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Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
But I like picking on Macs...

My friend bought an iMac, a purple one, and he is so frustrated cuz all the stuff he wants he can only find for pcs...

So I get to pick on him too.

"We are all a product of the environment we live in.... the rest, good or bad, may be free will." Charles C. Bohnam

Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Well, there you go. He can't use it, but hey! Who cares? It's purple. 8)

"I also received an interesting, if some-what perplexing, note from a 13-year-old lad who asked if I "had a clue." I fear I cannot adequately answer, as I am not aware of any immediate clues at hand; but that is not to say there are none present." - T. Herman Zweibel

Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :

Martha Stewart has an iWhack. Go figure.

addendum: a pink one, no less *LOL*
Clones are People Two

"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together"

[This message was edited by Jedi Weyoun on June 02, 1999.]

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Jeff: What stuff?

Weyoun: There aren't any pink iMacs.

"You're a real colonel, right?" - Taco Bell Chihuahua to Colonel Sanders, facing an army of battle droids

Posted by Pedro on :
I just want to know when they'll start putting lights in those things...just picture the amazing neon glow emitting from that shiny shell....*L*

A customer of ours was shocked the other day to find that he cannot configure his DSL modem/router because it uses a serial connection, and the iMac has no serial port. He's off in search of a USB->Serial connector....heheh...

Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
He said he wants CorelDraw, but can't find the apple version in stores.

Other than that, I'll have to ask him...

"We are all a product of the environment we live in.... the rest, good or bad, may be free will." Charles C. Bohnam

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Gah! Don't buy computer stuff in stores. That's what mail-order is for.

I just looked through a few catalogs (MacMall, MacZone, MacWarehouse, MacConnection) and they all have CorelDraw.

"You're a real colonel, right?" - Taco Bell Chihuahua to Colonel Sanders, facing an army of battle droids

Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :
*RaE* No pink iMacs? I'm positive I've seen them.

*wanders the net awhile to find the source of her confusion*

Clones are People Two

"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together"


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Well, there are red iMacs, but they certainly don't qualify as pink. That is, any more than a power button can eject a floppy disk.

"You're a real colonel, right?" - Taco Bell Chihuahua to Colonel Sanders, facing an army of battle droids

Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :
My humblest apologies, I stand corrected. Martha Stewart does not own a 'pink' iWhack, she owns a STRAWBERRY iWhack. Yes, you heard right. they don't even come in COLORS--they come in FLAVORS!!!! *rolls eyes and mumbles something about what'd you'd expect from a company called 'Apple"*


Clones are People Two

"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together"

[This message was edited by Jedi Weyoun on June 03, 1999.]

[This message was edited by Jedi Weyoun on June 03, 1999.]

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Strawberry, Tangerine, Blueberry, Grape, and Lime.

"You're a real colonel, right?" - Taco Bell Chihuahua to Colonel Sanders, facing an army of battle droids

Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
*eyes iMacs and can only think of...* Have you had your break today?

Vreenak: "The man who started the war with the Dominion... Somehow I thought you'd be taller." (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")

Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :
*shakes her head at the absurdity of all this* I'll bet there's people out there stupid enough to think if they lick the stupid things, it'll actually TASTE like blueberry, strawberry, tangerine, grape or lime........of all the...

Clones are People Two

"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together"


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Just like there are people stupid enough to think that a computer's power button will eject a floppy disk.

"You're a real colonel, right?" - Taco Bell Chihuahua to Colonel Sanders, facing an army of battle droids

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Yes, when it's perfectly obvious that the 'put away' command hidden in the FILE menu is used to eject a floppy disk. (not)

'There's no meat in beer, right?'
-Joey Tribiani

Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :
*will refrain from bopping the people making comments about eject buttons* if there is a button beside a slot into which one inserts a disk, it is only LOGICAL to assume that said button would eject the disk. granted, there was an 'on/off' sign on it, but THE DAMN THING WAS NEXT TO THE DISK DRIVE FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!

*SIGH* okay. i'm done. 'anger, fear, aggression, the dark side are they'. *chuckles*

Clones are People Two

"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together"


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
The button isn't next to the floppy at's at the bottom of the front, several inches down.

"You're a real colonel, right?" - Taco Bell Chihuahua to Colonel Sanders, facing an army of battle droids

Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :
Frank: On the one I used, it was RIGHT next to it. Maybe it was just a *real* old model, but that's EXACTLY where it was.


"A Jedi craves not these things"


Clones are People Two

"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together"

[This message was edited by Jedi Weyoun on June 03, 1999.]

[This message was edited by Jedi Weyoun on June 03, 1999.]

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
There was only one case with the form-factor I mentioned, so that had to be it. I have one, actually.

"You're a real colonel, right?" - Taco Bell Chihuahua to Colonel Sanders, facing an army of battle droids

Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :
Ahhhhhh...well it was a uni computer anyway. several others that we have are "Komodos"...aptly named for how slow they run, no doubt. hehe

Clones are People Two

"The Force is like duct tape: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together"


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