T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
The First One
Member # 35
"Who are you? What do you want? Why are you here? Where are you going?"And so it ends. This is my last CapCom. I've decided not to do them anymore, because I just don't enjoy them anymore. They've become a chore, and I think that's reflected in the response they've been getting. Far better to bow out now. Who will take over? I don't know. Liam maybe, or someone else. I think they need a rest. But that''s up to you lot to decide. I hope you'll agree, and if you're unsure why, remember this: you can't stop a fifth series of Star Trek, but you can stop the CapComs! I'll be watching with interest. It was. . . fun. Series creator J. Michael Straczinski as The Man Who Turns Off The Lights. "This is how the world ends, swallowed in fire, but not in darkness. You will live on. The voice of all our ancestors, the voice of our fathers and our mothers to the last generation. We created the world we think you would have wished for and now we leave the cradle for the last time."
Member # 22
Straczinski: I have to use all my concentration to keep myself from sticking my hand into this live power conduit! Wait a minute... Deep Space Nine's on! Those idiots stole my ending! Those rotten... Uh oh!*ZAP* ------------------ "Alright... Who wrote 'Beavis and Butthead rule' on the back of my skull?" - Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek Parody, The Critic
Member # 167
And here we have a photo of Liam, posting the next Capcoms.------------------ Outside of a dog, a book is a mans best friend. Inside of a dog, it's to dark to read. Groucho Marx
Member # 64
The First One flips the switch.Computer voice: "Warning. You now have 5 minutes to reach minimum safe distance." The First One: "All good things..."
Jeff Raven
Member # 20
Dagwood get tired of Seaquest and gets a job on Babylon 5...------------------ "Freedom is best, I tell thee true, of all things to be won. Then never live within the bond of slavery, my son." - The real William Wallace
Member # 99
JMS: "Do not go gentle into that good night.... Rage! Rage, against the dying of the light!"------------------ "...when all that is driving my heart forward is you, thoughts of you, hopes for you, and a fading dream with a Mona Lisa smile that whispers "are you thinking of me too?" 46 days till the dreams become reality...
Member # 37
Straczinski: Why didn't I do this earlier?------------------ "I am Sci-Fi" -The 359
Member # 37
Straczinski: I had no idea it was going to end in such tragedy...------------------ "I am Sci-Fi" -The 359
Member # 37
Straczinski: Hey, wait, what's this behind this wall?*pulls out a large pile of papers* Straczinski: Hmmm....ideas for a 3rd Star Trek Series set on a space station. Dated.......wait, this is dated BEFORE I came up with Babylon 5! DAMNIT! I really must have stolen the idea from Paramount! *The First One Appears* First One: No JMS....you didn't steal the idea for Babylon 5 from Paramount... *The First One waves a small gold watch in front of JMS, putting him in a trance* Straczinski: I...didn't...steal...from...Paramount... ------------------ "I am Sci-Fi" -The 359
Member # 167
Garibaldi: Kosh said it would end in fire, No problemo!------------------ Outside of a dog, a book is a mans best friend. Inside of a dog, it's to dark to read. Groucho Marx
Curry Monster
Member # 12
"How many wankers does it take to change a lightbulb...?"------------------ "Diplomacy is the art of Internationalising an issue to your advantage" Field Marshal Military Project http://fieldmarshal.virtualave.net
Jeff Raven
Member # 20
JMS: Damn, I wish this was Energy Star compliant...------------------ Capcoms Forever! Long Live the Great and Almight Capcom!
Elim Garak
Member # 14
"Smile! You're on Candid Camera."------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")
The First One
Member # 35
Well, here goes. The winner is , er, I mean . Runners-up are Kosh and Xentrick.*pulls switch* *darkness rushes in* Oh, bugger. I forgot the torch. Now how do I get to that shuttle? *walks into bulkhead* D'Oh! Oh - and, one more thing. . . *Schwarzenegger speak* I'll be back. . . 8) The CapComs April 1998 - October 1999
Member # 64
time for the wake?
Member # 167
Salute!!------------------ "One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila, Floor". George Carlin
Member # 99
No Wake. No funeral. A smile, a tear, and a soft goodbye. That's all.------------------ "...when all that is driving my heart forward is you, thoughts of you, hopes for you, and a fading dream with a Mona Lisa smile that whispers "are you thinking of me too?" 33 days till the dreams become reality...
First of Two
Member # 16
"...be seeing you..."------------------ 'In every country and in every age the priest has been hostile to Liberty; he is always in allegiance to the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection of his own." ---- Thomas Jefferson