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Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :

Is it wrong to want to sell my body (or more likely other people's bodies for the love of a machine that could never love me back? Beauty, power, even a nice personality. Stay tuned as to whether the love gods of invoice limbo will smile upon me and fold one of these precious and wonderful creatures into my tender embrace. *weeps openly*
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
Oh, sure, it's got the numbercrunching lead NOW, but between AMD's Hammer and Intel's Itanium, there's a lot of 64-bit land to divide in CPU-country. Apple doesn't have enough oomph to promote its G5 workstation OR server solutions & make a dent in the Big Two's market share.

Besides... other than the Multimedia Boys, who needs that kind of power, anyway? Mac gamers? 8)
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Lemme ask you a question, Cartmaniac.... when was the last time anyone ever got excited (or even truly interested) in a new product from Microsoft?

For a company that has about 3% market share of current sales (and somewhere around 6% of all computers currently in use in the US), I'd say that Apple gets a HELL of a lot of attention.

Open up Time magazine to the inside cover. Watch the Super Bowl. (Or any other TV channel for a while.) Read CNN or Reuters or the New York Times. Apple is getting excellent press -- if you haven't heard of the iPod or the iTunes Music Store or the new G5, then you've been staying away from mass media for the past two or three years.

Posted by Epoch (Member # 136) on :
All I have to say to all of that is, it's an apple. I personally do not care for them, and yes I have used them before.
Posted by Triton (Member # 1043) on :
Oh ueah, we PC users can now look forward to the experience of 64-bit Fatal Exception Errors and system crashes with the upcoming 64-bit native Windows XP, or whatever name Microsoft calls it, on the AMD Hammer, Itanium, and the recently announced Itanium 2.

Apple has always tried to be innovative, whether successful or not, and make technology sexy, exciting, and fun. Remember the Frog Design designed Macs and the iMac revolution in see-through case design? Without Apple, we would probably still be stuck with off-white as the only computer system color choice in the PC world. PCs would be much more boring than they are now if it were not for Apple.

Plus, where would Microsoft GUI improvement ideas come from if it weren't for Apple? UNIX, Linux, or open source? Not likely.

(Don't remind me of the Xerox PARC story, I know it already. Let's face it Xerox could have owned it all if they had not been so short sighted.) [Frown]

But be prepared to spare no expense when buying Apple products and compatible software. You got to help Apple keep its profit margins high and their stockholders happy. [Razz]

But all this 64-bit processing power is pretty meaningless, and overkill, unless there is software that is worthwhile to take advantage of this processing power.

Perhaps that killer app will be desktop video editing and creation.

But for most people, who can get excited about running their spreadsheets in Excel at 64-bit?
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
But be prepared to spare no expense when buying Apple products and compatible software. You got to help Apple keep its profit margins high and their stockholders happy.
As compared to, say, the prices of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office that keep their own stockholders happy? [Razz]
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Apple makes computers now?

And: taking GUI cues from UNIX. HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO HO!
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Exactly -- Unix doesn't even have one, which is a great cue for Apple to take, and do the opposite. [Razz]

'Course, OS X is a Unix-based system now... but I only open up the command line if it's absolutely necessary.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Can someone explain what 64 bit is exactly? Wasn't Nintendo 64, 64 bit?
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
I think that Charles should add something to the TOS permabanning anyone who talks about a Mac. [Big Grin]
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :

The next link, linked to in the previous article gets to the point a bit quicker.
Posted by Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
I am not going to bag on Apple since I do own a Windows iPod myself.

Whoever says that PC's are sexy need to remember that vendors like Alienware and Voodoo and Sony do make non-beige computers. True Alienware and Voodoo are more expensive while Sony loves purple, you don't have to by a boring computer if you can afford it. Apple may have made sexy computers over the last few years and threw in attractive accessories with them but there is one thing that they need to get through first... the PR that makes people say WHY BUY APPLE?

In my theory, Apple has developed a PR among the public that prevents higher sales in the computer market.

First, the software availability to Apple versus Windows. This is something I've heard time and time again with friends. Apple doesn't have the software titles that Windows has or the games take a few months to go into Mac format.

