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Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :

Okay, yesterday I installed Virtual PC with Windows XP Pro on my beloved iBook (after I "borrowed" the install CD from my dad's collection). The main reason that I installed the software was because I wanted to test some websites (especially mine) using Windows software, to make sure that they appeared properly.

I've got a few questions that I'd like to ask about running Windows. I'm not looking for ultra-detailed answers, because this is really just something that I'm going to run on an occasional basis, nothing more. I know I could probably find these answers elsewhere, but I'm quite literally starting at square one as far as information with Windows goes. I've got literally no experience with setting up and running my own Windows machine.
  1. After a half an hour digging around in the damned thing's control panel preferences, I finally found out where to activate the firewall. I know that I'd end up catching a virus inside of ten minutes otherwise! (I kept my Internet connection off while searching for the firewall, and didn't turn it back on until after I'd activated it.) But what I'd like to know is, what other security features should I look for? Since I'm running through VPC, I've got the Windows firewall, my Mac's firewall, plus the cable modem and the family's router all between Windows and the Internet. Is that enough to provide sufficient security for occasional use? (I won't be using Windows for e-mail or anything on the Internet aside from browsing.)
  2. Can I install multiple versions of Internet Explorer on Windows? In addition to MSIE 6, I'd like to be able to run versions 5 and 5.5 on the system, so I can check the website in those browsers as well.
  3. Is there a way to turn off the annoying animations and fancy graphics in Windows? The stuff like the animated puppy while running the search really eats up memory and processor time, especially while I'm running it through the emulator. 'Twould be nice to be able to turn those things off.
  4. Where's the control panel for the appearance of Windows? I'd like to be able to get rid of the awful "My First Windows" appearance and switch to the more traditional (though square and simple) theme.
I think that's about it for now. I might come up with other questions later on. Thanks for your help!
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
1) Yes. XP is not THAT leaky (though, granted, far from waterproof), despite what you may have heard.

2) Yes, but I don't think you'd be willing to submit yourself to THAT much torture. B)

3) Yes. To kill the puppy, open the search dialog, click "change preferences", and then on "without an animated screen character". Presto. For everything else, TweakUI is your friend.

4) You want either StyleXP to change the kiddy theme yourself, or Service Pack 1 which resets XP's look to "classic" for you. Alternatively, either right-click on your desktop, hit the Appearance tab, and then select "Windows Classic" from the Windows and Buttons menu, OR right-click on My Computer, then on Manage, then on Services and Applications, and then disable the "Themes" service altogether (which saves more memory).
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Excellent. Thanks a bunch! [Smile]
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Looky here. Beating XP into submission in 200 million easy steps.

Talking about unneeded clutter and resource-hoggers, I can't help but notice the large amount of icons in your Maccy taskbar thingy..
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Originally posted by Harry:
Talking about unneeded clutter and resource-hoggers, I can't help but notice the large amount of icons in your Maccy taskbar thingy..

Yeah, that would be the Dock. It may look like clutter, but it's not as bad as it looks, because when you hover the cursor over each icon, it shows the name of the item in question. And there's some organization, too -- applications go on the left, and documents on the right. It's sort of like the "Start" menu, but combined with the bottom bar in Windows where all the open windows are listed.

Hmm, I never realized just how many icons I've fit into that little Dock... But I've never had a problem with it because of the easy association with the different icons (as I use them). It's very useful.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
I didn't like the default XP settings either, so you're not alone on that one. The Start menu is always the first to change. As well as changing the Control Panel to match the classic one so stuff is easier to find.
Posted by Toadkiller (Member # 425) on :
Phfff -

I put MY dock on the left, man what's up with you?


Just to add some (off-topic) content - new iPhoto update out today....
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Well, if we're making semi-random desktop comments...

I hate the way that XP stacks similar taskbar applications by default. Hate it. The new start menu is much nicer though. And the chunky look is fine if you change the colour scheme to silver.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Ohhh I like the chunky Start button menus. I know at FIRST it was a little annoying - but now when I go back (on another computer) that has 'classic' style set - I don't like it at all.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Then I download a bunch of useless shit like WindowBlinds to apply skins to Windows. Right now I'm using a MS Longhorn build 4051 skin. Changed the logon screen to a Department of Defense logon, new icons....
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Hmm. I seem to have ended up agreeing with Andrew. Oh dear.

