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Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :

The Police WERE looking for me. They were asking questions about me last week, while confiscating a hard drive from one of my test machines. Now they have found me. There is a strong possibilitiy that I will have to go to court.

No, I have not been charged, but someone else has.

Simply put, the store in which he brought his computer for repair was ours. I was the one who signed the machine in. While I was on my day off, one of my coworkers used my test machine to back up some files specified by the client (he specifically asked for a particular folder to be backed up). It was then during this process that the offending material was found. The police then took the test hard drive AND the client's computer.

As for the Anti-American essay that I mentioned, that was from a different computer, and not related to this case.

Yes, it is very likely that I will have to go to court. As I was the one who signed the machine in, I will most likely be called upon to establish that the defendant signed the offending unit in to our store.

Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
The guy's name is Ian Mole. Perhaps he is Adrian Mole's secret brother... [Wink]
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Hey, at least you'll get to help put that sick fuck away for quite a while.

And on a more positive note, you'll also get to finish that essay. B)
Posted by Pensive's Wetness (Member # 1203) on :
Originally posted by Saltah'na:

The Police WERE looking for me. They were asking questions about me last week, while confiscating a hard drive from one of my test machines. Now they have found me. There is a strong possibilitiy that I will have to go to court.

No, I have not been charged, but someone else has.

Simply put, the store in which he brought his computer for repair was ours. I was the one who signed the machine in. While I was on my day off, one of my coworkers used my test machine to back up some files specified by the client (he specifically asked for a particular folder to be backed up). It was then during this process that the offending material was found. The police then took the test hard drive AND the client's computer.

As for the Anti-American essay that I mentioned, that was from a different computer, and not related to this case.

Yes, it is very likely that I will have to go to court. As I was the one who signed the machine in, I will most likely be called upon to establish that the defendant signed the offending unit in to our store.


sometimes i kinda worry about that myself. my screen saver is set to my pictures and, naturally i got some porn with the normal stuff, almost entirely lesbian pictures that reminds me of ex-girls friends (and people i knew who i had crushes with but not the balls to ask them, at the time) i used to date in high school and all thru my 20's.

bu what shocked me about that article was the pervert's age: 20. dude, all the MAMBA members that have gotten arrested have been middle aged, mostly. WTF is a young pup doing with kitty porn?
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Glad to hear it's not the FBI that's going after you! [Wink]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"bu what shocked me about that article was the pervert's age: 20. dude, all the MAMBA members that have gotten arrested have been middle aged, mostly. WTF is a young pup doing with kitty porn?"

I think you mean "NAMBLA"?

And, as for the age, there was an incident at my job of someone downloading kiddy porn at work. The guy who allegedly (saving myself from slander accusations there, I guess) did it was, I think, seventeen.

Y'know, I really don't understand how people can be so stupid as to have that sort of thing on their computer and take it to be repaired. Don't they ever read the news stories about all the other idiots who did that? Hopefully the directory he asked to have backed up wasn't the actual porn one? That would make him doubly moronic.
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Originally posted by MinutiaeMan:
Glad to hear it's not the FBI that's going after you! [Wink]

Naw, the FBI will be knocking down my door next week. The week after that will be the CIA. And after that, MI6.....
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
Be the first on your block to collect the whole set!
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Y'know, I really don't understand how people can be so stupid as to have that sort of thing on their computer and take it to be repaired. Don't they ever read the news stories about all the other idiots who did that? Hopefully the directory he asked to have backed up wasn't the actual porn one? That would make him doubly moronic.
I rather think it's a good thing that these types are stupid enough to get themselves caught.
I belive Gary Glitter was caught the same way.

Mind you, one wonders why a computer shop would be looking through their customer's photo collection in the first instance.
Unless of course he was really stupid with the filenames.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Pensive's Wetness:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Saltah'na:
[qb] bu what shocked me about that article was the pervert's age: 20. dude, all the MAMBA members that have gotten arrested have been middle aged, mostly. WTF is a young pup doing with kitty porn?

I thought that was suprising too - that the age of the accused was only 20. Yeah - most "children predators" you hear of are, or seem to be middle aged.

BTW: Kitty Porn??? [Smile]
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Originally posted by Reverend:
Y'know, I really don't understand how people can be so stupid as to have that sort of thing on their computer and take it to be repaired. Don't they ever read the news stories about all the other idiots who did that? Hopefully the directory he asked to have backed up wasn't the actual porn one? That would make him doubly moronic.
I rather think it's a good thing that these types are stupid enough to get themselves caught.
I belive Gary Glitter was caught the same way.

Mind you, one wonders why a computer shop would be looking through their customer's photo collection in the first instance.
Unless of course he was really stupid with the filenames.