Second, office environment compatibility. This is basically still around even though OSX can be part of a Windows network and thanks to Bill Gates, Microsoft Office is available to OSX. And now Apple plans to release software that works with either the MS Office apps while not labeling them as Microsoft.

Third, Windows domination. Why go with Apple if everyone runs Windows in one form or another? It's kinda like how people in large groups behave, they just go with the flow even if it's viewed as destructive by some. If you have 21 Windows PC's and laptops to choose from, why bother with an iMac or even with a Powerbook?

So feel free to bash this theory to pieces...
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Fleet Admiral Colorge: short answer; because diversity is good. And new ideas are good. And (incidentally) I interface just fine with my PC compadres NP using OSX and it's not specifically thanks to Bill. Compatibility? Office X, smooooth. Domination? At any point ever in history/evolution ever has it been a good idea for a single entity whose only motivation is (essentially) greed to hold all of the power? Should we lie down for that? I like my mac, a lot. I kick ass with it every day. Other people kick ass with their PCs. The point is that there should be a choice and just because one is far more popular (ahem, unscrupulousmarketmanipulation) doesn't necessarily make it the best way to go for everyone. Some people (simple-minded folk, surely) like it when things are easy and evidently some of us are even willing to pay for that.

Originally posted by Sol System:
Apple makes computers now?

Well, actually, they're calling them e-facilitators now so as not to scare off any potential technophobic customers. Titter, titter.

And so yeah AMD's Hammer is coming, and yeah, I'm sure Intel has got some (virility-evokingly named) x86 monstrosity coming down the pipe, but this is our moment in the sun. We made it first and our computers are much much prettier than yours. Say what you like, but the G5 is one bitchin' machine. I will use it for graphics and music and video and 3D and it will be good.

I don't really see why our PC comrades insist on urinating on our dreams. The company who builds the computers we happen to love has made an incredible and progressive technical leap. We're understandably excited that Photoshop will slay, and Final Cut will dice, and iTunes will rip, and Carrara will... render, really really fast. Surely that's cause for celebration not defecation...

You poo-heads.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Well, actually, they're calling them e-facilitators now so as not to scare off any potential technophobic customers.
Joke as intended, ingredients of: Apple all into music these days, with the iPod, and iTunes, and Apple: The Record Company.

(virility-evokingly named)
Sexium 3000. I await my check.
Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
Originally posted by Saltah'na:
I think that Charles should add something to the TOS permabanning anyone who talks about a Mac. [Big Grin]

Actually, I'd be using Macs if they ran the software I desire (mainly games and some dev apps) and they weren't quite so expensive.

While there is a great deal of software being slowly developed for the Mac (mainly via Linux), there are just a few things missing...
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Originally posted by Sol System:
Joke as intended, ingredients of: Apple all into music these days, with the iPod, and iTunes, and Apple: The Record Company.

Humor. It is a difficult concept. It is not logical. No, but we can dig it.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
"when was the last time anyone ever got excited (or even truly interested) in a new product from Microsoft?"

One word: .NET

Apple's iPod & iBook & iMac & iTunes & iWhatever are all fine and dandy, but they won't have a lasting effect on the industry. Nor will the G5, for that matter. Yeah, it's a solid CPU (which couldn't have arrived at a better time, because its predecessor is a deplorably underpowered & overpriced POS), but it won't sway the OTHER ninety-four percent of computer users to Apple's side on media attention alone.

[best Dexter voice] Now for UUU, Mastar Compuuutar! [/best Dexter voice]

"because diversity is good"

Everywhere but in a business environment.

"At any point ever in history/evolution ever has it been a good idea for a single entity whose only motivation is (essentially) greed to hold all of the power? Should we lie down for that? I like my mac, a lot. I kick ass with it every day. Other people kick ass with their PCs."

Unfounded speculation ahead: if the roles were reversed, and Intel & MS were the bugs in IBM & Apple's iRug, we wouldn't be any better off than we are now (because Apple is far from the philanthropic organisation you make it out to be), and we would still have fundies preaching their undiluted bullshit about how their processors are faster and their operating systems are stabler and their interfaces are cuter and their computer casings are more innovative when in actual fact they're impractical as hell and butt-ugly and and and...

