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Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Posted by Sean (Member # 2010) on :
I wonder if she was a large woman? THis also means that there was mostlikely no intamacy between these two for two years. SO it must be true love.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
She was stuck on a toilet, and her skin was growing around the seat. That's not a large woman, that's a HUUUUUUUGE woman.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Or a small toilet.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
She's probably an Alien, sent here to absorb all of our Toilet seats.
Posted by Sean (Member # 2010) on :
I have heard of sedintary people becoming stuck to their couch because their skin grew into it, but never a toilet seat.

Ooo, my local news will have this story on in a few minutes. I must watch, and solve the mystery...

Actually,this would make for a humorous Unsolved Mystery story [Smile]

[ March 13, 2008, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: Sean ]
Posted by Sean (Member # 2010) on :
As just said on my noon news, The woman had lived in the bathroom of her boyfriend's trailer home for two years, after developing a phobia of comming out of the bathroom. SHe has only been stuck on the toilet for a month appearently. She is now at the hospital in good condition.
I have heard of and procured many phobi myself, but never the fear of leaving the bathroom...
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Ah the sanctuary that is the bathroom. Though still,how the hell do you get stuck to the toilet for a month?
Posted by Sean (Member # 2010) on :
Well Governor Spitzer, I dont know. [Wink]
I would love to know how your skin grows AROUND the seat. Yuck.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I've heard of the phobia of leaving the bathroom before. I don't think it's specifically bathrooms, like, they like the pretty toilet or something, but the fact that as long as they're brought food and water (and their loved ones will do so to prevent them dying) they need never leave - got a shower, toilet right there. And it's a small lockable room. It's like germophobia and agoraphobia and things all in one - the guy I saw on the documentary was terrified of other people's germs so he stayed in the bathroom. It took his family a very long time to call in outside help, also - I think people would tend to be in denial about their son/boyfriend/whatever refusing to leave the bathroom. I mean that's way outside normal experience.

The guy I saw was eventually persuaded to crack the door, but his mom came around the corner while he did it and he screamed for like 10 minutes because of her germs. I'd like to know how the hell you get that kind of weird idea of germ propagation into your head...
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Yeah but the whole skin around the toilet thing is really something, especially now since I heard she may not be fat. Certainly not what comes to mind when I think of cyborgs. [Smile]
Posted by Sean (Member # 2010) on :
I am a partial germ-a-phobe. It is very irrational because germs are every where, but that is the point of most phobias. They are irrational. Take me Dan. I am partially afraid of germs, and fully afraid of spiders, holes in my clothes, backwash, needles, people spitting on me and for a short time in my past, sandwichs. Most are completely irrational, but I am afraid of them anyways.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
*shrug* I'm bloody terrified of spiders. I scream like a girl if I discover one crawling on me. I think that's a pretty common phobia, though. (Probably exacerbated by the fact that a spider once bit me on the *nuts.*)
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Afraid of holes in your clothes?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Originally posted by Sean:
I am a partial germ-a-phobe. It is very irrational because germs are every where, but that is the point of most phobias. They are irrational. Take me Dan. I am partially afraid of germs, and fully afraid of spiders, holes in my clothes, backwash, needles, people spitting on me and for a short time in my past, sandwichs. Most are completely irrational, but I am afraid of them anyways.

you know, of coarse, that all the germs are out to get you.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
I'm afraid of insects,needles, and insects that carry needles.
Posted by Sean (Member # 2010) on :
I believe I have gotten over my fear of needles, until I get my next shots...

EVen I laugh at the sandwich phobia. I wouldn't eat sandwiches for 3 years. My mom had to pack saltines and peanutbutter and jam in my lunch as a substitute.
Posted by OverRon (Member # 2036) on :
Originally posted by Mars Needs Women:
I'm afraid of insects,needles, and insects that carry needles.

Seconded. If I turn around and suddenly see a wasp/bee/hornet sitting on my arm or on the wall or buzzing near my head, I'll scream like a girl then run and hide.

Apocalypse-a-phobia or whatever it might be called. Loud bangs and booms have me thinking of nuclear bombs and meteorite strikes and all kinds of other things like that. That is until my rational part of my brain catches up and say "Lightning" or something similar to that.

I also have Tachycardia phobia (if that's even a proper phobia). If I feel a twicth or feel my heart beating faster, I get worried. It's a kind of a self-reinforcing phobia too, as it the fear of it makes my heart beat faster which in turns makes me fear it more and so on and so forth. Plus my other phobia's feed into this one too...
Posted by Sean (Member # 2010) on :
Ligyrophobia, and Atomosophobia. As for your heart, the closest thing is cardiophobia, but I think that is fear of your own heart.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
OverRon, whenever I hear sirens on a stormy day, I'm struck with terror for a moment. Adrenaline spike and everything. I think it has to do with a nightmare I had when I was bout 12 where the world was ending in fire and torment and I watched from my garage as the rain poured down upon humanity's anguish and the air filled with sirens.

I'd just read Revelations, see...

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