Yes, he asked for that particular directory to be backed up. Now, normally, we don't observe the filenames being transferred, but we take an occaisional peek of the status to ensure nothing wrong is happening. It was when my associate started noticing strange filenames like fathersonkiddieporn004.jpg being transferred that he flagged down management on this issue.

If he had opted for a full wipe instead of a backup, then we wouldn't have found his secret vice. Customer service at its best.

I wouldn't be surprised if the suspect's mom comes in demanding a refund. [Big Grin]
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
If a 15 yearold had "kitty" porn - and he's a kid himself... what would happen then?
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Well, he'd probably be tried as a minor, which as I understand it means he could be jailed until 18. But then I could have just been watching too much TV.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Posted by Pensive's Wetness (Member # 1203) on :
Originally posted by Omega:

oh my god i shit myself laughing so hard! [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
It's been almost a year since all this started.

I would have thought that the criminal would have pled guilty by now. The evidence is just too overwhelming. Besides, the police never called me to get a statement, so I thought the matter had already been dealt with.

Imagine my surprise when I received a phone call from the Toronto Police Sex Crimes unit. They realized that they never got my statement so they are asking me to give one to them. The defendant had pled Not Guilty (surprise surprise) and the case is going to trial in April.

To top it all off, a subpoeana will be in the mail shortly. Fun, fun, silly, willy!!!!
Posted by Mighty Blogger Snay (Member # 411) on :
I got a subpoena in the mail last summer - see, I'd been a witness to an auto accident. No big deal, but apparently the at-fault driver wanted to go to trial over it. Then I got another notice saying "nevermind."
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Car accidents are the devil spawn from which lives are destroyed.

But that's just my opinion.

And what do I know.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Everything ever.

I might as well lose some of my hard-earned respect and say "what IS a subpoena?" To me, it's always been another fancy word said by fancy people who wear fancy braces.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Fancy braces? The last British crime drama I saw suggested that powdered wigs were still the thing, but I suppose legal couture marches ever on.


((Subpoena: A subpoena is a written court order requiring the attendance of the person named in the subpoena at a specified time and place for the purpose of being questioned under oath concerning a particular matter which is the subject of an investigation, proceeding, or lawsuit.))
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Didn't they make a joke about the word in Animaniacs once?
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I thought it was "pianist" they were making fun of. It was the episode when the Warners Brothers (and the Warner Sister) were chimney sweeps working at Beethoven's house.
Posted by Nim' (Member # 205) on :
Bah, what do you know? You being a picker and all that...

Psy: You must stop obsessing about that word, you're going to get subpoenas-envy.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Perhaps Enterprise would have had more than chance if they'd pronounced "subcommander" differently. . .
Posted by Toadkiller (Member # 425) on :
Originally posted by PsyLiam:
Everything ever.

I might as well lose some of my hard-earned respect and say "what IS a subpoena?" To me, it's always been another fancy word said by fancy people who wear fancy braces.

If only there was some sort of global interlacing web of computers to solve such questions for us. We could call it the Intraweb and Google upon it.

Oh why have you left us Algore, oh why!!!?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I don't trust the internet.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
You can never forgive it for the death of your, erh, fanciness?
Posted by Nim' (Member # 205) on :
Don't make me babs you.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Yes, snookums?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Lose! Or Draw!

That was the awesomest game show ever!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Let's do it again!
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
Makes you wonder what Omega was googling to come up with that?
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Perhaps "Kitty Porn"?
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Interracial kitty porn, perhaps?

Oooh... so naughty...
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
So I booked off today mostly expecting to relate my story to the court and having the defense attourney frying my hide like a half baked chicken. Here's what happened.

1) I was told to get there very early to prep for my testimony. So I ended up getting there at around 9, met with Scott, one of the other witnesses in the case and a former co-worker, so we got around to chat.
2) The representative from the prosecutors office was to speak with us at 9:30. She never came.
3) Trial was supposed to start at 10. The courtroom was not opened untill 10:30. And even then, they would not let us in the courtroom, in fact, they let some lady in crutches, left arm in cast, and neck brace in to discuss her case, probably a car accident in which she was involved.
4) At around 11, the rep comes to speak with us. She informed us that the defence lawyer has put in a bunch of motions to be addressed, that's probably why they decided to delay the proceedings while the lady's case was addressed.
5) We later find out that among the motions being set forth by the defense lawyer is a change of venue to the downtown courthouse. The Rep knew about the motion and apparently it was going to go ahead. This means that the trial would have to be put back until later this year.

Sheesh. Had they informed us earlier, then we wouldn't have to waste half our day in court.

Well, on the bright side:
1) I took the opportunity to have the windshield of my car replaced while I was in court.
2) It was a fun reunion between former co-workers.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Well, he's just Mr.-Glass-Half-Full today, isn't he? 8)
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Here we go again.

March 6.

That's when the trial officially starts.