Look, I'd like to see a thirty-thirty-thirty split just as much as you do. But these cards were shuffled and dealt long before MS morphed into the usurping tentacled behemoth it is today, so play the hand you've been given and don't bitch 'n moan about it a decade later, oookaaay?

"The point is that there should be a choice and just because one is far more popular (ahem, unscrupulousmarketmanipulation) doesn't necessarily make it the best way to go for everyone. Some people (simple-minded folk, surely) like it when things are easy and evidently some of us are even willing to pay for that"

Choice? Choice is the one thing we have no shortage of, man.

-Windows ME (included for the sake of completeness ONLY)
-Windows 95/98 (for simple-minded folk [like Liam])
-Windows XP (for even simpler-minded folk)
-Windows 2000 (for common people [like $me])
-Windows 2003 (for less common people [like Charles])
-MacOS X (for you-know-who)
-Linux (for nerdy folk [like Tim])
-BeOS (for even nerdier folk)
-NetBSD (for l33tb0iz)
-FreeBSD (for l33tb0iz)
-OpenBSD (for l33tb0iz)
-Solaris (for true h4x0rz [like Frank])

YMMV, of course.

That said, I like OS X precisely because it combines fluidity w/ speed w/ accessibility, but it's simply not MY first choice (which, for the record, has nothing to do w/ group mentality crap or MS worship). If 'X tickles YOUR fancy, then more power to you. IDIC. Now be quiet.

"And so yeah AMD's Hammer is coming, and yeah, I'm sure Intel has got some (virility-evokingly named) x86 monstrosity coming down the pipe, but this is our moment in the sun. We made it first and our computers are much much prettier than yours. Say what you like, but the G5 is one bitchin' machine. I will use it for graphics and music and video and 3D and it will be good."

Hmm-hmm. I'll grant that x86 is a prehistoric ragtag architecture and [best Dexter voice again] nooothink [/best Dexter voice again] would please me more than to help it die a quick death (yeah, so, I confess, I'm jealous), but there's something to be said for backward compatibility too. It would, like, SUCK if we couldn't execute legacy code (Win32 and everything else that came before it) natively and had to pump it through slow-as-molasses emulators and/or rewrite our entire software library (THAT'd be easier to do on the Mac platform). I need my Total Annihilation fix, dammit.

"I don't really see why our PC comrades insist on urinating on our dreams. The company who builds the computers we happen to love has made an incredible and progressive technical leap. We're understandably excited that Photoshop will slay, and Final Cut will dice, and iTunes will rip, and Carrara will... render, really really fast. Surely that's cause for celebration not defecation..."

But you guys & gals are like:


And, in response, we not-so fruity boys & girls are like:


[ July 01, 2003, 12:32 PM: Message edited by: Cartmaniac ]
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Someone ordered a theory bashing? [Razz]
Originally posted by Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge:
I am not going to bag on Apple since I do own a Windows iPod myself.

Lucky you! I desperately want one, but can't afford it just now... too many other expenses.
Whoever says that PC's are sexy need to remember that vendors like Alienware and Voodoo and Sony do make non-beige computers. True Alienware and Voodoo are more expensive while Sony loves purple, you don't have to by a boring computer if you can afford it.
Yes, but the point is that no one (as far as I'm aware) EVER made notable variations to the generic beige boxes of whatever shape until Apple came out with the iMac in 1998. Then everyone else started copying. [Wink]
Apple may have made sexy computers over the last few years and threw in attractive accessories with them but there is one thing that they need to get through first... the PR that makes people say WHY BUY APPLE?

In my theory, Apple has developed a PR among the public that prevents higher sales in the computer market.

Well, when Microsoft has 90%+ market share, almost nothing will seem to have a major impact. But Apple's "Switch" campaign definitely *has* been working -- it's not an incredibly fast and amazing success, but it's still working. After all, you can easily find parodies of their commercials online in various forms -- people are noticing. And that's what PR is about, right? You've got to make people more aware of the product before you can get them to buy.

