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Posted by Sunspot (Member # 77) on :

Im a lazy person...don't do any housework unless its wiping off the counters. I help with the puppies, and thats about it.

I *could* have a 4.0, but I'm too lazy to do homeowrk and actually study for a test.

I like being outside, but it's chilly here quite often and I don't get much excercise. And I eat like a hog. And I'm getting a bit pudgy.

And it's all my fault! ARGH!


Here we go! Al�, Al�, Al�!
Go, go, go! Al�, Al�, Al�!
Arribe va!! El mundo est� de pie!
Go, Go, Go!! Al�, Al�, Al�!


Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
So. . . you're flaming yourself for being lazy? <8(
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Hey, I've flamed myself for much worse. Hell, I've flamed myself for stuff that isn't even my fault.

"Some people call me the Space Cowboy. Yeah! Some call me the Gangster of Love. Some people call me Maurice. Whoo hoo! 'Cause I speak of the Pompatus of Love!" - Steve Miller Band's The Joker

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I'm confused. A 4.0 what? Is that height, width or girth?

'You want the moon on a stick, don't you?'
-Richard Herring


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
4.0 is (IIRC, and that's remember, not recall) the highest score one can get with the GPA (grade point average) system that some schools in the US have.

"CORUSCANT...DOES NOT COMPUTE...I mean, uh, you're under arrest." - Anonymous battle droid


Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
My school district worked on a 7 point scale, but you could never get a 7.0 gpa. I think the highest one could get was a 6.76...

"Some people call me the Space Cowboy. Yeah! Some call me the Gangster of Love. Some people call me Maurice. Whoo hoo! 'Cause I speak of the Pompatus of Love!" - Steve Miller Band's The Joker

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Wow, the US is almost obsessive in it's anti-metrix hatred.

Would it be too hard for use to use a 10 point scale? Or god forbid; percentages?

'You want the moon on a stick, don't you?'
-Richard Herring


Posted by Coddman (Member # 10) on :
Sunspot: You call THAT Lazy!? *cracks up*

Oh, take it from me, you've a LONG way to go before you can really call yourself lazy. Heheh.

"Where were you on July 14th?"

Posted by Jubilee (Member # 99) on :
Liam, they use percentages and the 10 point scale to grade reports, tests, quizes, etc.....

the Grade Point Average is a compilation of all the grades one receives for all the classes they take.....
If I take 5 courses at college, the 5 grades I recieve are added together and divided by 5. This number grade (anything between 0 and 100) is then translated to the 4.0 scale with 4.0 being a 100..

14 days and counting........
"Never underestimate the light side .......... ...... of duct tape."


Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
Turns out that I'm far too lazy to even reply in this thread.



I am selling only the concept of karmic realignment.
You can't sell that! Karma can only be portioned out by the cosmos.

Posted by Brigman on :
Ah, the scale is not that hard to figure out.

So if you received an A, two B's, a C and a D, your GPA would be (4+3+3+2+1 = 13/5 = 2.6) or a B-.


[This message was edited by Brigman on May 23, 1999.]

Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Don't even get me STARTED on the grading scale! Agh... here in my school district they keep "reworking" the scale to make it so that not so many kids can achieve their goals... I mean, heaven forbid more than ONE person achieve a 4.0 cumulative GPA.... *sigh* For next year, in order to get a 4.0, you pretty much have to get 98% or higher in EVERY class! AND it's required that if you want to be a Validictorian you have to take a certain number of AP classes each year, even though with only 4 periods in a day it's IMPOSSIBLE to schedule all of the AP classes in if you're an arts of foriegn language student.

Oh, yes... my school IS screwed up... but it's okay. I'm not bitter. Really.


"WARNING: Objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear."


Posted by Cargile (Member # 45) on :
Hi. My name is Paul, and I'm lazy too.

Think of it this way, at least we will be in prison together.
Tom to B'Lanna, upon reaching Earth and and being arrested by Tuvok.


