T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 888
Today, at the National Press Club, Congressman Gephardt introduced his 5 points plan. The plan is an effort to address our current economic malaise.
Five points: 1. Targeted assistance to vital areas. Short-term tax cuts for working families and businesses.
2. Draft a framework for a balanced budget.
3. Restore confidence in the marketplace.
4. Protect the pension plans of Americans. Create a system whereby an American has a portable pension plan.
5. Raise minimum wage over three years.
Details: Speech at the National Press Club, 10/15
Member # 31
So, do you have an opinion on this, or are you just a news-source-in-training?
Member # 888
I think Congressman Gephardt's plan will have as much chance to be implented as the President's terrorism insurance which is nil. The Republicans in the House are against raising the wages of working class families and are for tax cuts for investors. Since I am not an economist, I can't see how tax cuts for investors will help our economy.
Member # 417
Raising minimum wage may not be a good thing. Getting companies to lower their prices would be just as effective, or better. Raising MW has the effect of businesses raising their prices and rental rates going up, since the people make more money they can charge more.
Unless you can figure out a way to tie it in to inflation, but if inflation goes up 3% the MW would have to go up 3.1%, or some such thing, or people making MW will never get ahead.
Free ThoughtCrime America
Member # 480
I know I shan't be happy until I can buy a porche whilst working at Burger King.
Member # 205
In effect...
Gephardt: "You're disrupting a well-laid economic plan." Republicans: "Well you can take your well-laid plan and stick it up your well-laid ass."
Turnipsies for the winner.
Member # 510
Nimpim, few things Gephardt has ever talked about or done have been well planned. just so you know.
Member # 31
Interesting, how he came up w/ this plan a month before he's due up for re-election (or otherwise).