Then there's the fact that Microsoft was apparently scared shitless about the "Switch" campaign, as indicated by their amateurish (and aborted) counter-campaign featuring a Mac user who had switched to Windows XP, who turned out to be a fake...
First, the software availability to Apple versus Windows. This is something I've heard time and time again with friends. Apple doesn't have the software titles that Windows has or the games take a few months to go into Mac format.
That may have been true before (as in five years ago), but is now completely false concerning most software. Practically all the major applications are made for both Windows and Mac. Or at the very least, there's a high(er)-quality equivalent for the Mac side. For a trivial example, there's no such thing as WinAmp for Mac, but who care's? We've got iTunes! [Big Grin] A better example would be Microsoft Access, their database application. There's no Mac version of it, but FileMaker Pro is so much better. (And is cross-platform anyway.)

Yes, games are the one sore spot in many circumstances. But really... are you THAT addicted to new products that you've got to decide what kind of computer you get based on whether the Mac version of the game is released a month or two later than the Windows version? Get a life! [Razz] (j/k... mostly! [Smile] )
Second, office environment compatibility. This is basically still around even though OSX can be part of a Windows network and thanks to Bill Gates, Microsoft Office is available to OSX. And now Apple plans to release software that works with either the MS Office apps while not labeling them as Microsoft.
Again, false. You can easily hook in to any network with OS X (as you say). And the Office documents are now completely cross-platform, with the most intricate styles being preserved on either side of the barrier?
Third, Windows domination. Why go with Apple if everyone runs Windows in one form or another? It's kinda like how people in large groups behave, they just go with the flow even if it's viewed as destructive by some. If you have 21 Windows PC's and laptops to choose from, why bother with an iMac or even with a Powerbook?
Ahhh, herd mentality. Peer pressure. Whatever you call it. I don't wish to be rude, but if that's the best reason you've got, that's pretty weak. [Smile]

Heck, that's the entire logic behind the classic "Think Different" campaign from a few years back. I've even got a t-shirt with the poem on the back, "Here's to the Crazy Ones"...

Anyway, what's really funny is that using a Mac user is only destructive in other people's minds. When I moved into the dorm last year (my first year living at UD), I had to go down to get my computer registered. The person at the desk was concerned because I had a Mac, and they needed a different procedure. Or they didn't know how to do it, or something. Anyway, I hung around to help them out with it -- and I got it all done in five minutes, by myself, with the tech who was theoretically supposed to be helping ME standing, looking over my shoulder. And that's not just because I was more familiar with the computer -- I hardly had to change any preferences at all, just had to go to a specific UD site to register my computer and IP address for the dorm ethernet hookup. (I could've done it from my dorm room, but didn't have the instructions so went down for help to know where to look.)

To top that off, the networking is fantastically easy, even with Windows systems. OS X has full SAMBA compatibility that's getting better as time goes on... it's pretty useful, all in all.

As for the price... well, what's wrong with paying a little bit extra for quality, if you know you're getting a great product? Not only will it last longer -- my 2001 iBook is still running the latest software quite happily, and my dad's 1997 G3 is still chugging away on the desktop as a backup machine to his 2000 PowerBook G3 that's probably going to be lasting another year as his primary work computer (not because of financial reasons, though...).

I remember when Gateway made that big deal about trading in your old computer and getting a new one after two years. Was it a lease program or something? Anyway, I was kind of amused, because a computer can easily last for longer than that... the only reason I dumped my desktop iMac after barely 2 years was because I wanted the mobility of a laptop -- that's all.

So essentially, the one real reason I can think of that makes Windows platforms better than Macs is the gaming situation -- it's admittedly not great, although it's slowly getting better. And that's something that's handled by the individual publishing companies and how they manage their code development. For example, "Masters of Orion 3" was released for the Mac barely 1 month after the Windows version -- what they did was work on a single version of the game for as long as possible, working in a coding language that could easily be ported to Macs in much less time. So they didn't have to divide their efforts and essentially build two games that looked the same on the screen, but were nothing alike under the hood.

So yeah, things are getting better!
So feel free to bash this theory to pieces...
Done. Thanks for the permission! [Razz] [Big Grin]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Simon's Law: The value of any operating system is inversely proportional to the depth of feeling felt by its fans.

