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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Omega: [QB] [i]Since a boat cannot be a box and be stable[/i] I've seen computer simulations showing that a properly designed ark of the given dimentions would be literally impossible to tip over. [i]you'd need two of every member of different Human ethnicity[/i] Why? You go live around the equator for twenty generations and see what your decendents look like. Chances are, they'd end up with dark skin, due to simple process of natural selection. People with dark skin are more likely to survive near the equator, due to skin cancer rates. Conversley, people with light skin are more likely to survive near the poles, due to vitamin D production. Races are simply familial groups taken to the extreme, with some natural selection thrown in. As for your numbers of species, Rob, I wonder this: have any experiments been done to see if the, say, 19,000 different kinds of snails are REALLY different species? Do they just look somewhat different, or are they really incapable of reproducing with each other? Looking at different breeds of dogs, an uninformed observer would likely think that they were different species of a similar life form. However, this is not the case, since they can all reproduce with each other, and are thus by definition the same species. I submit that the number of truely different species on the planet may be far lower than has been estimated, and that our clasification system is rather screwed up. Take donkeys and horses. They can reproduce with each other, and in some cases can produce fertile offspring. According to my knowledgable source on such things, there are breeds of mule that can reproduce. Thus, would horses and donkeys not technically be considered the same species? And yet they are classified differently. Same with your typical housepet dog and the wild wolf ([i]canus domesticus[/i] and [i]canus lupus[/i], IIRC). They're classified as different species, even though they are in fact the same, by virtue of reproduction. In fact, the only canid that can't reproduce with other canids is the fox. Thus, are there not only two true species of canines? And thus, could not only either eight, eighteen, or twenty-eight (depending on whether they were considered clean or not) canines been the only ones carried aboard the ark? I reject your numbers, due to my belief that the counting process is flawed. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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