The old style does seem really...old though. Old, or "I am far too cool to use chunky Windows buttons" which is an argument that shoots itself in the foot the moment it is said.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
But I am far too cool to use chunky Windows buttons.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Told you.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Okay, things seem to be running fairly smoothly on the Windoze side. (I call it that now because I dozed off twice while waiting for it to complete some installations, it's running so slow. Yeah, I know it's the emulator's fault, but still... [Razz] ) I've installed the plethora of updates from Microsoft (that sure took a while, I'll tell you!), and I'm now running SP1 and all the other associated stuff. I even fiddled with the interface a bit -- I didn't download any of those programs yet, but just tweaked it using the control panel. I'd probably use the silver theme if XP were my primary system, but I'm sticking with the blue coloring because it clashes less with the Aqua styling of my beloved Mac. And by shrinking the text of the window titles just a bit, the whole thing looks quite a bit more presentable.

I've got one minor problem, though. I'm running the Windows disk off of a 6GB external hard drive... and the complete Windows XP installation has now taken up more than 3.1GB of that space! I haven't installed any programs aside from a couple of browsers (Firefox, Opera, and IE5), so they can't have bloated the installation that much. I was hoping to be able to use the drive for backup purposes as well, to store an extra copy of my personal files. Is 3.1GB actually now considered a small installation for Windows? Or can I go through and trash a bunch of files from somewhere to cut down on the amount of space required?
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Wow, installing and running Windows off an external drive? What kind of connection is it?

Anyways, if its any consolation my WINNT directory in Windows 2000 is already 1.8GB and when you add up associated directories I wouldn't be surprised if it hit 3 GB.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I'm running the external drive on a FireWire-to-IDE converter cable, so it's probably running at around 400 Kbps (FireWire standard). It's a bit slow, but not any worse than I'd expect considering it's running through an emulator anyway.

So, Win2K already uses up to 2 gigs. OS X uses about the same, too. Given Microsoft's reputation for bloatware, I suppose that 3 gigs isn't all that bad, but I'd sure like to be able to shave a gig or so off the top, if possible.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
There are many (are you listening, bX?) superfluous, erhm, items you could freely dispense with, but XP's biggest diskspace usurpers are its System Restore and Hibernation features (and, technically, the pagefile, but you really don't want to disturb that), both of which you can silence from the control panel (System ==>> System Restore tab and Performance and Maintenance ==>> Power Options ==>> Hibernate tab, respectively). Just don't forget to delete the System Volume Information folder after you've deactivated SR.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Okay, I did turn off the System Restore function the other day, but I didn't delete any folders. Where can I find the SVI folder to delete it?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Turning off System Restore won' make the Windows directory any smaller, because the space reserved for System Restore is kept elsewhere.

As for the fact that it takes up so much space, I remember hearing that a lot of that is to do with the graphical and aural niceties that come with it, along with any other Windows extras like Movie Maker.

Their argument was: "Hard drives cost about 70 cents for a gigabyte. 3 gigabytes is therefore only slightly more than two dollars. Stop being a tight bastard."

(Say all that, my installation is only 1.5 gigabytes. Is yours filled with pretty pictures, or something? And if you're going to complain about the general XP look, then you should at least turn off the "go" button next to the address bar. That's just for morons and the gays.)
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
MinMan: in your drive's root directory, though you may have to coax WExplorer to display hidden OS files first (Tools menu ==>> Folder Options ==>> View tab) or give your user account access to it if you formatted the drive to NTFS during install.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Any time I've installed XP its only taken up around 1.5 GB.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Liam: Yeah, hard drives are relatively cheap, if you're buying a new computer. But if you're just trying to run something on the side using what you've got (which, in this case, is an old drive that used to be the primary in my dad's four-year-old PowerBook), you're stuck.

Cartman: I've got WExplorer showing hidden files like you suggested, but I still can't find any folder called "System Volume Information" or any similar name. I didn't do a traditional install of Windows, though -- it was handled by Virtual PC, so I'm assuming that it just gave me whatever the vanilla defaults are.

When you say root level, I assume you mean C:\ as the location, right? (Sorry, I'm really unfamiliar with the Windows terminology! [Wink] ) Even with the hidden folders turned on, I only see four folders in that directory: "Documents and Settings", "My Music", "Programs and Files", and "WINDOWS".

(Sorry if I'm being particularly dense here... I appreciate your help so far! [Smile] )
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Yes, the root level's always C:\, or D:\, or E:\, or whatever letter XP assigned to your drive.

Have you also unchecked the "Hide protected operating system files" box, BTW? That should definitely make the SVI map pop up.

And I don't mean to brag (much), but I do believe this is worthy of recognition. B)
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Okay, I un-hid the protected OS files, and found the folder, right where you said it would be. The only problem? It's empty. Seems like Windows actually deleted the files when I turned off System Restore -- which, as I now recall, I think it said it would do.