Well, one of his laws, anyway. Frankly, that guy's a bit of a blowhard, and fond of making pronouncements about all sorts of things.

I use Windows 98, and likely will continue to do so until the end of time, because otherwise Microsoft will be able to track me with their secret satellite network. XP lets Steve Ballmer broadcast uptempo klezmer music through my teeth.

Beware the Microsoft sputniks!
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Simon's Law: The value of any operating system is inversely proportional to the depth of feeling felt by its fans.
So... that means that it's only valuable if people hate to use it? [Razz]

At any rate, I've seen plenty of people out there who are incredibly passionate about their cars. Or about cars they want to have. Snay has his Death Jeep, for example.

Me, I couldn't give two hoots about specific types of cars, because that's not my main interest. For me, a car is a tool that gets me places, that's it.

As with most things, it's a matter of taste. But your lack of preference (or a hatred for Microsoft that makes you keep using it, if it's that valuable [Razz] ) doesn't mean other people can't be passionate about it.

After all, I've never heard people complaining that BMWs cost too much and are bad cars that are only valuable because people rave about them so much...
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
I was awaken this morning by a folk prayer, written by Ellstein Jacob Jacobs Rosenberg, lyrics by Gideon Mordechai Yentl Epstein.

(Also: there is a band from Princeton called "The Klez Dispensers." I can only groan.)

No more XP for me, I daresay.
Posted by Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
BMW not reliable? I've heard that when I got mine, but it still works great with only maintenance to do.

Well, my theory was on why the general public isn't switching from Windows to Mac. I personally am a Sony Vaio fan, and my 20gb iPod happens to match my new Sony Vaio TR series laptop. I buy electronics because of four main elements: reliability, looks, upgradability, and of course how Trek-like it is.

Maybe this explains why the Kolbe Index says I'm a technologist.
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
Does anyone need that much power?

I recently purchased my uncles old computer from him, it's a 1.2 AMD Athlon, with 728 megs of ram, and a geforce 4 card, and I've never been happier [Smile]

I just don't see the need for dual 2 gig whatchamacallitz or whatever.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
Oh, the need will arise. That's how it's always been. Though in Apple's case, it may take a little longer than usual. 8)

More nerdish G5 literature:
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
True, but i don't think it'll be for a while until minimum system requirments need somthin like that,

P.S. BMW cars suck. BMW Motorcycles ROCK!
Posted by Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
Well a BMW is just fun period... even the BMW bike the guy I dated was fun when we weren't having sex on it.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
I think It's been a couple of posts now since anyone mentioned how shiny the G5 is. Also it's been a few hours since I professed my reckless and dangerously-obsessive love for the products of Apple Computer, Inc.

And also that we have a dream. And we're going to remind you poor PC stiffs about it every damned chance we get. (And our dream is shiny!)

:emoticon expressing scary cult-like religious conviction and, simultaneously with (but with equal emphasis) a sort of pity or sadness at the misguided protestations of those who do not (cannot) understand this:
Posted by Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
Some say, live and let live...

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Paul McCartney says "live and let die". How does that fit into the grand scheme of things?
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
It means James Bond will smack a pimp.
Posted by Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
He'll also sleep with the hoes...
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
i'm scared for us all..
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :

No, but now I'm reading that this glittery new machine won't boot OS9. From the G5 developer note it looks like we'll still be able to run Classic (which is good since the main app I use for my business uses the advanced 1995 technology of Deneba (we used to run this program albeit slowly on a Mac IIci.)) So, I know why they've done this, it's asking a lot for developers to make Mac versions and asking them to split across two OSes is really stretching their resolve. But like, this is different than the Wintel world. I haven't tried it, but I think I could run pretty much any Windows OS on any machine I wanted, couldn't I? Like so if (for some god forsaken reason) I decided that I wanted my P4 2.8 GHz blast-furnace gargantua (with an extra dose of ugly-case and turbine noise) to run Windows 95 (or even DOS 3.1? {gasp}), I could do that, right? Like M. Cartmaniac, I run Win2K Pro on my two main wintel boxes now (I've got an old HP running 95, but I've fired that up maybe once in the last three months), and I'm just realizing that 2K is a 3 year-old OS (though fuck if I'm switching to XP yet). I locked myself out of the one W2K box and so I'm thinking of reverting to Win 98SE on that one for the games. But, like, I have that option. Also, I could go the other way, so that if (by some miracle) I had enough memory in that HP Pentium, I could install XP, and it would be slow as molasses, but it would work, n'est pas? Tell me like it is, oh, ye, jeering, sneering PC drones.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Yes, its true. Any brand new PC can run any Windows OS from Win32 to XP. Dos 1.0 if you want, even. That is, if the drive is FAT and not NTFS.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
And, if it isn't, reformat it.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Balaam, what kind of program is it that your company's using that it can't be ported to OS X? I don't know all of the specifics, but I don't see why there couldn't be some kind of fix to get something working in X for you.