I was formally served with the subpoena today in which I was told the following:
1) The week before the trial (March 1), I am to go down to the courthouse so that the representative from the Crown Attourney's office can prep my testimony
2) It looks like I'll be the first to supply testimony. After all, I was the person who signed in the computer.
3) Even if I do not testify on the 6th, my appearance on that day is mandated by law, trial formalities and all that crap. Which means that there is a possibility that I will not testify until the 7th and yet I could waste the 6th doing nothing but twiddling my thumbs.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Jeez, this is still going on? Your tax dollars at work!
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
Here's my court story, also the events leading up to the story:

I used to hang out with this guy, we'll call him Dave. One of his hobbies i guess you could call it was driving around at night and throwing cups of water at cars, people, whatever. Sometimes they target would start to chase him. It was actually kind of funny having a little car chase through this sleepy town. Anyways. Him, myself, and another guy I'll call Matt where out doing this (It was the first time i was with them, and I was in the back seat the whole time so I never once threw anything out the windows.) Well Dave decided he was going to throw something other than water. So he got a cup of nacho cheese from a convenience store and threw it at a taxi. Well, the cabbie started chasing us through the city and called up about half a dozen of his fellow cabbies to help. one of them ended up blocking off an intersection then tried to ram us when we got past. Eventually we got pulled over and we were takin into seperate cars to get the usual interrogation. (i got the cool 4x4)Dave, and Matt both tried lying thier way out of it, but I figured there was no point so I told the truth. I didn't get charged with anything, since obviously there was no way for me to have thrown anything out the window of a 2 door car from the backseat. A few weeks later I got a suboena to go to court to testify against the cabbie who blocked off the intersection and tried to ram us. He was being charged with dangerous driving and that was when the police were notified that a bunch of cabbies were chasing a car. Long story short, we got to the courthouse and the prosecuter asked us to describe what happened. The cabbie never got charged because we couldn't see his face and none of the cab companies involved would own up to having a car that fit that description.

BTW: I just want to re-iterate that I was only an observer and I never participated in that particular hobby of thiers. And I also stopped hanging out with those two wacko's.
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :


What a pain in the arse! The one and only time I went to court was because a policewoman mistook a red light on a bus contraflow for the green light on the regular lane I was passing through. She was found by the magistrate to be a fool.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Don't worry, I'm sure the Police Federation, ably assisted by my former employers who were their lawyers, got her a nice big cash settlement for mental distress and anguish and stress.
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :

So after all this, after all the court appointments, appearances, preparations, etc, it all came down to today.

More motions. More Arguments. More rulings.

And when it all came down to it, the defendant finally pleaded guilty to the charges against him.

Sheesh, you mean I DON'T get to testify and get my hide fried like a grilled chicken?

I got to court at around 9:00 hoping to meet the court officer, only to find out that the court officer was not in at the time. After waiting for an hour for the officer to show up, I was informed to go to a particular courtroom and wait.

That's right, just wait. First batch of motions takes about an hour and a half. Then there is a recess until 1:30. Break for lunch with former co-workers, hamming it up as much as possible. Then return to the courtroom. This time we are asked to wait outside the courtroom in the waiting area.

So we wait.

And Wait.

And wait.

At around 2pm, the attourney shows up and informs us that the defendant has pleaded guilty. I mean seriously, all this and he then chickens out at the last minute?


Well, in any case, it was yet another fun reunion between former co-workers, and any thoughts of trying to go back to work were immediately decided against as hey, most of the day has already gone by, so what's the point?

So thus concludes my journey through the Canadian Criminal Justice System. A whole lot of something for basically, well, nothing!!!
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
There's the good ol saying: it ain't over until the fat lady sings.

The Lawyer for the family of the defendant has requested my contact information. Apparently, the defendant's family is starting a lawsuit against myself, the two other co-workers, and the store for breach of contract and unlawful search, namely that whatever is on his computer was only the defendant's business and we had no right to intervene.

This doesn't make sense, after all the defendant himself did plead guilty to the charges against him......
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
Tell em to go F*ck themselves. Don't worry, I doubt they have much evidence to present. And I don't think any judge would side with them.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
It's my understanding that most legal cases and lawsuits usually do end up either (1) being dropped, or (2) being settled/pleaded. I'm not surprised that guy pled guilty.

My manager worked at a computer shop a few years ago where something very similar happened. He actually helped the state cops set up a sting, where the guy came to pick up his machine, they sent him around back to the loading dock, confirmed his identity, and had the cops bust out on his ass.