Posted by Trinculo on :
A 2.6 is a C to a C+. Colleges require students to pass courses with a C- (2.00). BTW, I graduated from my high school with a GPA of 3.5 and a community college with a GPA of 3.52.
Posted by Simon on :
Another short complaint about the your education system.

Why can't you use the letter E on your report cards? Even in your county F does not follow D. And if you really need your lowest mark to stand for Failure, then why don't you use a six letter system?

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Because if you draw 2 curves on an "E" it becomes a "B."

Most of the kids I know learned that one in elementary school.. just find the same color ink pen that the teacher uses, draw very carefully, and voila! Your parents think you're fairly smart!

"F" is a little harder... but they should really use "X" or something.

You're just JEALOUS because the little voices talk to ME!


Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
It still makes more sense to use percentages for everything, if you ask me. Much more precise. And easier to understand...

Garak: "I do apologize. You must be incensed. In fact, if I were in your shoes, I'd... grab a bottle of champagne and shoot me." (DS9: "Our Man Bashir")

Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
Don't overcomplicate things where complication's not required.

All we're really interested in whe we hear someone's grade is:

the ABCDF scale gives us five coarse gradations between "very well done" and "dolt". If you want finer gradations, you can add a "plus" or "minus" to the letter grade to get (potentially)fifteen gradations ("F+" and "F-" seem particularly meaningless to me. Actually there's 13 useful gradations. If you're superstitious, stay home.)

<Reality=Skewed>The letter grade system does not allow for fine graduation because (and this is not expressly stated in the system, but only implied) teachers are, on average, DOLTS! You don't want to give some martinet too much room to maneuver, so why bother giving them a precision instrument (a percentage scale) when they will wield it as a sledge hammer? Better to give them the "sort 'em into 5 boxes" system we have today. They already have too many opportunities to scar these kids. Let's draw the line with reason.</Reality>


I prefer the company of those who aim low and overshoot the mark
to those who aim at heaven and shoot their fellow man in the head.

Posted by Simon on :
Up here all our report cards are printed by computer, effectiviely destroying that age old cheat.
Posted by The Excalibur (Member # 34) on :
Hi, my name is Ed, and I never clean.



Posted by Cargile (Member # 45) on :
Duh! F as in Fail! I figured that out at an early age.

Think of it this way, at least we will be in prison together.
Tom to B'Lanna, upon reaching Earth and and being arrested by Tuvok.


Posted by Xentrick (Member # 64) on :
(the group) "Hi, Ed!"
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Hi, Ed! My name is Christopher. My favorite subject is recess.

::trips over his left foot::

"Some people call me the Space Cowboy. Yeah! Some call me the Gangster of Love. Some people call me Maurice. Whoo hoo! 'Cause I speak of the Pompatus of Love!" - Steve Miller Band's The Joker

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
"My cat's breath smells like catfood."

"Don't call me at work again. Oh no, the boss still hates me. I'm just tired and I don't love you anymore, and there's a restaurant we should check out where the other nightmare people like to go...I mean nice people, baby wait, I didn't mean to say nightmare."
They Might Be Giants

Posted by Orion Syndicate (Member # 25) on :
The points system here is different. Here's the college 'A' Levels table.

A: 10
B: 8
C: 6
D: 4
E: 2

If you do an 'AS' Level which is worth half an 'A' Level, you just halve the points - not very complicated, and it works.

BTW Yes, passes in college only go as far as an E. After that, you have an N or a U which are both fails, but N is a narrow fail and U is Ungraded, in other words, a pitiful attempt.

The public is wonderfully tolerant - it forgives everything except Genius.


Posted by Sunspot (Member # 77) on :
We use:

A, +/-: 100%-90%
B, +/-: 89%-80%
C, +/-: 79%-70%
D, +/-: 69%-60%
E: 59% and below equals FAIL

Our report cards are on computers now, as well...but there's no way to hack into the system to get the grades. *L*

"Well, I dunno, Katie...I mean, it worked on the sheep and I thought why not try it on your baby?"