Do you remember the big WWDC conference last year in 2002? I think that was the one when Steve Jobs got overly melodramatic and held a mock funeral for OS 9. Basically the point is that there will be no more development of the OS 9 platform, aside from enhancing its performance through the Classic mode in OS X.

Yeah, it's been controversial because it's been looked on as a form of forced upgrades... but look at it from Apple's point of view -- OS X is such a huge improvement over OS 9, and if it takes twice as many resources to develop an app for both versions, then it'd be better to go with the newer system.

I know it took me a few weeks to get used to the differences in OS X when I first switched over, but believe me -- it's worth it. [Smile]
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Originally posted by MinutiaeMan:
Balaam, what kind of program is it that your company's using that it can't be ported to OS X?...

I'm using a really old version of Deneba Canvas which is, like, both a pixel and vector editor. There's a great new OSX version (9) and it's solid and everything. I even know how to use it. It's just that it has a lot of bells and whistles you just don't use in my line of work, and believe it or not, that ancient version of Canvas (3.5.4) is really perfect. It's fast and terrifically efficient (very little lag), the interface is no frills, no nonsense and when it comes to deadlines there's just nothing faster.
Originally posted by MinutiaeMan:
...I know it took me a few weeks to get used to the differences in OS X when I first switched over, but believe me -- it's worth it. [Smile]

No I use OSX. I love it. It's terrific. It's ridiculously stable. I think I've had three system crashes since switching and they've all been Firewire related (my mini-DV camera doesn't like ANYTHING else plugged in while it's on.) Aside from that I don't like the way that it orders things (4504 comes before 32004) in column view (which otherwise just kicks such amazingly major amounts of ass it's ridiculous) So, I'm all over the X. It's almost like having a new machine. Almost. I still yearn for that duallie-G5. I had to take a client to lunch this afternoon while the final tweaks to their video project (and primarily the letterbox conversion) rendered in Final Cut.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
MimamumiaieMan: "'Course, OS X is a Unix-based system now..."

Precisely like that fuckardly management system in Jurassic Park?
Where that snotty little brat had to sail through the system software folders using a flight simulator, to get the frigging doors to lock?

I think you overrestimate their chances!
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
OSX was still firmly based on FreeBSD, last time I checked. That Unix misconception just won't die...
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Originally posted by Nim:
Precisely like that fuckardly management system in Jurassic Park?
Where that snotty little brat had to sail through the system software folders using a flight simulator, to get the frigging doors to lock?

I think you overrestimate their chances!

First off, get your facts straight, buddy. [Roll Eyes] Mac OS X uses FreeBSD 4.4 and GCC 3.1 as the base system for OS 10.2. It's been that way since the very beginning of OS X. I've got it installed on my own system, too.

Besides, there are LOTS of varieties of Unix systems out there -- precisely because it's such a time-tested OS. And that's why the majority of enterprise servers out there still use Unix to power their systems. And like most computer systems out there, the interfaces can be customized for various purposes and styles.

Besides, remember that in "Jurassic Park" the fat computer administrator who got eaten was a jackass anyway, and probably set up something like that just to make things difficult for everyone else.

No need to be so rude about this, Nim. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
...And now, Apple has yet again topped the charts in PC Magazine's annual Service and Reliability survey. With all of the crap that people seem to get from some of the Wintel machine manufacturers, you'd think more people would just get fed up!

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