Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons; for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.
As for the Christian thing, I'd tend to argue that other religions are seldom mentioned because they simply don't carry the same weight in America. How many Muslims have you ever met, for instance, compared to Christians? And so on.
"Stirs a large iron pot. Casting a spell on Vermont."
John Linnell
If this is the future, then where are all the flying cars?
Whoah! American Politics!
*turns around and leaves*
"NO! NO! Kill you all!
The following website shows exactly the sort of person many non-Christians believe Christians are:
If the above site were done be Christians, I would hope it was a clever rebuke of the foolish (and oft times asinine) behavior displayed in the name of Christ. I'm not ashamed of Christ, but I sure am ashamed of many of the things done in his name.
[Post-edit P.S.: The Landover Baptist Church is a satire. If you look carefully you can find the disclaimers.]
If this is the future, then where are all the flying cars?
[This message has been edited by Baloo (edited October 31, 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Baloo (edited October 31, 1999).]
"Diplomacy is the art of Internationalising an issue to your advantage"
Field Marshal Military Project
I've done a lot of personal surveying, and I've pretty much decided that the Christian Community can be divided into Good, Bad, and Sheepish. ( Before anyone gets really upset, let me add that I've found that this division applies to pretty much EVERY social tapestry out there, including trekkies.)
You got quite a number of good ones. People who follow the spirit of JC's teachings, (although not always the letter), are non-judgemental, who believe that if you can't say something good you should at least be patient. They're calm, nice, genuinely helpful folks. My grandmother was one, and I've known a number of others. I wish I could say I've known only them.
However, you've got an awful lot of "Bad" ones. And you can't always recognize them, because they have a "Goodness Cloak" a lot of the time. Televangelists, the guy who runs the "godhatesfags" site, people who would rather bomb their opponents than talk to them, white supremacist "christians" campaigning for a "pure white christian America", and so forth, down to the petty politicking and backstabbing that goes on in a surprisingly large amount of local churches. They're loud, visible, and often charismatic. They seem to be drawn to politics like a moth to flame.
Then there's the sheepish. They do what they're told. They don't ask questions, they don't want to "rock the boat," they like the status quo because it's smiling on them. These are the folks who sit on the sidelines and watch the Inquisition and the book burnings and mutter "isn't that awful," ... but they keep sitting. Very often they end up in thrall to the bad ones, simply because the bad ones have loads of charisma.
These last two are the ones I have the problem with.
'In every country and in every age the priest has been hostile to Liberty; he is always in allegiance to the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection of his own." ---- Thomas Jefferson
Pat Buchanan is to Christianity what fur balls are to cats. His sister's a lovely piece of work, too. However, since this election promises to be even more diabolically dull than usual, it should be fun to watch him mix it up with the assorted nut jobs and cranks in the Independent Party.