T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 426
The French police confiscated 5 grams of weapons grade uraninum from a few wierdos in a van on a Paris street. Here is the link below, however, sense this story has yet to show up on English sites, this link is in French. Don't worry. Below it I've included a link to a translation site. http://www.france2.fr/infosgen/news-fr/104.htm www.freetranslation.com I'm curious. How much weapons grade uranium is needed to create a bomb? [ July 23, 2001: Message edited by: MIB ]
Vogon Poet
Member # 393
A lot more than 5 grammes.
Member # 426
That's good news at least. But you know what they say. Every little bit helps/counts. That depends on which version you use.
Jay the Obscure
Member # 19
Oh pooh. It's just free enterprise at work. Right Omega?
Member # 426
*as Omega* Why of coarse!! We need to get a uranium trade going amung the people. The taxes we can charge on it can give W a bigger excuse to make the worthless tax cut bigger, not to mention the fact that we can expand funding for the Star Wars defense system that doesn't do squat against nukes coming in via truck. Sorry Omega. No hurt feelings intended. I'm just having some fun before my lynching and painful execution.
[ July 23, 2001: Message edited by: MIB ]
Member # 509
Hate to burst your bubble, MIB. 5 grams of U235 (or other fissionable material) does not need to be made into a bomb to be a weapon of mass destruction.If the metal were ground into a fine powder, and then introduced into the city's water supply, they could kill or maim hundreds or thousands. Hardly funny.
Member # 91
MIB, you're an idiot. You do realize that, don't you?
Member # 426
quote: Originally posted by Treknophyle: If the metal were ground into a fine powder, and then introduced into the city's water supply.
Ahh yes. Radiological weapons. It's such a nasty way to die. I don't think I spelled radiological correctly.
[ July 23, 2001: Message edited by: MIB ]
Member # 73
I don't think radiological's a word at all.
Jay the Obscure
Member # 19
It looks like one right there on the screen.
Member # 528
Radiological: ra-dio-log-i-cal Function: Adjective Date: 1909 1: of or relating to radiology 2: of or relation to nuclear radiation
Member # 528
I saw a show about WMD (weapons of mass destruction) they had things like arsenic, and cyanide. real nasty stuff, not to mention the nukes, and pioson gas. it was pretty cool. it had cool CG models on how nuclear fallout would spread acording to wind patterns. and stuff
Jernau Morat Gurgeh
Member # 318
FYI I'm not sure but I think the critical mass of Uranium (235) is about 10kg.