I guess this is one of those few cases where mine's bigger! isn't something you really want to brag about, huh? [Wink]
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Not to be completely left out ... Mine. Although I have little to worry about.
Posted by UFPSFMC-Colonel Mike Captain (Member # 709) on :
420 folders? By God soldier, put down your grub and stand up so I can salute ya proper.

Blod Gess America Poke Smot!
Posted by Ultra Manjuice (Member # 239) on :

Because: Size of Windows installations, kiddo.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
No no no, you got it wrong! It goes like this...

*sings* Three of these things belong together, three of these things are kind of the same. But one of these things just doesn't belong here...

Um, yeah. I forget the rest. It's been almost twenty years since I watched that show, okay? [Razz]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Mine's 450 folders, and is 1.5 gig in size. And it's a new installation (I haven't even gotten around to putting in Office). Runs fine though, and I don't really have the inclination to ferret around trying to make it as slim as possible when there's Mario Kart to be played and ladies to be ignored by.

Originally posted by MinutiaeMan:
Liam: Yeah, hard drives are relatively cheap, if you're buying a new computer. But if you're just trying to run something on the side using what you've got (which, in this case, is an old drive that used to be the primary in my dad's four-year-old PowerBook), you're stuck.

Actually, no. Hard drives are relatively cheap if you're buying a hard drive. Doesn't matter whether it's new or not. �40 will get you a 120 gig hard drive. By most definitions, that's "cheap".

Still, 3 gigabytes? That is odd. How big are your System32 and Web directories?

(And "root" isn't Windows terminology. It was also used on the old Amiga's and ST's of the early 90s. I suspect it to be a UNIX term, if anything. So really, you have no excuse.)
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
I want to know where you can get a 120 GB hard drive for �40. Now. Before I pay $146 for one.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Originally posted by PsyLiam:
(And "root" isn't Windows terminology. It was also used on the old Amiga's and ST's of the early 90s. I suspect it to be a UNIX term, if anything. So really, you have no excuse.)

Oh yeah, "root" is definitely UNIX terminology. It's used for OS X as well. I just wasn't sure which section of the drive the term referred to on the Windows-formatted disk, since they've got various places including "My Computer", C:\, and so forth. In the twisted world of Windows, "root" could have meant just about anything. [Wink]
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Hmmm 40 pounds seems to be about 96 CDN. That sounds close. The place where I buy stuff lists it for $109, a bit highter but far away from $146.

Yep, 1.79 GB 425 folders. But this is one old installation of Windows...I think I've actually moved it twice, from one motherboard to an older one for a few months, and then back. That was fun.

Anyways, looking at the actual folders, it looks like the vast majority of the space has been taken up by cached service pack/update files....some of which is so that you can uninstall them if needed, and also so you don't have to put in a cd in those odd instances when Windows asks you to put its CD in to install something.

So if you feel lucky, you could probably say "no" whenever an update asks you whether you want to option of reverting and saving some space.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"One of these things is not like the others / one of these things just doesn't belong / can you guess which thing is not like the others / before I finish my song?"

Speaking of storage space, why is my brain memory being taken up by things like that?
Posted by Ultra Manjuice (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"Speaking of storage space, why is my brain memory being taken up by things like that?"


"...I don't really have the inclination to ferret around trying to make it as slim as possible when there's Mario Kart to be played and ladies to be ignored by."

For you, there will always be ladies to be ignored by. And even an eight-year old can defeat you in a game of Mario Kart, so what choice do you have?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
He only beat me on the final line, with a blue shell. And they shouldn't be allowed. The little bastard.

Originally posted by Topher:
I want to know where you can get a 120 GB hard drive for �40. Now. Before I pay $146 for one.

I might have exagerrated slightly, but I seem to remember the 120gig ones being about �46 at our local computer fair, and 160 gig ones being about �56. I've just looked at Dabs, and they show a DiamondMax Plus9 80GB UDMA133 for �38, a 120gig one for �49, and a 160gig for �57. I don't think any of these are fancy SATA-type ones, but whaddya want?
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Meh, I'll stick with TigerDirect, I guess. My mom's footing the bill after all. [Big Grin]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
You mean the place that seems to be selling 120gig hard drives for $69.99? What was your original complaint, again?

