we had the traditional faire of frozen pizza and chips--thanks to Walgreens.

I want my gramma.
Posted by MaGiC (Member # 59) on :
Cosy week at home, my excellent cooking. Got Band of Brothers on DVD along with Scooby Doo and Spiderman. Got a candle making kit and a new pottery wheel too. I like toys I can play with! Oh and Kingdon Heart for the PS2 as I have almost (finally) finished Dark Cloud...
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Ooh, that reminds me. I really should finish Skies of Arcadia.
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Oh what the hell . . . everyone else is!

Multi-region DVD player, 2 DVDs - Transformers: The Movie and The Five Faces of Darkness. [Smile] 2 scarves, pair of warm gloves, DIY book (big, thick bugger with lots of useful pictures and diagrams [Smile] ), new tape measure as my cat buggered the last one (likes to chase and play with it - she's mad). Let's see, what else . . . matching shirt & tie, large book holder for when working at the computer - old one was too small and flimsy, new mouse mat with wrist support and a keyboard wrist support, set of 2 torches, a phrenology head, box of candy canes, box of After Eight chocolates, Terry's Orange, more chocolate and sweets and some money.

Got my Dad a digital camera to keep in the car in case of an accident (and to play with on holiday), my sister got a new mobile phone cover but the stupid cow at the shop gave me a 3410 instead of a 3310 - duh! Got to exchange it when I'm next in town [Frown] My Mum got some cosmetic stuff and my Grandma got some books. And the cat, well she got a new collar and some goodies.

A pretty damned good christmas me thinks.

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
I thought I was the only one that keeps a camara in the car at ALL times just in case of an accident.... I'm glad to hear that you got one for your dad... it makes me feel just a bit less neurotic! [Smile]
Posted by MaGiC (Member # 59) on :
I have issued a disposable one to every company car holder at work...A frightening number of them turned up at the office xmas party.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
*shakes head* Nope... not in my world... I won't go ANYWHERE without one in the car. Too many car accidents in my world, not enough pictures. I've learned this lesson the hard way.

I also have very precise instructions on how to handle my car if it's in an accident and I need to be taken to the hospital before it's removed from the scene. Those instructions are attached to my insurance card/registration in my glove box, and they list who to call IMMEDIATELY to remove my stereo from my car, where to take it, and specific instructions on how to take pictures of the accident and who to give that film to/ where to have it delivered to. Better safe that sorry, no?

I also have a will drawn up at the ripe old ago of 21. It's not that I'm paranoid about being hurt or dying, instead I'm just preparing the world for the fact that I'm an auto magnet, and other cars just always feel the need to crash into me, whether I'm moving or not! [Razz]
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Actually my Dad intends to take pics of all the illegal reg plates he sees - you know, the ones where the driver spend �2,000 on it and has it displayed in illegal italics and is therefore unreadable. He's gonna take a pic and send it to the DVLA in Swansea to get them to take it away and fine them. [Big Grin] Evil, but fair. He's also taken VR so he has some free time on his hands.

Que evil laugh. [Wink] HEHE!

But yes, he'll also use it if there is an accident.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
License plates in italics? How do they pull that off?
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Christ, detailed in-the-event-of instructions, disposable cameras, wills. . . why not just, you know, drive a little more carefully?
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
I DO drive carefully, for the most part... especially since I bought my new car.....

And the preperation for just in case is because, historically, the only time I get in an accident is when I'm not at fault and I'm not moving. [Razz]
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
I also have a will drawn up at the ripe old ago of 21.

Got you beat, there. I wrote one up at 16.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Do you people really have so much stuff that you have to write up instructions for its dispersal upon your untimely demise? Maybe I can understnd it, somewhat, in Liz' case, since she's on her own. But, Omega, when you're sixteen and living w/ your parents, I'm not sure that any of your stuff even legally belongs to you...
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
*L* I own a lot of stuff, too.... and I don't really trust my family to disperse it properly 'cause they're kinda psycho... so I wrote a will...

there are just certain things that for various reasons I want to make sure go to certain people in my life - I own a lot of things that are a) valuable and b) will be appreciated more by certain people than others.

At the age of 16 though, I didn't feel the need to have a will - the will obsession didn't begin until the car accident streak.... and at the age of 16, I think I only owned 3 or 4 things of any value, mainly my TV and my flute and piccolo.... whoo, whoo.... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
When I die I hope to take all of you with me.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Aw, Simon, I'm touched that you want me to accompany you as you transcend the physical world. Or do you just want me around so that I can help you move the sofa?

I don't have a will, but I have told my parents how to transfer my savings account to my checking account and where I have a blank check hidden. As for my belongings, I'm sure they'll all be given away to family members during a raffle following the graveside ceremonies.

I did have a will of sorts when I was thirteen. It basically said how much I treasured some people and how much of a living hell other people had made my life. At the time, I was very depressed and suicidal. I never knew if or when I would finally kill myself, but I wanted to make sure that I justified my actions and said the goodbyes that I wanted to. Fortunately, I ended up never needing it.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I'm simply uncomfortable with my situation, that is, as a temporary entity.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Fortunately, I ended up never needing it."

Now, now... It's never too late...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Never too late to go ahead and off myself? While I'm sure that some people would be dancing in the streets and sipping fine wines if I were to leave this plane of existence, I do not forsee that happening in the near future. I don't rule it out, though, since there are always the possibilities of my life taking a major downturn or the medication ceasing to help.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
That's the spirit!
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I'm quite the optimist. [Smile]
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Do you people really have so much stuff that you have to write up instructions for its dispersal upon your untimely demise?

Actually, it's about ten pages of messages to people I care about. About three lines are about my physical possessions. I don't like leaving things unsaid.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Why do I get the feeling that the phrases:

"Needless to say, I had the last laugh", and
"I hope you're happy now"...

...appear a lot on this will?
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
Let's see. CD-RW, Katana, 17 pounds (big turkey dinner [Big Grin] ) , 5 or 6 games. and a fair bit of snow the day after boxing day.

So except for the snow a fairly good year.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Because you don't know me very well?
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Getting into this a bit late, but never mind...

Warm underwear, a couple of hundred pages of assorted Dan Simmons, a book on the history of tempering systems, another on a national artist, candy, a very nice shirt, more candy, and renewed subscription to Aviation Week. And snow, snow, snow. (Plus tickets to "The Two Towers", a bit after Christmas but still in the spirit.)

The scary part is, the only item I asked for was the first on the list. And I slept through New Year's Eve. I'm spending worry-filled minutes each morning now looking for other telltale signs of advanced age.

Jolly good 2003 to all!

Timo Saloniemi
Posted by Tora Ziyal (Member # 53) on :
MaGiC: Kingdom Hearts is wonderful, especially if you like both Final Fantasy and Disney, which I do. My brother got me Suikoden III; it's a nice RPG with great story and a system that takes getting used to, and for some reason I just couldn't stop playing it. I think I logged over 40 hours between Dec. 20 and 31.

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