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[QUOTE]Originally posted by TSN: [QB] "Natural selection", "evolution", "survival of the fittest"... They're all pretty much the same thing. Basically, they mean that new generations of a species develop various mutations. The ones whose mutations are useful survive, and those traits get passed along, becoming common to the species. So, for example, across most of Africa, there were both light- and dark-skinned children born. However, over time, the light-skinned ones were at a disadvantage and tended to die. So, only the dark-skinned ones were procreating, and, eventually, they were the only ones left. This isn't really a perfect example, since that's a race, not a species. However, that's the way evolution works, on a basic level. That's why it's called "natural selection". Basically, nature selects the people who will pass their genes on, according to their traits. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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