Posted by Orion Syndicate (Member # 25) on :
You have to get above 60% to pass? That's crazy! It's nearly always 40% here. Here's my university grading system.

First Class Degree = 70%+
2:1 = 60-69%
2:2 = 50-59
Third = 40-49

You have to get at least 35% in both coursework and exam, and 40% overall in order to pass the module for that year.

Blackadder: I'm King *drops dead*


Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :
well, as far as a 4. scale goes, which is what UNM uses, you know what bites? a 3.9=B+ or maybe just a B. i dunno. least i think it does. pleh. that stinks.

Clones are People Two

"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together"


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I think most UK universities use that grading system don't they Orion. Mine does.
And I've got my first exam tomorrow. Behavioural Neuroscience. Now, if I only knew more about sleep. Mmm, sweet sweet sleep.

'You want the moon on a stick, don't you?'
-Richard Herring


Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
You can pass with a 40!? I wouldn't let anyone with less than half the knowledge of a procedure to operate on me!

Garak: "I do apologize. You must be incensed. In fact, if I were in your shoes, I'd... grab a bottle of champagne and shoot me." (DS9: "Our Man Bashir")

Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
Could be perhaps introduce a Fourth class degree?

*returns to study strange words he seems to have written in a lecture sometime...*

"Now then, I believe Random Pavarotti disease is a psychological ailment and we should find it in the otherworldliness of Vince's brain."
"Ohw, rubbish. I reckon Random Pavarotti disease is a physical condition......
Let's go and look at 'is bum!"

-Rex the Runt


Posted by Orion Syndicate (Member # 25) on :
You can pass with 40% but I doubt that anyone is going to employ anyone based on that 40%. They'd probably laugh in the persons face. Recruitment is based on results, and hobbies, interests, etc....

They want to know if you have a life outside of the books too.

Liam: Your first exam is pretty late. I've just had my fifth today - Employee Relations. What a delight it is, it is, honestly..erm... I had four exams in four days last week - I'm still having nightmares.

Monty: If anyone ever got a fourth class degree, I think that they'd happily bury themselves alive - I know I would. Then again, I'd probably bury myself if I get a third.
Blackadder: I'm King *drops dead*

[This message was edited by Orion Syndicate on May 26, 1999.]

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I know it's late. And I've got 3 over 2 days next week, all at bloody 9 in the morning. I HATE BR.
Still, the exam went okay. Because I'm in a slightly high mood, here are the questions I answered:
The Geschwind-Wernicke model of language organistation in the brain has been widely debated. Decribe the evidence on which is was based and evaluate the extent to which it has stood the test of time.

Give an account of the evidence for and against the passive theory of sleep

Discuss how classical conditioning principles have been invoked to help us explain the development of tolerance to morphine.

Pretty sure that I nailed the first and third questions. Had loads of trouble with the second.

Okay, you can all wake up now.

'You want the moon on a stick, don't you?'
-Richard Herring


Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :
I transcend laziness.
I consider idle sloth to be a form of artistic expression! Every day I seek new aveneues to express my inner being through general inactivity.

As for exams, I oscillate between in the first instance becoming complacent since there is still 8 weeks to go, and then ultimately fatalist, oh well, only 2 weeks to go...I'm doomed. Might as well start work on another lazy masterpiece and fall asleeep in a chair or something.

"It seems strange that I, Kudos, a doubter, should be given this luxurious window seat whilst you.... AGEING with age, rot away in that disgrace of an aisle seat. Ha, Hah!
Where is your God now old woman?!"
"Jesus, I'm sorry I asked...!"



Posted by The Excalibur (Member # 34) on :
Monty is God!!!!!!
The only way I ever got a good grade on a paper i had to write, was to wait until T-24 hours, then start. Worked every time, I seem to work better under pressure.



Posted by Orion Syndicate (Member # 25) on :
I work better under pressure because I know that I just have to get the stuff done. That said, I did spend more time on revision this year than I usually do - probably because this year counts as 25% of my final degree mark.

Blackadder: I'm King *drops dead*


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