That other lawsuit seems, naturally, bullshit. My dad was involved in a car accident several years ago. He was rear-ended at a red light, and he was pushed forward to hit the person in front of him. For whatever idiotic reason, the person in the front of the three-car pile-up decided to sue not only the guy who plowed into my dad, but also my dad. The case has dragged on for several years, for some stupid reason that I can't quite fathom. Sadly, this still means that a lawyer's services will probably be necessary to defend against this apparently-frivolous lawsuit.
Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
*sigh* Two years later, and the bullshit continues?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Um - this is rediculous... the guy has been caught with child porn - who FOUND the porn shouldn't make a lick of difference. As you said Saltah'na he plead guilty.
Posted by bX (Member # 419) on :
And, well, it's not like you stumbled across the guy's secret stash while installing a printer driver. If I recall correctly, he'd specifically requested you make a back up of that (those) folder(s). I mean, not to mention that what he was doing was illegal. If there isn't specific precedence, I'm sure there's legal parallels to be drawn from photo-mat workers processing naughty pictures.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by MinutiaeMan:
He was rear-ended at a red light..

Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
You must have seen this coming.
Sounds like you have a solid defence, your company is obligated to first check to see if the material is being copied correctly and I'm not sure which province you are in, but I'm sure that in most provinces you are obligated to report these kinds of things to the police.
I hope the company is paying for your lawyers.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I would dig in to those people's lives and find out who put the notion to sue you in their heads, then sue them for starting a bunch of stupid shit.
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
If I were still an employee with said establishment, then they would be paying my legal fees. Unfortunately, since I'm not, then therefore they are under no obligation to pay for them.

And yes, in Ontario, we are bound BY LAW to report such things to police. If we let this go knowing that this stuff was on there, then we would also be liable for aiding and abetting a felony.

As I keep telling that lawyer, they have no grounds to sue for two reasons: 1) the offending material was in plain sight and 2) the defendant pled guilty.

I am not going to dwell too much on it unless I actually receive notice that the lawsuit has been certified by the court system.
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
I thought you might be interested in this. Seems the guy reported it and the customers are now boycotting the company.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Gee, most people don't realize that fixing a computer � especially a software problem � usually involves [i]using the fracking computer and checking out individual files. Morons. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Seems the guy reported it and the customers are now boycotting the company."

Different event. That one's in Seattle.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OMG People!!! PEOPLE!!! Do these MORONS not see what the real PROBLEM is here - it's not whether or not computer companies see files... CHILD PORNOGRAPHY is WRONG and the SICKO who HAS the images is trying to play the "snooping" card. WHO CARES - this guy has Kiddy PORN. End-of-story.

Haven't the police arrested this guy!?! There has just been a major multi-national sting operation capturing a ring of child-pornographers around the world - yet this sick fuck can sit around arguing that a person paid to check his computer found his fucking sick obsession.

I can't believe he even had the CHANCE to recommend or NOT recommend any computer company to a friend. He should have been arrested and thrown in jail.
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
The store I used to work for recently altered their fine print on their work orders to state that they are not responsible for the state or privacy of the client data. In other words, sure you can send it in to us, but by signing the work order, you waive all rights to keep your information private. Sure, they will do their best to ensure privacy is undertaken but they will not be held responsible should they call the police in regards to child porn on the computer....
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"CHILD PORNOGRAPHY is WRONG and the SICKO who HAS the images is trying to play the 'snooping' card. WHO CARES - this guy has Kiddy PORN. End-of-story."

In this particular instance, I'd say the guy doesn't have a case. However, I would recommend against "the guy's a criminal, therefore privacy is retroactively a non-issue" as a general argument.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :

Admissibility of evidence being a rather large pillar of most Western legal systems, you might not want to end it quite like that.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OK then how about if a plot was stumbled apon by someone onto a person that was going to commit a murder, or had a truck full of all the components of a bomb and had a map with the whitehouse circled on the front seat... do you ignore it and say "I should respect that person's privacy"? Or report it.

He should be arrested and undergo due process not be allowed to roam free and mouth off about the 'big brother' computer store down the road to all and asunder.

And of course it's nothing in the same VEIN as this Tim but your view about privacy and computers might be coloured just a bit after what happened to you at work.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"He should be arrested and undergo due process not be allowed to roam free and mouth off about the 'big brother' computer store down the road to all and asunder."

He should be arrested, yes. I'm just saying that it's a bad idea to be so readily dismissive of privacy laws. It's a small step from "well, he was committing a crime" to "well, he might have been committing a crime".

"And of course it's nothing in the same VEIN as this Tim but your view about privacy and computers might be coloured just a bit after what happened to you at work."

The what, now?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Oh, come on Tim. We all want to hear the stories of how you've been caught downloading hot goat-to-butt action while pretending to use Excel.
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
I just got word that Ian Mole just received 20 days in prison plus 2 years probation.

That's it?

Wonder what was going through the judge's mind when he imposed that sentence.

There is supposed to be an article floating around, once I find it, I'll post it.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Yeesh. Wonderful to see that the U.S. doesn't have a monopoly on the clueless judiciary. [Roll Eyes]

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