Unless you are talking about Canadian dollars, which would make that hard drive...CAN $92. What was your original complain, again, again?
Posted by Ultra Manjuice (Member # 239) on :
Hey, computers and computer parts!
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
The hard drive I picked out is $144.99. Cheapest 120GB drive on TigerDirect is $109.99, after a rebate. What do you all recommend for a brand of hard drive? The $109.99 drive is a Western Digital. I have a WD drive right now that's dying on me, so I'm a bit apprehensive...
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
I've had no problems with my WD and it's on a six year old computer. (mind you, the WD is as old as the computer)
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :

One of us is being silly here. Or there's some delicate trick to Canadian financed I'm not understanding. That really does look like $69.99 after rebate to me, though. And what the hell does "rebate" mean, anyway?

Anyway, it's 7,200rpm, 8 meg buffer...that's all you want, really. And if you're that worried about Western Digital, then why not get the 200 gig Seagate? It's 80 gig more than the one you've picked out, and STILL costs less. Or why not try the site that Mucus pointed out? Unless you're on some sort of desperate quest to get the least cost-effective hard drive on the planet.
Posted by Ultra Manjuice (Member # 239) on :
Because, for whatever reason, he is buying parts in American dollars from a store located in Florida.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Hmm. Looks like I've just been seeing the "Best Selling Hard Drives" section and didn't bother looking any further...
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Okay. But US $69.99 = CAN $92.31, not $109. That's a bit of a price difference. Unless they force you to pay $10 because they hate your stupid, stinking non-Constitutional money.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Topher:
Hmm. Looks like I've just been seeing the "Best Selling Hard Drives" section and didn't bother looking any further...

You mean at the hard drive that was right there on the front page?

Going shopping with you must be a nightmare.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Actually, when I enter the product number for that drive on my end, I get this:

And the deal with rebates, for that drive would be thus:

You pay $99.99 for the drive. You get a little form that you fill out, mail away, and get a cheque for $30. So in the end you pay $69.99.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I bought, like, a 160 GB Seagate many months ago, that, with rebates, would have cost me a little under one hundred dollars, but I never sent the rebates in. And also I have yet to buy a motherboard that can use it, so it is sitting in a bag at the foot of my bed. Under a blanket. (The blanket has a bunch of things on it.)

I am done with computers and electricity.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Speaking of Seagate, they increased their warranty period to 5 years which would be a major advantage since IIRC, everyone else is still at 1 year, or 3 for some high-end drives.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Topher:
Actually, when I enter the product number for that drive on my end, I get this:

Well then, don't buy it from that URL. Buy it from this one. It's not rocket science.

You pay $99.99 for the drive. You get a little form that you fill out, mail away, and get a cheque for $30. So in the end you pay $69.99.
What an unbelievably stupid system. Stupid stupid stupid. Who uses cheques anymore, anyway?


Buy a motherboard, Simon.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Actually, Liam, the page I get has prices in CDN. The page you get is in US. So I'd end up paying the same anyways.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
I don't have the money to buy it right now, thus my questions. [Razz]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Actually, Liam, the page I get has prices in CDN. The page you get is in US. So I'd end up paying the same anyways."

So, CA$109.99 (US$83.86) is the same as US$69.99 (CA$91.81)?
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
The drive model number is THD-1200JB P. Listed on the website in USD, its $99.99, with a $30 rebate, yielding $69.99. The exact same sku on the Canadian listed website is $139.99, with a $30 rebate, yielding $109.99.
Posted by Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
So buy American then?
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
After shipping charges and conversions etc etc I'd probably end up paying the same.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I still have no e-cash. Or even checks, for that matter. I trade only via the barter system. Oh, and also double-entry book keeping is a mysterious art of the future for me.

I have been meaning to set up a new bank account, but things keep getting in the way. Like, I'd like to go in the morning, but I'm never awake during the morning. And then yesterday I watched Heavenly Creatures instead of doing anything at all.

Also I'm worried that I would hemorrhage money like a firehose if I could buy books and ironic T-shirts while sitting at home.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
For a dead century, the 20th one is sure being heftily lived in, I must say.
Posted by Ultra Manjuice (Member # 239) on :
Hey, golems!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Topher:
After shipping charges and conversions etc etc I'd probably end up paying the same.

Then buy from the sight Mucus said! Gagh!
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
That site lists the drive for $109. TigerDirect has a 120GB drive for $139, with a $30 rebate. Also, I'll save on shipping costs if I get everything from the same place.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"sight"? Is this an MSN chatroom now?
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Posted by The Captain from M.I.K.E. (Member # 709) on :
Posted by Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
22 years old, male, Los Angeles...

Why are you asking this by the way?
Posted by The Captain from M.I.K.E. (Member # 709) on :
Originally posted by Cartman:
Is this an MSN chatroom now?

Posted by Ultra Manjuice (Member # 239) on :

Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
It was a rhetorical question, you moon-faced assassins of joy.

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